

JEREMY KAHN 2023-03-16

谷歌云首席执行官托马斯·库里安宣布了一系列针对Google Workspace和谷歌云用户提供的新生成式人工智能功能。不过,谷歌太急于抢在微软发布竞争性公告之前发布消息,连定价尚未确定就宣布开放访问其人工智能模型。图片来源:MICHAEL SHORT—BLOOMBERG VIA GETTY IMAGES





对大多数人来说最重要的消息是,谷歌表示,流行的办公效率工具(如谷歌文档、工作表和幻灯片)中将添加生成性人工智能功能。新功能之一就是人们能通过文本框唤起谷歌人工智能,自动起草几乎任何类型的文档,或者为表格数据创建不同类型的图表。用户可以高亮显示文本,要求谷歌人工智能编辑或改写成不同的语气和风格。还可以在Gmail里自动起草邮件或总结邮件会话内容。在Google Meet里可以生成新的虚拟背景并自动创建谈话笔记,同步生成摘要。


除了PaLM,谷歌还为人工智能开发者和数据科学家推出了更新的Vertex AI平台。人们可通过该平台访问大型基础模型,不仅来自谷歌,还来自其不断壮大的人工智能实验室联盟生态系统,如Anthropic和Cohere,以及AI21实验室和Midjourney,等等。谷歌还推出了名为Generative AI App Builder的软件,技术实力稍弱的团队也能利用生成性人工智能模型快速构建并推出定制应用。

谷歌表示,用户可以使用Vertex AI和Generative AI App Builder两大新功能:一是企业搜索工具,可以用谷歌搜索挖掘自己的数据,包括CRM或ERP软件生成的数据,以及内部网站和其他文档,最后仅返回知识库中搜到的结果。然后相关结果可用于自然语言任务,如摘要、情感分析或问答,降低了语言模型虚构信息或从其预训练数据而不是客户自己数据中提取信息的风险。另一项新功能是类似聊天机器人的“对话式人工智能”功能,客户可为相关搜索、自然语言处理和生成人工智能功能配置用户界面。

谷歌宣布了首批“可信测试者”,相关企业可以立即访问新的人工智能服务,包括丰田(Toyota)、德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)、HCA Healthcare、Equifax、Starz电视网和梅奥诊所(Mayo Clinic)等。该公司表示,未来几周内将大规模推出新产品和新功能。此举充分体现人工智能技术竞赛多么激烈,新闻发布会上谷歌云业务首席执行官托马斯·库里安被迫承认,尽管谷歌不断发布新产品,但尚未确定如何定价。库里安说,之前谷歌总是以免费开源方式提供人工智能服务,或者相关技术只是“嵌入到既有产品中”。“这是谷歌第一次采用新的通用人工智能模型,而且开发人员可通过API均可访问,”他说。

谷歌关于新产品的新闻稿宣扬对“负责任的人工智能”的承诺,发布的新功能也不断强调该主题,称Vertex AI和Generative AI App Builder包括“检查、理解和修改模型行为”的工具,新系统的信息检索使用了传统搜索算法,减少了答案不准确的风险。但库里安并未明确说明谷歌如何向客户保证,其大型语言模型唤起后不会出现不恰当的反应——或者更糟的是,聊天机器人可能从友好的助手变成脾气暴躁、满口辱骂和威胁的“魔鬼”,正如测试人员在微软新必应上发现的情况一样。谷歌也没提到是否计划采取措施,阻止用户在其广受欢迎的办公效率工具中利用生成性人工智能功能,故意制造错误信息或在论文中作弊。

对此的担忧与日俱增。原因之一可能是,大多研究人员都在科技巨头工作,如果他们有越界举动就会丢了工作。科技新闻网站The Verge和Casey Newton旗下的The Platformer刚刚透露,微软最近解散了人工智能道德和社会团队——该核心小组一直努力提醒人们担心微软正建设的诸多先进人工智能系统,并敦促公司放缓推出生成性人工智能的速度。一些伦理专家被分配到其他团队。一些人则遭到解雇。微软经理向团队宣布团队重组的一段录音泄露给了Casey Newton,录音中清楚表明,首席执行官萨提亚·纳德拉和首席技术官凯文·斯科特施加压力,要求尽快在全公司推广OpenAI的先进人工智能技术,不管是质疑该决定还是质疑推进速度都不受欢迎。







对大多数人来说最重要的消息是,谷歌表示,流行的办公效率工具(如谷歌文档、工作表和幻灯片)中将添加生成性人工智能功能。新功能之一就是人们能通过文本框唤起谷歌人工智能,自动起草几乎任何类型的文档,或者为表格数据创建不同类型的图表。用户可以高亮显示文本,要求谷歌人工智能编辑或改写成不同的语气和风格。还可以在Gmail里自动起草邮件或总结邮件会话内容。在Google Meet里可以生成新的虚拟背景并自动创建谈话笔记,同步生成摘要。


