

Jessica Mathews 2022-01-31



图片来源:Illustration by Jamie Cullen


“在这个不断被疫情加速的数字消费时代,专注于健康的消费品牌将整合非同质化代币,从而激励健康行为、奖励忠诚度并创造品牌价值。2022年将出现基于订阅的NFT会员制模式,该模式将利用非同质化代币提供专属的渠道,或率先一窥新发布的产品,以及体验只为非同质化代币VIP提供的产品和服务,以解锁礼物、奖励或定价。”——丽莎·布劳,Able Partners创始合伙人

“亚马逊第三方卖家生态系统将筹集150多亿美元的资金。”阿里·哈米德,Crossbeam Venture Partners普通合伙人




加密货币与区块链:大家都在关注摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)

“杰米·戴蒙将回心转意,并公开支持比特币,同时开始为其客户提供加密货币托管解决方案。”——艾迪斯·杨,Race Capital普通合伙人

“2022年,亚马逊和/或沃尔玛将购买高达25亿美元的加密货币。加密货币公司的核心竞争力将是在线加密货币支付的处理和便利化(即出现“加密货币界的Stripe公司”)”——阿迪·勒纳,Avid Ventures创始人兼执行合伙人

“区块链将让工资透明化。” ——乔·米勒

“2021年,购买加密货币和其他数字资产的公司数量不断增长,这一趋势在2022年有可能会持续。在此背景下,传统金融公司将通过其财务部门和支持加密货币资产所需的其他业务线,争相开展这项投资。”——利亚·沃尔德,Valkyrie Funds首席执行官




“2022年,董事会、投资者、客户以及雇员对安保的需求有望不断增长,从而弥补机构内部网络与实体安保举措之间的差距。各大公司也将思考,他们采取的员工安全保障措施——从强制接种到线上安全等等——如何才能相互关联,并作为一个整体发挥作用。”——朱丽叶·凯耶姆,美国国土安全部(U.S. Department of Homeland Security)前政府间事务助理秘书长




“2022年,各大企业将选择采用合成视频(通常会通过数字替身进行增强)来制作‘非关键性’视频资产,继而大量蚕食此前市场对传统视频制作的稳定需求。”——杰瑞米·考夫曼,Scale Venture Partners负责人



“随着各类业务提供更多的数字支付功能,例如文件卡(Card on File)支付,线上支付,短信支付,二维码等,病患的支付变得更加便利。这一现象还能让各项业务取代涉及手动数据输入、纸质账单以及电话随访的过时流程,并通过无终端、无接触的支付选项实现办公室的现代化……我们或将看到医疗领域会更多地采用各类支付方案,因为越来越多的病患能够通过可承受的分期付款方式,更好地管理其财务支出。”——米歇尔·道林,Rectangle Health营销副总裁


“2022年,全球首个气候科技初创企业‘dragon’(一家估值120亿美元的私人初创企业)将面世”——布莱恩·沃尔什,WIND Ventures负责人


“2022年,风投资本将扩大其投资范围,将能够实现气候适应和规避的各类解决方案纳入其视野。随着当前应对气候变化的需求变得越发迫切,对于耐旱植物种子、防火住宅以及低能耗暖通空调这类创新科技的需求将出现增长。”——茱莉亚·蕾切尔斯坦,Piva Capital投资者



“我们将看到作物科技投资将进一步加速,而该领域在去年果断成为了规模最大、表现最好、最具吸引力的风投资本市场门类之一。”——布兰登·华莱士,Fifth Wall联合创始人兼执行合伙人


“值得一提的是,随着Facebook(已更名为Meta)继续投入重金,增强现实/虚拟现实领域的趋势将最为明显。然而,该趋势带来的一个问题在于,各大公司创建的这些虚拟环境会对隐私带来什么样的影响,因为这些公司在分享和出售客户数据方面一直奉行的都是自由派做法。”——佩吉·雷吉,NetBase Quid首席营销官

“‘元宇宙’并不是一个新概念,但随着疫情继续肆虐,而且越来越多的机构转而采用数字原生和数字至上平台来助力日常沟通、工作、生活和商务体验,身份识别领域将继续大幅增长,继而为潜在的不良分子带来新通道和入侵载体。”——拉里·钦斯基,One Identity全球IAM策略副总裁



