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过去二十年里,格雷格·比尔德成了华尔街最成功的自然资源投资者之一。他曾供职于阿波罗全球管理公司(Apollo Global Management),收购和出售油气公司,并成就了一段辉煌的职业生涯。然后在很长一段时间内,比特币成了他的摇钱树。之后,他与其他人一道在宾夕法尼亚老旧煤田创建了比特币挖矿设施,而且该设施有望成为全球最大的矿场之一。如今,比特币价格较去年10月6万多美元的峰值下滑了40%,但在这位50岁的冒险家眼中,此时正是买入的绝佳时机。正与家人在法国滑雪的他在接受《财富》杂志电话采访时说:“我们很难预测比特币在某个时段的价格,例如年末。如果你是一位关注于基本面、坚信比特币价值储存功能的投资者,那么五年后,比特币的价值必定是如今的数倍,要我说至少是五倍。”如果他的预测准确,这款首要的加密货币在2027年春季的售价将达到至少20万美元。随着投资者和基金公司逐渐将比特币视为理想的避风港,以抵御通胀所造成的美元疲软,比尔德认为比特币会突飞猛进地上涨。他说:“比特币的价格越高,人们的兴趣就浓厚。我们将看到一种复合效应。”



比尔德的第一份工作是高盛集团的金融分析师,之后在收购公司Riverstone Holdings从事私募股权交易。在阿波罗全球管理公司工作的十年时间里,比尔德晋升为高级合伙人兼自然资源集团全球负责人。期间,他筹集了总价值70亿美元的三笔基金,完成了多笔备受瞩目的交易,其中包括:将位于得州二叠纪盆地(Permian Basin)的Athlon Energy建造成大型页岩油气生产商。2013年,Athlon上市,一年后,Encana公司以近60亿美元的价格收购了Athlon。阿波罗基金投资的4亿美元飙升了6倍,达到23亿美元。他还主导了阿波罗与DoublePoint Energy公司的合作,当先锋自然资源公司(Pioneer)在2021年以64亿美元收购钻机公司DoublePointEnergy时,阿波罗投资者获得了丰厚的回报。

2019年,比尔德从阿波罗全球管理公司离职,并做出了极不寻常的转型决定:将宾夕法尼亚州农村地区燃烧废煤的老旧发电厂改造为首要的比特币挖矿企业。比尔德的合作方是古怪的比尔·斯宾塞,后者是宾州这个煤炭产区一位和善的退伍军人,其经营的业务就是从几十年前关闭的矿山里挖掘废煤,然后运到电厂里烧掉。这项业务得到州政府的大笔补贴。比尔德和斯宾塞为其共同创办Stronghold Digital Mining (SDIG)设立了远大的目标。

在首次公开募股的报备文件中,Stronghold预测,一旦所有的矿机在2022年末开始运行,Stronghold的比特币产量将占到全球总产量的5%。如果公司实现了自身预测,其年营收将在年终达到6.5亿美元,并斩获丰厚的利润。然而,市场却并不买账:Stronghold 10月首次公开募股开盘价接近28美元,比特币当时的价格约为6万美元,随后,Stronghold股价跟随比特币一路下探,在3月中旬徘徊在9美元左右。Stronghold的总市值,包括比尔德,斯宾塞和其他早期投资者的个人持股,如今约为5亿美元。得益于与德国挖矿设备大型制造商Northern Data之间的合作,Stronghold将解决困扰比特币行业的一个最大问题,即缺乏能够运行“哈希”或代码的特殊用途计算机。12月,Stronghold宣布达成一项协议,通过利润共享的方式,以折扣价从Northern公司购买4300台矿机。





比尔德说:“拜登政府让多个机构在9月前研究并观察比特币的行政令是一个利好消息。”他说,该行政令如今并未给加密货币施加任何限制,因此十分振奋人心。他还表示:“行政令认为,美国不仅仅采取了下意识的措施,同时还考虑到美国可以成为加密货币和区块链领域长期的世界和市场领导者。”对于比尔德来说,美国正在研究打造数字美元的计划也是一个潜在的利好。 “赞成数字美元,反对比特币是一件自相矛盾的事情,” 他说。





除了创建Stronghold之外,比尔德还开设了另一家公司,旨在确保美国企业和家庭在向绿色电力转变的过程中能够有足够的电力可用。Beard Energy Transition Acquisition (BRD) 是一家特殊目的收购公司,去年年底,筹集了2亿美元的资金,并将其作为打造基础设施专家的第一步,以“优化间歇性可再生能源供电电网的需求和供应方。”比尔德指出,这是一个异常重要但遭到忽视的使命。有人认为,美国可以在不需要核能以及天然气的大量支持下转而使用更加绿色的能源,他坚持认为这个想法是荒谬的。他断言说:“如果你说的是和化石燃料彻底决裂,并用风能和太阳能完全取而代之,那么你最终得到的是一个无法满足需求的电网以及牢骚满腹的客户群。人们希望得到持续不断的电力供应,但太阳能和风能无法做到这一点。”