除了PaLM,谷歌还为人工智能开发者和数据科学家推出了更新的Vertex AI平台。人们可通过该平台访问大型基础模型,不仅来自谷歌,还来自其不断壮大的人工智能实验室联盟生态系统,如Anthropic和Cohere,以及AI21实验室和Midjourney,等等。谷歌还推出了名为Generative AI App Builder的软件,技术实力稍弱的团队也能利用生成性人工智能模型快速构建并推出定制应用。

谷歌表示,用户可以使用Vertex AI和Generative AI App Builder两大新功能:一是企业搜索工具,可以用谷歌搜索挖掘自己的数据,包括CRM或ERP软件生成的数据,以及内部网站和其他文档,最后仅返回知识库中搜到的结果。然后相关结果可用于自然语言任务,如摘要、情感分析或问答,降低了语言模型虚构信息或从其预训练数据而不是客户自己数据中提取信息的风险。另一项新功能是类似聊天机器人的“对话式人工智能”功能,客户可为相关搜索、自然语言处理和生成人工智能功能配置用户界面。

谷歌宣布了首批“可信测试者”,相关企业可以立即访问新的人工智能服务,包括丰田(Toyota)、德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)、HCA Healthcare、Equifax、Starz电视网和梅奥诊所(Mayo Clinic)等。该公司表示,未来几周内将大规模推出新产品和新功能。此举充分体现人工智能技术竞赛多么激烈,新闻发布会上谷歌云业务首席执行官托马斯·库里安被迫承认,尽管谷歌不断发布新产品,但尚未确定如何定价。库里安说,之前谷歌总是以免费开源方式提供人工智能服务,或者相关技术只是“嵌入到既有产品中”。“这是谷歌第一次采用新的通用人工智能模型,而且开发人员可通过API均可访问,”他说。

谷歌关于新产品的新闻稿宣扬对“负责任的人工智能”的承诺,发布的新功能也不断强调该主题,称Vertex AI和Generative AI App Builder包括“检查、理解和修改模型行为”的工具,新系统的信息检索使用了传统搜索算法,减少了答案不准确的风险。但库里安并未明确说明谷歌如何向客户保证,其大型语言模型唤起后不会出现不恰当的反应——或者更糟的是,聊天机器人可能从友好的助手变成脾气暴躁、满口辱骂和威胁的“魔鬼”,正如测试人员在微软新必应上发现的情况一样。谷歌也没提到是否计划采取措施,阻止用户在其广受欢迎的办公效率工具中利用生成性人工智能功能,故意制造错误信息或在论文中作弊。

对此的担忧与日俱增。原因之一可能是,大多研究人员都在科技巨头工作,如果他们有越界举动就会丢了工作。科技新闻网站The Verge和Casey Newton旗下的The Platformer刚刚透露,微软最近解散了人工智能道德和社会团队——该核心小组一直努力提醒人们担心微软正建设的诸多先进人工智能系统,并敦促公司放缓推出生成性人工智能的速度。一些伦理专家被分配到其他团队。一些人则遭到解雇。微软经理向团队宣布团队重组的一段录音泄露给了Casey Newton,录音中清楚表明,首席执行官萨提亚·纳德拉和首席技术官凯文·斯科特施加压力,要求尽快在全公司推广OpenAI的先进人工智能技术,不管是质疑该决定还是质疑推进速度都不受欢迎。



Greetings. It promises to be (another) massive week in A.I. news. And that’s leaving aside the lingering effects that the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank may have on some A.I. startups and the venture funds backing them.

Right as this newsletter was going to press, OpenAI released its long-anticipated GPT-4 model. The new model is multimodal, accepting both images and text as inputs, although it only generates text as its output. According to data released by OpenAI, GPT-4 performs much better than GPT-3.5, its latest model, and the one that powers ChatGPT, on a whole range of benchmark tests, including a battery of different tests designed for humans. For instance, GPT-4 scores well enough to be within the top 10% of test takers on a simulated bar exam. OpenAI also says that GPT-4 is safer than GPT-3.5—returning more factual answers and it’s much more difficult to get GPT-4 to jump its guardrails than has been the case with GPT-3.5.

But, the company is also saying that the model is still flawed. It will still hallucinate—making up information. And OpenAI notes that in some ways hallucination might be more of an issue because GPT-4 does this less often, so people might get very complacent about the answers it produces. It is also still possible to get the model to churn out biased and toxic language. OpenAI is saying very little about how big a model GPT-4 actually is, how many specialized graphics processing units it took to train it, or exactly what data it was trained on. It says it wants to keep these details secret for both competitive and safety reasons. I’ll no doubt be writing much more about GPT-4 in next week’s newsletter. But my initial take is that GPT-4 looks like a big step forward, but not a revolutionary advance over what OpenAI and others have been racing to put into production over the past two months. And it will only heighten the debate about whether tech companies, including OpenAI, are being irresponsible by putting this powerful technology in the hands of consumers and customers despite its persistent flaws and drawbacks.