“硅谷之外的地区将继续增长。我个人最看好两个地方,一个是洛杉矶(南加州):有着绝佳的可用融资和创意人才(拥有最高密度的艺术家、音乐家、创作者等)比例,而且越来越多的企业家都将迁往南加州,享受那里的品质生活(沙滩、阳光等)。葡萄牙里斯本:说英语人口占比较高,税基非常低,环境优美,生活品质高。”——卢克·帕帕斯,恩颐投资(New Enterprise Associates)负责人







“在这个不断被疫情加速的数字消费时代,专注于健康的消费品牌将整合非同质化代币,从而激励健康行为、奖励忠诚度并创造品牌价值。2022年将出现基于订阅的NFT会员制模式,该模式将利用非同质化代币提供专属的渠道,或率先一窥新发布的产品,以及体验只为非同质化代币VIP提供的产品和服务,以解锁礼物、奖励或定价。”——丽莎·布劳,Able Partners创始合伙人

“亚马逊第三方卖家生态系统将筹集150多亿美元的资金。”阿里·哈米德,Crossbeam Venture Partners普通合伙人




加密货币与区块链:大家都在关注摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)

“杰米·戴蒙将回心转意,并公开支持比特币,同时开始为其客户提供加密货币托管解决方案。”——艾迪斯·杨,Race Capital普通合伙人

“2022年,亚马逊和/或沃尔玛将购买高达25亿美元的加密货币。加密货币公司的核心竞争力将是在线加密货币支付的处理和便利化(即出现“加密货币界的Stripe公司”)”——阿迪·勒纳,Avid Ventures创始人兼执行合伙人

“区块链将让工资透明化。” ——乔·米勒

“2021年,购买加密货币和其他数字资产的公司数量不断增长,这一趋势在2022年有可能会持续。在此背景下,传统金融公司将通过其财务部门和支持加密货币资产所需的其他业务线,争相开展这项投资。”——利亚·沃尔德,Valkyrie Funds首席执行官




“2022年,董事会、投资者、客户以及雇员对安保的需求有望不断增长,从而弥补机构内部网络与实体安保举措之间的差距。各大公司也将思考,他们采取的员工安全保障措施——从强制接种到线上安全等等——如何才能相互关联,并作为一个整体发挥作用。”——朱丽叶·凯耶姆,美国国土安全部(U.S. Department of Homeland Security)前政府间事务助理秘书长




“2022年,各大企业将选择采用合成视频(通常会通过数字替身进行增强)来制作‘非关键性’视频资产,继而大量蚕食此前市场对传统视频制作的稳定需求。”——杰瑞米·考夫曼,Scale Venture Partners负责人



“随着各类业务提供更多的数字支付功能,例如文件卡(Card on File)支付,线上支付,短信支付,二维码等,病患的支付变得更加便利。这一现象还能让各项业务取代涉及手动数据输入、纸质账单以及电话随访的过时流程,并通过无终端、无接触的支付选项实现办公室的现代化……我们或将看到医疗领域会更多地采用各类支付方案,因为越来越多的病患能够通过可承受的分期付款方式,更好地管理其财务支出。”——米歇尔·道林,Rectangle Health营销副总裁


“2022年,全球首个气候科技初创企业‘dragon’(一家估值120亿美元的私人初创企业)将面世”——布莱恩·沃尔什,WIND Ventures负责人


“2022年,风投资本将扩大其投资范围,将能够实现气候适应和规避的各类解决方案纳入其视野。随着当前应对气候变化的需求变得越发迫切,对于耐旱植物种子、防火住宅以及低能耗暖通空调这类创新科技的需求将出现增长。”——茱莉亚·蕾切尔斯坦,Piva Capital投资者



“我们将看到作物科技投资将进一步加速,而该领域在去年果断成为了规模最大、表现最好、最具吸引力的风投资本市场门类之一。”——布兰登·华莱士,Fifth Wall联合创始人兼执行合伙人


“值得一提的是,随着Facebook(已更名为Meta)继续投入重金,增强现实/虚拟现实领域的趋势将最为明显。然而,该趋势带来的一个问题在于,各大公司创建的这些虚拟环境会对隐私带来什么样的影响,因为这些公司在分享和出售客户数据方面一直奉行的都是自由派做法。”——佩吉·雷吉,NetBase Quid首席营销官