过去二十年里,格雷格·比尔德成了华尔街最成功的自然资源投资者之一。他曾供职于阿波罗全球管理公司(Apollo Global Management),收购和出售油气公司,并成就了一段辉煌的职业生涯。然后在很长一段时间内,比特币成了他的摇钱树。之后,他与其他人一道在宾夕法尼亚老旧煤田创建了比特币挖矿设施,而且该设施有望成为全球最大的矿场之一。如今,比特币价格较去年10月6万多美元的峰值下滑了40%,但在这位50岁的冒险家眼中,此时正是买入的绝佳时机。正与家人在法国滑雪的他在接受《财富》杂志电话采访时说:“我们很难预测比特币在某个时段的价格,例如年末。如果你是一位关注于基本面、坚信比特币价值储存功能的投资者,那么五年后,比特币的价值必定是如今的数倍,要我说至少是五倍。”如果他的预测准确,这款首要的加密货币在2027年春季的售价将达到至少20万美元。随着投资者和基金公司逐渐将比特币视为理想的避风港,以抵御通胀所造成的美元疲软,比尔德认为比特币会突飞猛进地上涨。他说:“比特币的价格越高,人们的兴趣就浓厚。我们将看到一种复合效应。”



比尔德的第一份工作是高盛集团的金融分析师,之后在收购公司Riverstone Holdings从事私募股权交易。在阿波罗全球管理公司工作的十年时间里,比尔德晋升为高级合伙人兼自然资源集团全球负责人。期间,他筹集了总价值70亿美元的三笔基金,完成了多笔备受瞩目的交易,其中包括:将位于得州二叠纪盆地(Permian Basin)的Athlon Energy建造成大型页岩油气生产商。2013年,Athlon上市,一年后,Encana公司以近60亿美元的价格收购了Athlon。阿波罗基金投资的4亿美元飙升了6倍,达到23亿美元。他还主导了阿波罗与DoublePoint Energy公司的合作,当先锋自然资源公司(Pioneer)在2021年以64亿美元收购钻机公司DoublePointEnergy时,阿波罗投资者获得了丰厚的回报。

2019年,比尔德从阿波罗全球管理公司离职,并做出了极不寻常的转型决定:将宾夕法尼亚州农村地区燃烧废煤的老旧发电厂改造为首要的比特币挖矿企业。比尔德的合作方是古怪的比尔·斯宾塞,后者是宾州这个煤炭产区一位和善的退伍军人,其经营的业务就是从几十年前关闭的矿山里挖掘废煤,然后运到电厂里烧掉。这项业务得到州政府的大笔补贴。比尔德和斯宾塞为其共同创办Stronghold Digital Mining (SDIG)设立了远大的目标。

在首次公开募股的报备文件中,Stronghold预测,一旦所有的矿机在2022年末开始运行,Stronghold的比特币产量将占到全球总产量的5%。如果公司实现了自身预测,其年营收将在年终达到6.5亿美元,并斩获丰厚的利润。然而,市场却并不买账:Stronghold 10月首次公开募股开盘价接近28美元,比特币当时的价格约为6万美元,随后,Stronghold股价跟随比特币一路下探,在3月中旬徘徊在9美元左右。Stronghold的总市值,包括比尔德,斯宾塞和其他早期投资者的个人持股,如今约为5亿美元。得益于与德国挖矿设备大型制造商Northern Data之间的合作,Stronghold将解决困扰比特币行业的一个最大问题,即缺乏能够运行“哈希”或代码的特殊用途计算机。12月,Stronghold宣布达成一项协议,通过利润共享的方式,以折扣价从Northern公司购买4300台矿机。





比尔德说:“拜登政府让多个机构在9月前研究并观察比特币的行政令是一个利好消息。”他说,该行政令如今并未给加密货币施加任何限制,因此十分振奋人心。他还表示:“行政令认为,美国不仅仅采取了下意识的措施,同时还考虑到美国可以成为加密货币和区块链领域长期的世界和市场领导者。”对于比尔德来说,美国正在研究打造数字美元的计划也是一个潜在的利好。 “赞成数字美元,反对比特币是一件自相矛盾的事情,” 他说。





