

Sophie Mellor 2022-05-24


根据美国汽车协会(American Automobile Association)的数据,5月18日晚,堪萨斯州、俄克拉荷马州和佐治亚州的油价史上首次突破4美元,而加利福尼亚州的汽油均价达到了创纪录的6.05美元。

虽然目前加利福尼亚州以外的其他地区还不太可能涨到6美元,但有专家认为,其他地方的油价也会赶上来。曾经接受美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)采访的摩根大通(J.P. Morgan)的全球大宗商品研究主管娜塔莎·卡内瓦在一份给投资者的报告中说,今年8月,美国汽油的均价可能会涨到每加仑6美元以上。她还补充道,暑期旅行季就要到来,汽油储量却在下降。

而在大洋彼岸的欧洲,汽油价钱已经达到这个数字了,甚至还要更高。据追踪车用燃料零售价格的网站Global Petrol Prices的数据,英国的汽油价格为每加仑7.70美元,而荷兰和德国的油价高达8.25美元。在挪威和丹麦,每加仑汽油的价格已经突破9美元。






美国能源部(Department of Energy)下属的统计机构美国能源情报署(Energy Information Administration)在5月10日预测,扣除通货膨胀因素,美国家庭今年的平均汽油支出将比去年增加450美元。


而与此同时,英国人则尽量避免用油。在英国拥有60家加油站的Ascona集团(Ascona Group)表示,与新冠疫情爆发前相比,该公司每周卖掉的汽油数量下降了52800加仑以上。(财富中文网)



根据美国汽车协会(American Automobile Association)的数据,5月18日晚,堪萨斯州、俄克拉荷马州和佐治亚州的油价史上首次突破4美元,而加利福尼亚州的汽油均价达到了创纪录的6.05美元。

虽然目前加利福尼亚州以外的其他地区还不太可能涨到6美元,但有专家认为,其他地方的油价也会赶上来。曾经接受美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)采访的摩根大通(J.P. Morgan)的全球大宗商品研究主管娜塔莎·卡内瓦在一份给投资者的报告中说,今年8月,美国汽油的均价可能会涨到每加仑6美元以上。她还补充道,暑期旅行季就要到来,汽油储量却在下降。

而在大洋彼岸的欧洲,汽油价钱已经达到这个数字了,甚至还要更高。据追踪车用燃料零售价格的网站Global Petrol Prices的数据,英国的汽油价格为每加仑7.70美元,而荷兰和德国的油价高达8.25美元。在挪威和丹麦,每加仑汽油的价格已经突破9美元。






美国能源部(Department of Energy)下属的统计机构美国能源情报署(Energy Information Administration)在5月10日预测,扣除通货膨胀因素,美国家庭今年的平均汽油支出将比去年增加450美元。


而与此同时,英国人则尽量避免用油。在英国拥有60家加油站的Ascona集团(Ascona Group)表示,与新冠疫情爆发前相比,该公司每周卖掉的汽油数量下降了52800加仑以上。(财富中文网)


The average price of gasoline at the pump is now above $4 in every U.S. state for the first time ever, with the average national price of gas reaching a record $4.567 a gallon.

While some states like Kansas, Oklahoma, and Georgia saw their fuel prices tip over $4 for the first time in May 18 night, others like California are averaging a record $6.05 a gallon at the pump, according to the American Automobile Association (AAA).

While $6 a gallon seems unlikely outside California at the moment, some experts expect everyone else to catch up. The average price of gasoline in the U.S. could climb above $6 a gallon by August, according to Natasha Kaneva, head of global commodities research at J.P. Morgan in a report to investors and an analyst interview with CNN. She added that the level of gasoline in storage is dwindling ahead of the summer travel months.

But across the ocean, Europe is already paying that… and a bit more. In the U.K., cars are filling their tanks up at $7.70 a gallon, while in the Netherlands and Germany, prices are reaching $8.25, according to Global Petrol Prices, a website tracking the retail price of motor fuel. And in Norway and Denmark, the price of a gallon of gas is topping $9.

Summer road trips postponed

Driving the rising fuel prices is the high price of crude oil, which has soared in recent months after Russia invaded Ukraine, and the strong post-COVID-19 rebound in demand. But there are also too few refineries in the U.S. turning oil into usable fuels.

Since the pandemic sunk the demand for gasoline and jet fuel to record lows, more than 5% of the U.S.'s overall refining capacity has been permanently shut off.

At the same time as the U.S. refinery supply squeeze, European countries weaning themselves off exports of Russian oil and naphtha—a petroleum product used to make fuel—are looking to the U.S. to supply more of the world’s fuel.

Despite U.S. President Joe Biden’s best efforts to quell rising prices by releasing crude oil from emergency reserves, this has translated to little relief at the pump.

The Energy Information Administration, the statistical agency of the U.S. government’s Department of Energy, forecasted on May 10 that the average U.S. household will have to spend $450 more on an inflation-adjusted basis for gasoline this year compared to last year.

It’s too early to know how this latest price increase will impact U.S. drivers and their summer travel plans, Ellen Edmonds a spokesperson for AAA told Bloomberg. She added that historically, people still forge ahead with vacations, but they find other ways to offset the price at the pump.

Meanwhile, people in the U.K. are just avoiding the pumps completely. Ascona Group, which owns 60 gas stations across the U.K., said the amount of fuel it sold dropped by more than 52,800 gallons a week compared to pre-pandemic levels.
