

KYLIE LOGAN 2021-12-11

娜瑞恩·阿拉克林(Narine Arakelian)来自亚美尼亚,是一位多媒体艺术家。近期,她将拍卖自己的最新画作《爱、希望、生活》。除实物交易外,此画还将被铸造成非同质化代币(NFT)一同售出。





艺术家娜瑞恩•阿拉克林(右)在迈阿密巴塞尔艺术展上与嘉宾对话。图片来源:约翰·帕拉,Getty Images。艺术家公关负责人Jane Owen供图






据商业内幕网报道,截至今年4月,艺术品NFT市场总价飙升超过800%,达到4.9亿美元。NFT 投资基金 Metapurse今年首次组织了名为DreamVerse的线下活动。今年3月,此组织昵称分别为“MetaKovan”和“Twobadour”的两位联合创始人以6900万美元的价格从昵称“Beeple”的美国艺术家迈克·温克尔曼手中买下了一个NFT,这可能是2021年最石破天惊的一笔艺术品NFT交易。数字艺术观察家们担忧大众对NFT表现出的热情只不过是泡沫而已,而“MetaKovan”和“Twobadour”等人却预言说,NFT将永久改变艺术圈的价值分配方式。

在今年巴塞尔艺术博览会上,一件名为《El Primero》的艺术品跨界亮相。它将《星际迷航》(Star Trek)作者吉恩·罗登伯里(Gene Roddenberry)的签名作为DNA代码,植入了活细菌的细胞中。(财富中文网)

娜瑞恩·阿拉克林(Narine Arakelian)来自亚美尼亚,是一位多媒体艺术家。近期,她将拍卖自己的最新画作《爱、希望、生活》。除实物交易外,此画还将被铸造成非同质化代币(NFT)一同售出。










据商业内幕网报道,截至今年4月,艺术品NFT市场总价飙升超过800%,达到4.9亿美元。NFT 投资基金 Metapurse今年首次组织了名为DreamVerse的线下活动。今年3月,此组织昵称分别为“MetaKovan”和“Twobadour”的两位联合创始人以6900万美元的价格从昵称“Beeple”的美国艺术家迈克·温克尔曼手中买下了一个NFT,这可能是2021年最石破天惊的一笔艺术品NFT交易。数字艺术观察家们担忧大众对NFT表现出的热情只不过是泡沫而已,而“MetaKovan”和“Twobadour”等人却预言说,NFT将永久改变艺术圈的价值分配方式。

在今年巴塞尔艺术博览会上,一件名为《El Primero》的艺术品跨界亮相。它将《星际迷航》(Star Trek)作者吉恩·罗登伯里(Gene Roddenberry)的签名作为DNA代码,植入了活细菌的细胞中。(财富中文网)

Narine Arakelian is an Armenian multimedia artist, and her latest work, a painting called Love, Hope, Live, will be auctioned off as both a physical creation and a non-fungible token (NFT) of the painting.

This is not the first time that a work of art has been sold as an NFT, a piece of unique digital media that can be tracked on blockchain. But this won’t be just a regular NFT—it will be embedded with a piece of code that ties to a contract promising the buyer one of Arakelian’s ovarian eggs.

Love, Hope, Live debuted at Art Basel in Miami earlier this month. Arakelian is still deciding which company to use to mint the NFT, according to a spokesperson, and the date for auctioning it has not been announced yet.

“Art is always perception. If people see this as a performance, then it is. However my choice was not based on whether it was a performance but more about it being the biggest gift I can give with my art,” Arakelian told Fortune.

“The egg will hopefully become a child and then it will be a child, not art. However I hope the child and its parents will always feel a special connection to my art and the NFT,” she said.

How exactly will this egg transaction work?

“The NFT will include a contract that gives the buyer ownership [of the egg]. Then when they want to collect, I will have a procedure and they will be given the egg,” Arakelian told Fortune. She added that the procedure will be “fully supervised by doctors and experts.”

Arakelian said the decision to sell her egg took more than a year, and added that she hopes it will help a couple who are struggling to have a child.

It’s anyone’s guess how much the NFT will sell for.

“The NFT market is so explosive it could be any amount,” Arakelian’s publicist, Jane Owen, told Fortune.

The market for art sold as an NFT skyrocketed by over 800% by April of this year, Business Insider reported, rising to $490 million. In perhaps the most groundbreaking NFT art purchase this year, the creators of DreamVerse, MetaKovan and Twobadour, bought an NFT from artist Beeple for $69 million in March. Some digital art watchers are concerned the excitement over NFTs is just a bubble, while others, like MetaKovan and Twobadour, predict it will permanently alter how the art community assigns value.

In another boundary-breaking debut at Art Basel this year, a piece of art titled El Primero involved planting the signature of Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry into the DNA of a live bacteria.
