

Alfred Cang, Jack Farchy, Mark Burton, 彭博社 2022-07-16



彼时,镍期货价格刚刚飙升至每吨10万美元以上,项光达的账面损失超过100亿美元。在这种规模的亏损面前,不仅项光达的公司面临破产危机,甚至整个金属行业都有可能受到冲击,一如当年的雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)事件,伦敦金属交易所(London Metal Exchange)本身也可能因为这起事件而灰飞烟灭。


四个月之后的今天,镍价确实出现了下跌,一如项光达此前的预测。以摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase & Co.)为首、磨刀霍霍的银行集团也拿到了自己的报偿。据熟悉项光达的人士透露,他已经平仓几乎所有的镍空头头寸,亏损约为10亿美元,考虑到他的商业帝国在其他方面获得的收益,这个数字尚在其承受范围之内。




对冲基金集团AQR Capital Management的创始人克利夫·阿斯内斯在推特(Twitter)上发了一条充满讽刺意味的推文:“很高兴看到摩根大通和‘大佬’可以几乎毫发无损的全身而退,真是一个暖心的故事。”








俄乌冲突爆发后,全球市场出现震动,镍价开始攀升,起初增幅还较温和,随后进入暴走模式,两天飙升250%。图片来源:Cole Burston—Bloomberg/Getty Images








风险敞口最大的摩根大通扮演了领导者的角色。涉足相关交易的银行包括渣打银行(Standard Chartered Bank Plc)和法国巴黎银行(BNP Paribas SA)等一些国际机构,但也有许多是中国和新加坡的银行,后者几乎没有处理这种情况的经验。







而伦敦金属交易所面临的压力却有增无减。相关监管机构开始对该交易所的治理和监管工作进行审查。美国达拉斯联邦储备银行(Dallas Federal Reserve)和国际货币基金组织(International Monetary Fund)加入了声讨伦敦金属交易所的大军,许多对冲基金也对伦敦金属交易所取消交易的决定感到愤怒不已。









不过,虽然项光达已经开启了人生的新篇章,但伦敦金属交易所仍然在收拾残局。监管机构指出,镍市出现混乱局面表明,大宗商品市场存有潜在风险,并呼吁加强对整个行业的监管。对冲基金——埃利奥特投资管理公司(Elliot Investment Management)和交易公司Jane Street已经对伦敦金属交易所发起诉讼,要求后者赔偿近5亿美元损失。

相关人士表示,镍市元气目前仍未恢复,由于许多交易商不再在合约中使用伦敦金属交易所价格,未平仓合约和交易量均远低于此前水平。据资深镍金属市场观察家、Red Door Research Ltd.的董事总经理吉姆·伦农估计,目前全球的镍产量中,只有不到25%以伦敦金属交易所价格出售,而在3月危机爆发前,这一数字为50%。





彼时,镍期货价格刚刚飙升至每吨10万美元以上,项光达的账面损失超过100亿美元。在这种规模的亏损面前,不仅项光达的公司面临破产危机,甚至整个金属行业都有可能受到冲击,一如当年的雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)事件,伦敦金属交易所(London Metal Exchange)本身也可能因为这起事件而灰飞烟灭。


四个月之后的今天,镍价确实出现了下跌,一如项光达此前的预测。以摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase & Co.)为首、磨刀霍霍的银行集团也拿到了自己的报偿。据熟悉项光达的人士透露,他已经平仓几乎所有的镍空头头寸,亏损约为10亿美元,考虑到他的商业帝国在其他方面获得的收益,这个数字尚在其承受范围之内。




对冲基金集团AQR Capital Management的创始人克利夫·阿斯内斯在推特(Twitter)上发了一条充满讽刺意味的推文:“很高兴看到摩根大通和‘大佬’可以几乎毫发无损的全身而退,真是一个暖心的故事。”















风险敞口最大的摩根大通扮演了领导者的角色。涉足相关交易的银行包括渣打银行(Standard Chartered Bank Plc)和法国巴黎银行(BNP Paribas SA)等一些国际机构,但也有许多是中国和新加坡的银行,后者几乎没有处理这种情况的经验。







而伦敦金属交易所面临的压力却有增无减。相关监管机构开始对该交易所的治理和监管工作进行审查。美国达拉斯联邦储备银行(Dallas Federal Reserve)和国际货币基金组织(International Monetary Fund)加入了声讨伦敦金属交易所的大军,许多对冲基金也对伦敦金属交易所取消交易的决定感到愤怒不已。









不过,虽然项光达已经开启了人生的新篇章,但伦敦金属交易所仍然在收拾残局。监管机构指出,镍市出现混乱局面表明,大宗商品市场存有潜在风险,并呼吁加强对整个行业的监管。对冲基金——埃利奥特投资管理公司(Elliot Investment Management)和交易公司Jane Street已经对伦敦金属交易所发起诉讼,要求后者赔偿近5亿美元损失。

相关人士表示,镍市元气目前仍未恢复,由于许多交易商不再在合约中使用伦敦金属交易所价格,未平仓合约和交易量均远低于此前水平。据资深镍金属市场观察家、Red Door Research Ltd.的董事总经理吉姆·伦农估计,目前全球的镍产量中,只有不到25%以伦敦金属交易所价格出售,而在3月危机爆发前,这一数字为50%。




By 2:08 p.m. Shanghai time on March 8, it was clear that Xiang Guangda’s giant bet on a fall in nickel prices was going spectacularly wrong.