Meanwhile, Microsoft is expected to unveil a range of A.I.-powered enhancements to its Office software suite on Thursday. And Baidu, the Chinese search giant, has a big announcement scheduled for later this week. Google, which was caught flat-footed by the viral popularity of ChatGPT and OpenAI’s alliance with Microsoft, is eager to prove that it’s not about to be sidelined in the A.I. race. And the big news today before OpenAI’s GPT-4 announcement was that Google had beaten Microsoft out of the gate with a bunch of big A.I. announcements of its own.

For most people, the main news is that the search giant said it is adding generative-A.I. features to its popular Workspace productivity tools, such as Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides. Among the things people will now be able to do is use a text box to prompt Google’s A.I. to automatically draft almost any kind of document, or to create different kinds of charts for Sheets data. Users can highlight text and ask Google’s A.I. to edit it for them or rewrite it in a different tone and style. You will also be able to automatically draft emails or summarize entire email threads in Gmail. In Google Meet you will be able to generate new virtual backgrounds and automatically create notes of conversations, complete with summaries.

But equally important was the other news Google announced: The company is allowing enterprise customers to tap its most advanced family of large language models—called PaLM —through an application programming interface on Google Cloud.

Beyond PaLM, it has also launched an updated set of its Vertex AI platform for A.I. developers and data scientists. The platform allows them access to large foundation models, not just from Google, but from its growing ecosystem of allied A.I. labs, such as Anthropic and Cohere, as well as AI21 Labs and Midjourney. And it has launched a set of software, called Generative AI App Builder, that will allow slightly less technical teams to quickly build and roll out custom applications using generative A.I. models.

For both Vertex AI and the Generative AI App Builder, Google says users will have access to two new related capabilities: The first is an enterprise search tool that will allow them to perform Google searches across their own data—including data generated by CRM or ERP software, as well as internal websites and other documents—and return results only from that knowledge base. These results can then be used for natural language tasks, such as summarization, sentiment analysis, or question-answering, with less risk that the language model will simply invent information or draw information from its pretraining data rather than the customer’s own data. The other new capability is a chatbot-like “conversational A.I.” function that customers can deploy to act as the user interface for these search, natural language processing, and generative A.I. capabilities.

Google announced a group of initial “trusted testers” who will have immediate access to these new A.I. services including Toyota, Deutsche Bank, HCA Healthcare, Equifax, the television network Starz, and the Mayo Clinic, among others. The new products and features will be rolled out more broadly in the coming weeks, the company said. But it was a sign of just how intense this A.I. technology race has become that Thomas Kurian, the CEO of Google’s Cloud business, was forced to acknowledge during the press briefing that although Google was releasing these new products without having yet worked out exactly how to price them. In the past, Kurian said, Google had always made its A.I. advances available as free, open-source releases or the technology was simply “embedded in our products.” “This is the first time we are taking our new, general A.I. models and making them accessible to the developer community with an API,” he said.

Google’s press release on its new products touted the company’s commitment to “Responsible AI” and it tried to position its release under this rubric, noting that Vertex AI and Generative AI App Builder include tools to “inspect, understand, and modify model behavior” and that the information retrieval aspects of the new systems used traditional search algorithms, lessening the risk of inaccurate answers. But Kurian did not say exactly what sort of guarantees Google could offer customers that its large language models could not be prompted in ways that would elicit inaccurate responses—or worse, might morph their chatbot from a friendly assistant into a petulant, abusive, and threatening “devil-on-your-shoulder,” as testers discovered with Microsoft’s Bing. It also did not address whether Google was planning to take any steps to prevent users of its very popular Workspace tools from using the new generative A.I. features to deliberately churn out misinformation or to cheat on school essays.

Concern about this is growing.One reason may be that most of those researchers are now embedded inside big tech companies and if they step out of line, they get fired. Tech news site The Verge and Casey Newton’s The Platformer just revealed that Microsoft recently disbanded its A.I. ethics and society team—a central group that had been trying to raise concerns about many of the advanced A.I. systems Microsoft was building and had been urging the company to slow down the speed of its generative A.I. roll out. Some of the ethics experts were assigned to other teams. Some were fired. An audio recording of a Microsoft manager addressing the team about its restructuring that leaked to Newton made it clear that there was pressure from CEO Satya Nadella and CTO Kevin Scott to roll out OpenAI’s advanced A.I. technology throughout the company as quickly as possible and that questioning that decision or its pace was not appreciated.

Now Microsoft still has another corporate Office of Responsible AI, but its role is more to set high-level principals, frameworks, and processes—not to conduct the actual safety and ethical checks. The disbanding of the A.I. ethics group is further evidence of why the tech industry should not be trusted to self-regulate when it comes to A.I. ethics or safety and why government regulation is urgently needed.