除了创建Stronghold之外,比尔德还开设了另一家公司,旨在确保美国企业和家庭在向绿色电力转变的过程中能够有足够的电力可用。Beard Energy Transition Acquisition (BRD) 是一家特殊目的收购公司,去年年底,筹集了2亿美元的资金,并将其作为打造基础设施专家的第一步,以“优化间歇性可再生能源供电电网的需求和供应方。”比尔德指出,这是一个异常重要但遭到忽视的使命。有人认为,美国可以在不需要核能以及天然气的大量支持下转而使用更加绿色的能源,他坚持认为这个想法是荒谬的。他断言说:“如果你说的是和化石燃料彻底决裂,并用风能和太阳能完全取而代之,那么你最终得到的是一个无法满足需求的电网以及牢骚满腹的客户群。人们希望得到持续不断的电力供应,但太阳能和风能无法做到这一点。”





Greg Beard ranks among Wall Street's most successful natural resource investors of the past two decades. He notched a superstar career buying and selling oil and gas companies at Apollo Global management, then picked Bitcoin as gusher for the ages. He moved on to co-found what's slated to become one of world's largest Bitcoin mining outfits in the old-time Pennsylvania coal fields. Today, the 50-year old adventurer views Bitcoin's 40% decline from its October peak of over $60,000 as a matchless buying opportunity. "It's hard to know where Bitcoin's price will be at, say, the end of the year," he told Fortune in a phone interview from a family ski vacation in France. "But if you're a fundamental-style investor that believes in Bitcoin as a store of value, it should be worth multiples of today's price in five years, I'd say at least five times." If he's right, the lead cryptocurrency would be selling for at least $200,000 by the spring of 2027. Beard sees momentum building rapidly as folks and funds increasingly believe that Bitcoin's the ideal fortress for protection against an inflation-ravaged dollar. "The better Bitcoin does, the more interest it will generate," he says. "We'll see a compounding effect."

Beard also gives Bitcoin the edge over gold. "I'm not putting gold down, it's a 2000 year success story," he notes. "But when its price rises sharply, more gold shows up. The number of Bitcoin is fixed forever at 22 million. It also has the edge over gold because it can be used for no-friction buying and selling of goods and services." As a Bitcoin super-bull, Beard naturally sees his favorite far outperforming the S&P 500 and NASDAQ in the years ahead. But to outpace those markets, he admits, Bitcoin will need to shed the way it now trades, which is more like a super-high risk growth stock than the better-than-bullion vehicle that offers both big price growth and a thick shield against hard times. "For its price to take off," he says, "Bitcoin needs to graduate from its strong correlation to the Cathie Wood crowd and high-priced, high-tech equities."

A big bet on Bitcoin mining

Beard started his career as a financial analyst at Goldman Sachs, then specialized in private equity deals at buyout firm Riverstone Holdings. During a ten year span at Apollo, Beard rose to become a senior partner and global head of the natural resource group. Over those years, he raised three funds totaling $7 billion, and captured a number of trophy deals. Among them: Building Athlon Energy into a large shale oil and gas producer in the Texas Permian Basin. Athlon went public in 2013, and a year later, Encana purchased it for almost $6 billion. The Apollo fund's $400 million investment mushroomed 7-fold to $2.3 billion. He also spearheaded a partnership with of DoublePoint Energy that handed Apollo investors rich return when Pioneer purchased the driller in 2021 for $6.4 billion.

Beard left Apollo in 2019 to make a most unusual transition: Re-purposing aging power plants in rural Pennsylvania that burn waste coal as major Bitcoin manufacturers. Beard's odd couple partner is Bill Spence, a folksy veteran of the Keystone State's coal country who ran a business scooping up the mountains of black stuff discarded decades ago by the long-shuttered mines, and bringing it to the plants to be burned––a business heavily subsidized by the state. Beard and Spence's have epic ambitions for their venture, Stronghold Digital Mining (SDIG).

In its IPO filing, Stronghold predicted that once all its machines are up-and-running by the end of 2022, it could garner a 5% share of all global Bitcoin production. If the company achieves its projections, it will be generating revenues of around $650 million a year by the close of this year, and pocketing fat margins. The markets, however, aren't so sure: After opening near $28 at the October IPO––Bitcoin was then trading at around $60,000––its shares have tumbled alongside Bitcoin's price to hover around $9 in mid-March. Still, Stronghold's total market value, including private holdings by Beard, Spence and other early investors, now sits at approximately $500 million. Stronghold is benefiting from a tieup with Northern Data of Germany, a large manufacturer of mining equipment, to surmount one of the Bitcoin industry's biggest problems, the shortage of the specially-designed computers that run the "hashes" or codes that win Bitcoin. In December, Stronghold announced an agreement to purchase 4,300 miners at discounted prices from Northern under a profit-sharing arrangement.