Futures had just skyrocketed above $100,000 a ton and his trade was more than $10 billion underwater. It was threatening not only to bankrupt Xiang’s company, but to trigger a Lehman Brothers-like shock through the entire metals industry and possibly topple the London Metal Exchange itself.

But Xiang was calm. Within hours, more than 50 bankers had arrived at his office wanting to hear how he planned to respond to the crisis. He told them simply: “I’m confident that we will overcome this.”

And he did.

Four months on, the nickel price is falling, as Xiang had predicted. The coterie of banks led by JPMorgan Chase & Co. that were baying for his blood has been repaid. He has closed out nearly all his short position in nickel, making a loss on the trade of about $1 billion — a manageable sum given the profits being generated elsewhere in his business empire, say people who know him.

Crucially: the man nicknamed ‘Big Shot’ in Chinese commodities circles is poised to walk away from the fiasco with his multibillion-dollar mining and steelmaking company, Tsingshan Holding Group Co., intact and even expanding.

But while Xiang moves on, others are left dealing with the destruction wrought by the crisis. His miraculous escape was thanks in no small part to the actions of the LME, which controversially intervened to prevent prices from rising and then suspended trading until Xiang had struck a deal with his banks.

Those on the other side of the trade, who lost billions, were furious. Months later, the LME is dealing with a raft of investigations and lawsuits, and the nickel market is still reeling.

“Nice to see that @jpmorgan and The Big Shot got out of this whole thing with only scratches,” Cliff Asness, founder of AQR Capital Management, said last week in a tweet thick with sarcasm. “It’s just heart warming.”

This account of how Xiang extricated himself from a short squeeze that rocked the global metals markets is based on numerous interviews with people who were involved, all of whom requested anonymity. Multiple attempts to seek comment from Tsingshan were unsuccessful.

Massive Short Squeeze

Xiang had built up his massive short position in late 2021 and early 2022 partly as a hedge, partly as a bet that a planned jump in Tsingshan’s production this year would drag down prices. But when Russia’s invasion of Ukraine jolted global markets, nickel started climbing — gradually at first, before rocketing 250% in an epic squeeze.

On the evening of March 8, senior bankers crowded into a room at Tsingshan’s headquarters demanding answers. Others dialed in for video calls from London or Singapore. Of those present, some didn’t leave until early the next morning.

The crowd that night was so large because Xiang’s position was spread across about 10 banks and brokers — he had been a good client for many of them, including JPMorgan, for years. But after nickel started spiking on March 7, Tsingshan struggled to meet its margin calls. Now he owed each of them hundreds of millions of dollars.

The LME had eventually intervened to halt trading a couple of hours after nickel hit $100,000. It also canceled billions of dollars of transactions, bringing the price back to $48,078, where it closed the previous day, in what amounted to a lifeline for Xiang and Tsingshan.

To reopen the market, the LME proposed a solution: Xiang should strike a deal with holders of long positions to close out his trade. But a price of around $50,000 would be more than twice the level at which he had entered his short position, and would mean accepting billions of dollars in losses.

Xiang, who is in his early 60s, stood firm. From a start making frames for car doors and windows in Wenzhou, eastern China, he’d built Tsingshan into the world’s largest nickel and stainless steel producer, with an empire stretching from mines in remote Indonesian islands to steel mills on China’s east coast. Along the way, he’d acquired a reputation for visionary thinking and a taste for betting big.

He had caught the attention of the LME before, when in 2019 Tsingshan was on the other side of a short squeeze, withdrawing large amounts of nickel inventories from exchange warehouses and causing prices to jump.

This time, his aggressive approach to trading was having much wider ripple effects.

The spike in prices and the trading freeze caused havoc for companies that use nickel, like stainless steel mills and makers of batteries for electric vehicles. Some simply stopped taking new orders. On the LME, dealers were left frantically trying to recoup missed margin calls from clients who couldn’t pay, and at least one had to seek financial support from its parent company.

Yet with unprecedented chaos rippling through the industry, Xiang — still facing his bankers in the early hours of March 9 — had a key advantage. They were more terrified than he was.

If he refused to pay, they would have to chase him in courts in Indonesia and China. What’s more, he had executed his nickel trade through a variety of corporate entities – such as the Hong Kong branch of battery unit Ruipu Energy Co. – and it wasn’t clear the banks would even have the right to seize Tsingshan’s most valuable assets.

The bankers understood that if things went wrong, their careers would be over, one person who was in the room remembered.