“‘元宇宙’并不是一个新概念,但随着疫情继续肆虐,而且越来越多的机构转而采用数字原生和数字至上平台来助力日常沟通、工作、生活和商务体验,身份识别领域将继续大幅增长,继而为潜在的不良分子带来新通道和入侵载体。”——拉里·钦斯基,One Identity全球IAM策略副总裁



“硅谷之外的地区将继续增长。我个人最看好两个地方,一个是洛杉矶(南加州):有着绝佳的可用融资和创意人才(拥有最高密度的艺术家、音乐家、创作者等)比例,而且越来越多的企业家都将迁往南加州,享受那里的品质生活(沙滩、阳光等)。葡萄牙里斯本:说英语人口占比较高,税基非常低,环境优美,生活品质高。”——卢克·帕帕斯,恩颐投资(New Enterprise Associates)负责人




To launch us into the New Year, we asked our readers to gaze into their crystal ball and tell us what comes next.

We asked, and you delivered. I’ve spent the last week or so parsing through and thinking over hundreds of quick takes, analytical predictions, and insight-induced hunches. Our readers are expecting dramatic change in 2022. Here’s what this year may have in store, in your words:


“In a world of digital consumption that has only been accelerated by the pandemic, consumer brands focused on health wellness will integrate NFTs to 1) incentivize healthy behavior 2) reward loyalty and 3) build brand equity. There will be subscription-based membership models utilizing NFTs to provide exclusive access or a first look at new product drops as well as products and services leveraging NFTs for VIP status that can unlock giveaways, rewards or pricing,” Lisa Blau, founding partner, Able Partners

“The Amazon Third Party Seller Ecosystem will raise over $15 billion of capital,” Ali Hamed, general partner, Crossbeam Venture Partners

DATA: Privacy is king

“In 2022, we’ll see more Big Tech companies introduce new privacy features in an attempt to appease consumers and policymakers. The same companies introducing these changes will likely become more vulnerable as consumers hold them accountable for protecting user data,” Steffen Schebesta, CEO North America, Sendinblue

“Today 55% of F1000 enterprises have Chief Data Officers. Over the next 3 years, it’ll approach 100%,” Derek Zanutto, general partner, CapitalG

CRYPTO AND BLOCKCHAIN: All eyes on JPMorgan Chase

“Jamie Dimon will turn around and publicly support Bitcoin and start providing crypto custody solutions for their clients,” Edith Yeung, general partner, Race Capital

“In 2022, Amazon and/or Walmart will make a splashy $2.5B+ crypto acquisition. Among this crypto company’s core competencies will be online crypto payment processing and facilitation (i.e. a “Stripe for Crypto”),” Addie Lerner, founder and managing partner, Avid Ventures

“Wages will become visible via blockchain,” Joe Miller

“2022 will likely see a continuation of the 2021 trend of an increasing number of companies adding Bitcoin and other digital assets to their balance sheets, and that will result in traditional financial firms rushing to support these investments through their treasury departments and other business lines that will need to be able to support crypto assets,” Leah Wald, CEO at Valkyrie Funds

CYBERSECURITY: Crime on the rise

“Rogue states and bad actors enjoying the payoff from their successful recent exploits will become even more sophisticated, capable and dangerous adversaries. Expect the average cost of cybercrime to double for enterprises in 2022. Unfortunately, we predict 3-5 massive data breaches collectively compromising data on 1 billion individuals. The fraud will cost these companies hundreds of millions of dollars in direct losses and billions in long-term reputational damage,” James Luo, vice president, CapitalG

“Buy now, pay later fraud will skyrocket. BNPL exploded in 2021, with fintechs and banks alike offering consumers a more flexible alternative to traditional forms of financing and payment plans like layaway… In the year ahead, I expect BNPL to become an increasingly popular target for fraudsters. From false account signups to account takeover attacks using stolen personal information from the Dark Web, fraudsters will leverage loopholes in the application process to take advantage of the surge in BNPL payments to steal items ranging from fast food to big ticket items like electronics and furniture, leaving the vendor and the consumer to pay the price,” Brittany Allen, Trust and Safety Architect, Sift

“In 2022, expect greater demand for security from Boards, investors, customers, and employees for organizations to close the gap between cyber and physical security efforts. Companies will be thinking about how all actions they take keep people safe–from vaccine mandates to online security and everything in between–are connected and need to work together holistically,” Juliette Kayyem, former assistant secretary for intergovernmental affairs, U.S. Department of Homeland Security