Bitcoin as an investment

Beard warns against mistaking Bitcoin's drop from last fall's highs as a sign it will languish moving forward. "Bitcoin isn't struggling, it's just a matter of where you start and stop the window," he says. "Overall, it's been a fabulous investment over the past three years. Any quarter or month or week time frame doesn't tell you much." The problem, he says, is that Bitcoin behaves like wildly-careening, mega-expensive tech stocks. "It has a high beta relative to the markets," he says. "It appears that the group that buys and sells Bitcoin is the same as the group that buys and sells the Cathie Wood ARK funds. It's clear it's highly correlated with high-risk equities." But that attachment to the most volatile of tech, he predicts, will be short-lived. "Bitcoin is still in its infancy," he says. "It will mature rapidly."

He believes Bitcoin will eventually break loose start trading on its own fundamentally sound dynamics. "You're already seeing the beginnings of that trend in the institutional adoption that's leading to higher trading volumes," he says. He believes Bitcoin will trade as a currency, but one that's far more stable than the dollar: "As we're now seeing with rampant inflation, the dollar isn't capped. But Bitcoin is capped. The day will come when the dollar crashes, and Bitcoin proves the stable one. That will demonstrate its reliability as a store of value."

Biden's executive order on Bitcoin is good news

"The Administration's executive order to have multiple agencies study and get observations on Bitcoin by September is a positive," says Beard. It's encouraging, he says, that the order imposed no restrictions on cryptocurrencies for now. "The order suggested that the U.S. didn't just take a knee-jerk reaction, it considered that the U.S. can be the long-term world and market leader in crypto and blockchain," he adds. For Beard, it's also a potential plus that the U.S. is studying a plan to create a digital dollar. "It would be contradictory to favor a digital dollar, and not embrace Bitcoin," he says.

Conventional banks are scared of Bitcoin, he adds, for good reason. "Bitcoin and crypto remove banks from the middle of credit card payments or money transfers," declares Beard. "Their transactions can be done by blockchain, with no bank involved. Ultimately blockchain and stores of value like Bitcoin will eliminate the 'middle man' in a huge share of today's traditional banking activity."

Beard also reckons that Bitcoin will gain more and more traction for everyday purchases, fueling demand that will swell its value as a currency. "Retailers, think of Amazon, will have their own Bitcoin wallets as it becomes less volatile," he says. "And people will put Bitcoin in their own wallets, see the stores' 'pay with Bitcoin' option, and click," he predicts.

All in all, he thinks that over time, people will realize that Bitcoin emulates the qualities of gold. "Humanity gives gold huge value," he says. "For Bitcoin's price to take off, society has to adopt it and give it great value. That will happen because of its strong fundamentals. Bitcoin's been around for just a decade, it has plenty of time to reach gold's status."

How Bitcoin can fix America's wobbly electrical grids

Besides launching Stronghold, Beard's started another venture aimed at ensuring that America's businesses and households have sufficient electricity in the shift to green power. Late last year, Beard Energy Transition Acquisition SPAC (BRD) raised $200 million as a first step towards building a specialist in infrastructure that will "optimize the demand and supply sides of the electrical power grids supplied by intermittent renewable energy." That's an essential and overlooked mission, argues Beard. He insists that the idea the U.S. can move to far greener supplies without a substantial backup from the likes of nuclear and natural gas is an illusion. "If you're talking about unplugging and and replacing fossil fuels with wind and solar, you'll end up with a grid that can't service demand and an unhappy customer base," he asserts. "People want access to a constant supply of power wind and solar don't provide."

For Beard, battery technology isn't anywhere near the point where big storage units could harbor even a fraction of the juice needed when it's cloudy or raining, or when windmill blades don't whir. He claims that Bitcoin mines could prove a big part of the solution by filling the gap. "What Bitcoin brings to market is a way to have old fossil fuel plants stay online, so all that power going to the data centers goes down when the grid needs power, and opens new capacity. While wind and power is intermittent, Bitcoin use is steady but interruptible when required. Bitcoin mines can free up energy in milliseconds."

Beard praises Texas for welcoming Bitcoin miners to backstop its wobbly grid, which suffered a famous breakdown in the winter of 2021. "Texas stands out in finding a solution," he says. "The state welcomes Bitcoin as a supply source when wind and solar fail." Indeed, Greg Beard is one of Bitcoin's most sophisticated evangelists. And the story of Bitcoin's dominance or demise will prove one of the great financial spectacles of the decades ahead.



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