JPMorgan, which had the biggest exposure, took the lead. The group included some international players like Standard Chartered Bank Plc and BNP Paribas SA, but many were Chinese and Singaporean banks that had little experience handling a situation like this.

Personal Guarantee

Xiang told the assembled bankers he had no intention of closing the position anywhere near $50,000. A few hours later he was delivering the same message to Matthew Chamberlain, chief executive of the LME. Tsingshan was a strong company, he said, and it had the support of the Chinese government. There would be no backing down.

Instead, he wrote a list of the assets he was willing to put up as collateral: a string of ferronickel plants in Indonesia. But for some of the bankers, that wasn’t enough. They wouldn’t be able to do any due diligence on the Indonesian assets for weeks or months, and even those who worked closely with Tsingshan hadn’t seen the facilities for years because of the pandemic.

So Xiang made a further concession that was both valuable and, in Chinese business culture, humbling: a personal guarantee. If Tsingshan didn’t pay its debts, the bankers could turf him out of his home. That was what he was willing to offer. Take it or leave it.

It wasn’t much of a choice. On March 14, a week after the chaos that engulfed the nickel market, Tsingshan announced a deal with its banks under which they agreed not to pursue the company for the billions it owed for a period of time. In exchange, Xiang agreed a series of price levels at which he would reduce his nickel position once prices dropped below about $30,000.

When the market reopened two days later, prices moved lower, easing the strain on Xiang and the banks. A brief dip below $30,000 allowed Tsingshan to cover about 20% of its short position.

The pressure on the LME was only intensifying, however. The exchange’s regulators launched reviews of its governance and oversight. The Dallas Federal Reserve and International Monetary Fund joined in a chorus of public criticism, and many hedge funds were still furious at the LME’s decision to cancel trades.

“The moment we realized what was really happening, we felt we could no longer entrust the LME with our clients’ money,” said Transtrend, a $6.7 billion Dutch algorithmic fund. Open interest across the exchange’s six main metals slid to the lowest in more than a decade as traders headed for the exit.

Each month, Tsingshan and its banks reviewed their standstill agreement. After the initial dip, nickel spent long stretches in limbo with prices hovering around $33,000.

It was a nervous time. Tsingshan still had a vast short position, meaning it and its banks could still be exposed to large losses if prices started rising again — for example, if sanctions against Russia led to an actual disruption in nickel supplies, which so far they hadn’t.

Finally, in May, prices tumbled decisively below the key $30,000 level after China’s lockdowns dented metals market sentiment. Over the following weeks, Tsingshan reduced its position — which in early March had been over 150,000 tons — to just 60,000 tons.

By this point, prices were below the level at which Tsingshan had stopped being able to pay its margin calls in early March, which meant Xiang no longer owed the banks any money. He proposed dropping the personal guarantee from the deal, seeing it as a humiliating concession to his earlier financial troubles. Some of the banks were willing to do so, but JPMorgan was not: the number of nickel plants used as collateral was reduced, but the personal guarantee would stay. A JPMorgan spokesman declined to comment.

It was not the only sign that the crisis had soured Xiang’s relationship with his banks. In June, as recessionary fears swept global markets, Xiang’s short position was beginning to look like a smart trade. He asked some of his banks for a little flexibility, allowing him to run the position for longer than had been envisaged under their deal. Again, JPMorgan said no, and by the end of June Xiang had exited his position entirely with JPMorgan and several other banks, leaving him with a remaining short of less than 20,000 tons.

People familiar with the matter estimate Tsingshan’s losses on the trade at around $1 billion. Xiang isn’t concerned. The loss has been roughly offset by the profits of his nickel operations over the same period. The standstill agreement, which Xiang extended from the initial three months, is set to expire in mid-July.

Now ‘Big Shot’ is moving on with his life, focusing on plans for the future at Tsingshan, which had revenues of $56 billion last year. His ability to trade on the LME may be reduced, for now at least, but he is still able to trade on the Shanghai Futures Exchange. He has ambitions to expand, not only in Asia, but also to Africa. And Tsingshan is as powerful as ever in the nickel market: a massive increase in production from his plants in Indonesia is one of the key factors driving prices lower, much as Xiang predicted.

But while Xiang may be moving on, the LME is still dealing with the fallout. Regulators have pointed to the chaos in nickel as a sign of the risks lurking in commodity markets, and called for greater oversight of the entire sector. Hedge fund Elliot Investment Management and trading firm Jane Street have launched legal action against the LME, seeking nearly $500 million.

And the nickel market is still broken, say people involved in it, with both open interest and trading volumes stuck at sharply lower levels as traders step away from using LME prices in their contracts. Jim Lennon, a veteran nickel market-watcher and managing director of Red Door Research Ltd., estimates that less than 25% of global nickel output is now being sold on the basis of LME prices, down from 50% before the crisis in March.

“A lot of the industry now has temporarily disengaged from the LME,” he says. “The market is still functioning, but it’s struggling.”
