

Ian Fisher, Victoria Cavaliere, 彭博社 2022-07-01

堕胎权利活动家纳迪娜·塞勒在多布斯诉杰克逊妇女健康组织(Dobbs v Jackson Women's Health Organization)一案的判决公布后,在华盛顿特区的美国最高法院的大楼前抗议时,嘴上贴着写有“二等公民”(Second Class Citizen)字样的胶带。美国最高法院对此案的裁决推翻了具有里程碑意义的50年之久的“罗伊诉韦德案”,并取消了联邦堕胎权。图片来源:PROBAL RASHID/LIGHTROCKET VIA GETTY IMAGES

美国哥伦比亚广播公司新闻频道(CBS News)的一项民意调查显示,大多数美国人不赞成美国最高法院(U.S. Supreme Court)推翻宪法规定的堕胎权,这在资深议员中引发了党派分歧,这一点从他们的评论就可以看出来。


在“罗伊诉韦德案”(Roe v. Wade)的裁决中,大法官克拉伦斯·托马斯同意大多数法官的意见,这让许多美国人认为,包括同性婚姻和避孕权在内的其他权利目前正在面临风险。


这位来自南卡罗来纳州的共和党人在“福克斯周日新闻”(Fox News Sunday)节目中称,阿利托“定下了正确的基调”。“他说,这项裁决不会危及那些案件。他对同性婚姻和避孕进行了区分,我认为随着时间的推移,这些案件将赢得胜利。”

一位知情官员在6月24日表示,作为对最高法院裁决的回应,美国总统乔·拜登已经指示美国卫生与公众服务部(Department of Health and Human Services)确保远程医疗和药房能够开具堕胎药米非司酮,并确保保险公司不会停止承保避孕药,包括紧急避孕药。

美国司法部(Department of Justice)将支持旅行权,并寻求代表那些因为旅行接受堕胎而面临法律诉讼的人来干预此类案件。


南达科他州的州长、共和党人克里斯蒂·诺姆称,该州已经通过了一项反对在没有医生监督的情况下进行堕胎的法案。她在哥伦比亚广播公司的《面对全国》(Face the Nation)节目中说,虽然南达科他州现在除了“挽救母亲的生命”的情况外,堕胎是非法的,但该州将努力“为意外怀孕的个人提供资源”。

诺姆在美国广播公司(ABC)的《本周》(This Week)节目中说,如果女性通过邮件收到所谓的堕胎药,“我认为这种情况下,女性不应该被起诉。”“如今,蓄意违法的医生应该被起诉,这是肯定的。”




她在美国全国广播公司(NBC)的《与媒体见面》(Meet the Press)节目上说:“民主党过去的策略一直很软弱,我们不能继续使用同样的策略。现在,正如我所说,这对我们的民主来说是加时赛了,我们必须积极采取行动。”

格雷厄姆在福克斯新闻(Fox News)上称,共和党人在“外场”努力工作了50年,目的是在州一级赢得多数票,最终导致最高法院在6月24日推翻“罗伊诉韦德案”。



美国哥伦比亚广播公司新闻频道(CBS News)的一项民意调查显示,大多数美国人不赞成美国最高法院(U.S. Supreme Court)推翻宪法规定的堕胎权,这在资深议员中引发了党派分歧,这一点从他们的评论就可以看出来。


在“罗伊诉韦德案”(Roe v. Wade)的裁决中,大法官克拉伦斯·托马斯同意大多数法官的意见,这让许多美国人认为,包括同性婚姻和避孕权在内的其他权利目前正在面临风险。


这位来自南卡罗来纳州的共和党人在“福克斯周日新闻”(Fox News Sunday)节目中称,阿利托“定下了正确的基调”。“他说,这项裁决不会危及那些案件。他对同性婚姻和避孕进行了区分,我认为随着时间的推移,这些案件将赢得胜利。”

一位知情官员在6月24日表示,作为对最高法院裁决的回应,美国总统乔·拜登已经指示美国卫生与公众服务部(Department of Health and Human Services)确保远程医疗和药房能够开具堕胎药米非司酮,并确保保险公司不会停止承保避孕药,包括紧急避孕药。