CREATOR ECONOMY: More money, more content

“The value of the creator economy will double in 2022,” Mike Donoghue, CEO and co-founder, Subtext

“If every company was poised to become a fintech company in 2020, every creator is poised to need a fintech company and to become a business in 2022. There are 50M+ creators out there looking to turn their fun, after-hours passions into a money-making company and so much of the stack for these creators is still missing,” Jesse Middleton, general partner, Flybridge

“In 2022, corporations will choose synthetic video (often augmented with digital avatars) to produce ‘non-critical’ video assets—devouring once reliable demand for traditional video production,” Jeremy Kaufmann, principal, Scale Venture Partners

HEALTHCARE: Easier2pay

“Industries like healthcare that have long lagged behind in terms of technological advancement will start to catch up as they adopt automation: Healthcare will catch up in AI, because the pandemic forced many companies to test drive these solutions, and what they found is that today’s platforms are sophisticated enough to deal with the messy, human-generated data that’s endemic to this industry.” Dr. Bob Lindner, CTO, veda

“As practices offer more digital payment features, such as Card on File, online payments, text to pay, and QR codes, patients become more prone to pay. This also allows practices to replace outdated processes that involve manual data entry, paper-based bills, and phone-based follow-up calls with terminal-less, contactless payment options that modernize offices … We expect to see greater adoption of payment plans in the healthcare space as more patients are able to manage their financial expenses better by paying in affordable installments.” Michelle Dowling, VP of Marketing, Rectangle Health

CLIMATE: Dragons unite

“2022 will reveal the world’s first Climate-tech startup ‘dragon’ (a private startup valued at $12B+),” Brian Walsh, Head of WIND Ventures

“A blockchain collective will buy a coal company in order to shut it down,” Andy Frank, president, Sealed

“In 2022, VCs will widen their investment focus to include solutions that enable climate adaptation, alongside mitigation … Innovations like drought-resistant plant seeds, fireproof homes, and energy-efficient HVAC will see increased demand as the need to battle climate change today becomes more acute,” Julia Reichelstein, Investor, Piva Capital

PROPERTY/FARMING: Non-transitory

“Crop shortages will lead to a spike in prices, creating widespread inflation fears leading to a huge bond selloff and other high spec assets like Bitcoin, etc.” Ed Amberger, HCM

“We will see further acceleration into investments in proptech, which last year decisively became one of the largest, highest-performing and most compelling categories of the venture capital markets,” Brendan Wallace, Co-Founder & Managing Partner, Fifth Wall

VR/META: Data meets virtual world

“The biggest trend will be the AR/VR space, especially with Facebook/Meta continuing to heavily invest. But, the topic that will arise from this trend is the privacy implications of these virtual environment[s] created by companies who have been liberal with how they share and sell customer data,” Paige Leidig, NetBase Quid

“The ‘metaverse”’is not a new concept. But as the pandemic continues to trudge on and more organizations turn to digital-native and digital-first platforms to fuel everyday communication, work, life and commerce experiences, the identity landscape will continue to grow exponentially – opening up new gateways and threat vectors to potential bad actors,” Larry Chinski, VP of Global IAM Strategy, One Identity

GEOGRAPHY: The Great Departure from Silicon Valley

“2022 is going to be the year that Africa breaks out. With all of the investment $ looking for places to land it is just a matter of time before all of the talent in Africa is discovered and investment follows,” Jules Walker, senior director, KPMG

“Regions outside Silicon Valley will continue to grow. The two I am most excited about: LA (Southern Cal): A terrific mix of available financing, creative talent (highest density of artists, musicians, creators, etc), and more and more entrepreneurs are moving to So Cal for the quality of life (beaches, sun, etc). Lisbon, Portugal: High percentage of English speakers, Very low tax basis, beautiful area, high quality of life,” Luke Pappas, Principal, New Enterprise Associates

“Latin America stays red hot. Investment activity in Latin America has exploded in the last couple of years, and shows no sign of slowing in 2022 … More services firms will expand into Latin America to build out nearshore delivery centers, taking advantage of the proximity, lower cost labor and access to an increasing number of STEM graduates. As LATAM interest picks up and more capital enters the region, the competition for tech talent in the major hubs will lift wages, but not to the extent of other markets,” Lisa Burton, Partner, Tercera
