

Bankrate 2023-01-22

按照市值计算,纽约证券交易所是全球最大的证券交易所。图片来源:GETTY IMAGES


纽约证券交易所(New York Stock Exchange)是全球最大的证券交易所。其总部位于纽约市的华尔街11号和布罗德街18号,是全球知名度最高和最被认可的证券交易所。纽约证券交易所成立于1792年,2006年成为一家上市公司。1971年至2006年,它一直是一家非盈利公司。







• 新年

• 马丁路德金纪念日

• 华盛顿诞辰纪念日

• 耶稣受难日

• 美国阵亡将士纪念日

• 六月节

• 独立日

• 劳动节

• 感恩节

• 圣诞节


1792年5月17日,纽约市的20多位股票经纪商和交易商签署了《梧桐树协议》(Buttonwood Agreement)。据称该交易的名称是源于早期的股票交易在梧桐树下进行。这份简短的文件列明了证券交易的基本原则,包括佣金、交易时间和经纪商之间的竞业禁止协议等。该协议旨在应对同年3月和4月发生的金融恐慌。

最初的股票交易并不正规,主要在附近的咖啡厅内进行。但1817年,该组织通过了一份章程,成立了纽约证券交易委员会(New York Stock & Exchange Board)。后更名为目前我们使用的名称。1865年,纽约证券交易所搬至布罗德街,目前依旧有部分业务位于这条大街,但在此期间纽约证券交易所不断扩张。




2013年,洲际交易所(Intercontinental Exchange)(NYSE: ICE)收购纽约证券交易所,成为其母公司。洲际交易所是2000年成立的一家美国公司。

在成立至今的200年间,纽约证券交易所并购了多家公司,包括美国证券交易所(American Stock Exchange)。


关于第一家证券交易所的起源一直没有定论。有学者指出,1602年荷兰东印度公司(Dutch East India Company)的成立,是易转让股票的开始。到1680年,公众开始参与今天已知的交易,例如期货和期权交易。该公司最后变成了阿姆斯特丹证券交易所(Amsterdam Stock Exchange),2000年与其他多家交易所合并成泛欧交易所(Euronext)。

另外一个竞争者是法兰克福证券交易所(Frankfurt Stock Exchange),又被称为法兰克福交易所(Borse Frankfurt)。该交易所号称成立于1585年。在当年的城市市集上,商户们共同确定了统一的汇率。此外,法兰克福证券交易所的来源可以追溯到11世纪和12世纪开展商业和货币交易的中世纪市集,最终使法兰克福成为1500年代初期的银行业和贸易中心。


纽约证券交易所按照市值计算是全球最大的证券交易所。截至2022年年底,纳斯达克(Nasdaq)和上海证券交易所(Shanghai Stock Exchange)分别排在第二位和第三位。


纳斯达克存在的时间比纽约证券交易所更短。纳斯达克成立于1971年,是全球第一个电子证券市场。更重要的是,与纽约证券交易所不同,纳斯达克没有交易大厅。相反,所有交易均为电子交易,位于时代广场(Time Square)的纳斯达克交易中心(MarketSite)是一家广播工作室。纳斯达克的上市费用和最低收益规定低于纽约证券交易所,因此更方便小型企业上市。这使纳斯达克比纽约证券交易所更有可能吸引更多高增长和高波动性的股票。







纽约证券交易所(New York Stock Exchange)是全球最大的证券交易所。其总部位于纽约市的华尔街11号和布罗德街18号,是全球知名度最高和最被认可的证券交易所。纽约证券交易所成立于1792年,2006年成为一家上市公司。1971年至2006年,它一直是一家非盈利公司。







• 新年

• 马丁路德金纪念日

• 华盛顿诞辰纪念日

• 耶稣受难日

• 美国阵亡将士纪念日

• 六月节

• 独立日

• 劳动节

• 感恩节

• 圣诞节


1792年5月17日,纽约市的20多位股票经纪商和交易商签署了《梧桐树协议》(Buttonwood Agreement)。据称该交易的名称是源于早期的股票交易在梧桐树下进行。这份简短的文件列明了证券交易的基本原则,包括佣金、交易时间和经纪商之间的竞业禁止协议等。该协议旨在应对同年3月和4月发生的金融恐慌。

最初的股票交易并不正规,主要在附近的咖啡厅内进行。但1817年,该组织通过了一份章程,成立了纽约证券交易委员会(New York Stock & Exchange Board)。后更名为目前我们使用的名称。1865年,纽约证券交易所搬至布罗德街,目前依旧有部分业务位于这条大街,但在此期间纽约证券交易所不断扩张。




2013年,洲际交易所(Intercontinental Exchange)(NYSE: ICE)收购纽约证券交易所,成为其母公司。洲际交易所是2000年成立的一家美国公司。

在成立至今的200年间,纽约证券交易所并购了多家公司,包括美国证券交易所(American Stock Exchange)。


关于第一家证券交易所的起源一直没有定论。有学者指出,1602年荷兰东印度公司(Dutch East India Company)的成立,是易转让股票的开始。到1680年,公众开始参与今天已知的交易,例如期货和期权交易。该公司最后变成了阿姆斯特丹证券交易所(Amsterdam Stock Exchange),2000年与其他多家交易所合并成泛欧交易所(Euronext)。