美国司法部(Department of Justice)将支持旅行权,并寻求代表那些因为旅行接受堕胎而面临法律诉讼的人来干预此类案件。


南达科他州的州长、共和党人克里斯蒂·诺姆称,该州已经通过了一项反对在没有医生监督的情况下进行堕胎的法案。她在哥伦比亚广播公司的《面对全国》(Face the Nation)节目中说,虽然南达科他州现在除了“挽救母亲的生命”的情况外,堕胎是非法的,但该州将努力“为意外怀孕的个人提供资源”。

诺姆在美国广播公司(ABC)的《本周》(This Week)节目中说,如果女性通过邮件收到所谓的堕胎药,“我认为这种情况下,女性不应该被起诉。”“如今,蓄意违法的医生应该被起诉,这是肯定的。”




她在美国全国广播公司(NBC)的《与媒体见面》(Meet the Press)节目上说:“民主党过去的策略一直很软弱,我们不能继续使用同样的策略。现在,正如我所说,这对我们的民主来说是加时赛了,我们必须积极采取行动。”

格雷厄姆在福克斯新闻(Fox News)上称,共和党人在“外场”努力工作了50年,目的是在州一级赢得多数票,最终导致最高法院在6月24日推翻“罗伊诉韦德案”。



A CBS News poll suggested that a majority of Americans disapprove of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision overturning the constitutional right to an abortion, which is inflaming a partisan divide on display in comments by senior lawmakers.

The poll, conducted June 24 and June 25, found 59% disapproved of the ruling, including 67% of women. While 78% of Republicans were in favor of the decision, 83% of Democrats disapproved. The survey has a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.

A concurring opinion by Justice Clarence Thomas in the Roe v. Wade decision raised the prospect for many Americans that other rights, including the rights to same-sex marriage and contraception, are now at risk.

That prompted Senator Lindsey Graham to voice support for the majority opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito.

Alito “set the right tone,” the South Carolina Republican said on “Fox News Sunday.” “He said nothing in this decision puts those cases at risk. He made a distinction between same-sex marriage and contraception, which I think will win the day over time.”

In response to the high court’s decision, President Joe Biden has directed the Department of Health and Human Services to ensure that mifepristone, an abortion drug, can be prescribed by telehealth and through pharmacies, and to make sure insurers don’t stop covering contraceptives, including emergency contraceptives, an official familiar with the process said Friday.

The Department of Justice will support the right to travel, and look to intervene in cases on behalf of people facing legal action for traveling to receive an abortion.

Within hours of the decision, Biden said “Roe is on the ballot” for US midterm elections in November.

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, a Republican, said her state has passed a bill opposing abortions that aren’t supervised by a physician. While abortion in South Dakota is now illegal except to “save the life of a mother,” the state will make efforts to “get resources to individuals who have an unplanned pregnancy,” she said on CBS’s “Face the Nation.”

If women receive the so-called abortion pill in the mail, “I don’t believe that mothers in this situation should ever be prosecuted,” Noem said on ABC’s “This Week.” “Now doctors who knowingly violate the law, they should be prosecuted, definitely.”

Democrats criticized the Supreme Court and its abortion decision, with Senator Elizabeth Warren saying “this court has lost legitimacy.” She renewed a call by some Democrats to expand the court, seen as a way to reshape its ideological balance.

“I believe we need to get some confidence back in our court,” the Massachusetts Democrat said on ABC. “And that means we need more justices on the United States Supreme Court.”

New York Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a standard-bearer of progressive Democrats, alleged that the three justices nominated by former President Donald Trump lied about their stances on abortion during confirmation hearings, calling it “an impeachable offense.”

“There has been a weak Democratic strategy in the past and we cannot continue to use those same playbooks,” she said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “Right now, as I say, is that this is overtime for our democracy and we must be aggressive.”

Graham on Fox News portrayed the overturning of Roe v. Wade as a five-decade process of Republicans working “in the fields” to build majorities at the state level that ultimately led to June 24’s Supreme Court decision.

He said his advice to Democrats now seeking to reverse the tide is, “Elect people who agree with you at the ballot box.”