另外一个竞争者是法兰克福证券交易所(Frankfurt Stock Exchange),又被称为法兰克福交易所(Borse Frankfurt)。该交易所号称成立于1585年。在当年的城市市集上,商户们共同确定了统一的汇率。此外,法兰克福证券交易所的来源可以追溯到11世纪和12世纪开展商业和货币交易的中世纪市集,最终使法兰克福成为1500年代初期的银行业和贸易中心。


纽约证券交易所按照市值计算是全球最大的证券交易所。截至2022年年底,纳斯达克(Nasdaq)和上海证券交易所(Shanghai Stock Exchange)分别排在第二位和第三位。


纳斯达克存在的时间比纽约证券交易所更短。纳斯达克成立于1971年,是全球第一个电子证券市场。更重要的是,与纽约证券交易所不同,纳斯达克没有交易大厅。相反,所有交易均为电子交易,位于时代广场(Time Square)的纳斯达克交易中心(MarketSite)是一家广播工作室。纳斯达克的上市费用和最低收益规定低于纽约证券交易所,因此更方便小型企业上市。这使纳斯达克比纽约证券交易所更有可能吸引更多高增长和高波动性的股票。





This article was originally published on Bankrate.com.

The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is the world’s largest stock exchange. It’s headquartered on 11 Wall Street and 18 Broad Street in New York City and is arguably the world’s most famous and recognizable stock exchange. Established in 1792, the organization became a publicly-traded company in 2006; from 1971 until 2006, it was a not-for-profit corporation.

What is a stock exchange?

A stock exchange is where shares of publicly-traded companies are bought and sold. While at one time, the trading floor at the NYSE was one of the busiest — imagine scurrying stockbrokers, yelling and hundreds of phones — trading action has moved primarily online. That said, the iconic image of someone ringing the opening and closing bells still remains one of the hallmarks of the NYSE.

NYSE trading hours

The core trading session runs from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Eastern time, Monday through Friday. The pre-opening session starts at 6:30 a.m. Eastern.

NYSE holidays

The stock exchange is closed on a number of federal holidays — but not all. Here are the NYSE days off:

• New Year’s Day

• Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

• Washington’s Birthday

• Good Friday

• Memorial Day

• Juneteenth

• Independence Day

• Labor Day

• Thanksgiving Day

• Christmas Day

History of the New York Stock Exchange

In New York City on May 17, 1792, two dozen stock brokers and merchants signed the “Buttonwood Agreement,” supposedly named for the type of tree under which the earliest transactions took place. The short document outlined the basic rules for trading securities, such as commissions, hours and a non-compete agreement among the brokers. The agreement was in response to the financial panic in March and April of the same year.

Trading was informal at first, and took place primarily in nearby coffeehouses. In 1817, however, the organization adopted a constitution and created the New York Stock & Exchange Board. It later adopted the name we know today. In 1865 the New York Stock Exchange moved to Broad Street, where it’s still partially located, although it has expanded in the interim years.

The stock ticker debuted in 1867, and in 1878, telephones were installed on the trading floor. The exchange continued to change and grow, and in 1903 moved into its current building, designed by George B. Post. The Classical Revival building, complete with columns and portico, is a National Historic Landmark and a popular tourist attraction. It was also the first place in North America to be air-conditioned. Computers were first introduced in the 1960s to help process data.

While technology and online trading have played major roles in the NYSE for decades, it wasn’t until the COVID-19 pandemic that the exchange moved purely to electronic trading and operated without a trading floor. It didn’t last long, however. After closing in March 2020, the floor reopened in late May.

Who owns the NYSE?

In 2013, Intercontinental Exchange (NYSE: ICE) acquired the NYSE and remains the parent organization. ICE is an American company that was founded in 2000.

Over its 200-year existence, the NYSE has acquired and merged with various companies, including the American Stock Exchange.

What is the oldest stock exchange?

There’s debate over the origin of the first stock exchange. Some scholars point to the founding of the Dutch East India Company in 1602 as the start of easily transferable shares. By 1680, the public engaged in transactions you’d recognize today, such as futures and options trading. The company eventually became the Amsterdam Stock Exchange. After a merger with a few other exchanges in 2000, it became Euronext.

Another contender is the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, also known as Borse Frankfurt. The exchange claims it was established in 1585. At a city fair that year, merchants met to establish uniform exchange rates. Additionally, the Frankfurt Stock Exchange traces its roots back to medieval fairs in the 11th and 12th centuries that hosted commercial and monetary transactions, eventually leading to Frankfurt becoming a banking and trading hub in the early 1500s.

What is the largest stock exchange?

The NYSE is the largest equities-based exchange in the world by market capitalization. As of late 2022, Nasdaq and the Shanghai Stock Exchange are the second and third largest, respectively.

NYSE vs. Nasdaq

To start, Nasdaq is much younger than the NYSE. Founded in 1971, it was the world’s first electronic stock market. More importantly, Nasdaq doesn’t have a trading floor, unlike the NYSE. Instead, all trades are electronic and its physical location in Times Square, MarketSite, is a broadcast studio. Nasdaq has lower listing fees and minimum earning requirements than the NYSE, which makes it more accessible to smaller companies. With this comes the potential of hosting more high-growth and volatile stocks than the NYSE.

Bottom line

For now, the NYSE is the largest stock exchange in the world, but that may not last as other exchanges close the gap. Regardless, its influence on the U.S. economy is enormous.
