

Shawn Tully 2021-11-10

杰出的物理学家弗里曼·戴森(1923–2020)曾经指出,世界各地遍植树苗将被证明是应对全球变暖的绝佳方法。如今,一项最新研究已经计算出需要多大规模的植树造林,以抵消比特币(Bitcoin)、以太坊(Ethereum)等加密数字货币产生的大量碳足迹。研究来源为Forex Suggest,这是一家总部位于南非的网站,致力于提供交易与金融市场教育。Forex Suggest发布的《加密数字货币交易的全球影响》(Global Impact of Crypto Trading)报告显示,与以太坊等加密数字货币相比,为消除比特币挖矿引起的污染,需要启动迄今为止全球最大规模的植树造林。原因很简单:比特币的耗电量为竞争对手的数倍。作为标志性的加密数字货币,比特币今年预计耗电760亿千瓦时左右,是以太坊的将近3倍,莱特币(Litecoin)的100多倍。

Forex Suggest 估计,比特币每年排放二氧化碳总计5700万吨左右,是以太坊碳足迹的两倍多。值得注意的是,如此多的能源消耗只引发了较低的交易量。因为比特币分布式网络运行缓慢,用户每小时只能够在区块链上发布大约1.2万条购买、销售和转让帖。也就是说,一年大约会发生1.15亿笔交易。相反,以太坊的年交易量是比特币的4倍多,但耗电量却远不及比特币的一半。结果是:比特币每次交易耗电量达到惊人的707千瓦时,为以太坊的11倍;每次你打开比特币应用程序购买一杯拿铁或向高尔夫赌球赢了你的朋友转点比特币时,就会排放半吨二氧化碳。而以太坊每处理一次购买或转让交易,排放的二氧化碳小于比特币的十分之一。

那么,为了吸收比特币每年排放的大量二氧化碳,需要种植多少棵树呢?Forex Suggest 给出的答案是2.84亿棵,这是个大数目。美国纽约中央公园有1.8万棵枫树、云杉等树木,而高度农业化的美国新泽西州有8.06亿棵树。为补偿比特币产生的污染,需要种植的树苗数量,相当于树木繁茂的花园之州新泽西州的三分之一,美国加利福尼亚州森林的4%。

Forex Suggest 的预测是建立在热带地区植树的基础上的;在热带,树苗发芽很快,为死亡或无法发挥碳吸存潜力的树木提供额外烘烤。

2007年,美国普林斯顿高等研究院(Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton)的量子电动力学和核工程传奇人物戴森写道:“在出现全球紧急情况时,种植足够的树木和其他迅速生长的植物以吸收过量二氧化碳并防止二氧化碳的年度增长,也许可行。”那时比特币尚未加剧碳排放的严重性。如今,面对比特币这种没有实际用处发明产生的问题,大规模植树造林的目的,仅仅是为了维持温室气体排放量不变,更不用说减排。如果可以知道戴森对此会如何评价,那就太有意思了。作为开辟新天地的科学家,他可能会惊讶于一个需要污染环境才能够存在的发明究竟是如何站稳脚跟的。(财富中文网)


杰出的物理学家弗里曼·戴森(1923–2020)曾经指出,世界各地遍植树苗将被证明是应对全球变暖的绝佳方法。如今,一项最新研究已经计算出需要多大规模的植树造林,以抵消比特币(Bitcoin)、以太坊(Ethereum)等加密数字货币产生的大量碳足迹。研究来源为Forex Suggest,这是一家总部位于南非的网站,致力于提供交易与金融市场教育。Forex Suggest发布的《加密数字货币交易的全球影响》(Global Impact of Crypto Trading)报告显示,与以太坊等加密数字货币相比,为消除比特币挖矿引起的污染,需要启动迄今为止全球最大规模的植树造林。原因很简单:比特币的耗电量为竞争对手的数倍。作为标志性的加密数字货币,比特币今年预计耗电760亿千瓦时左右,是以太坊的将近3倍,莱特币(Litecoin)的100多倍。

Forex Suggest 估计,比特币每年排放二氧化碳总计5700万吨左右,是以太坊碳足迹的两倍多。值得注意的是,如此多的能源消耗只引发了较低的交易量。因为比特币分布式网络运行缓慢,用户每小时只能够在区块链上发布大约1.2万条购买、销售和转让帖。也就是说,一年大约会发生1.15亿笔交易。相反,以太坊的年交易量是比特币的4倍多,但耗电量却远不及比特币的一半。结果是:比特币每次交易耗电量达到惊人的707千瓦时,为以太坊的11倍;每次你打开比特币应用程序购买一杯拿铁或向高尔夫赌球赢了你的朋友转点比特币时,就会排放半吨二氧化碳。而以太坊每处理一次购买或转让交易,排放的二氧化碳小于比特币的十分之一。

那么,为了吸收比特币每年排放的大量二氧化碳,需要种植多少棵树呢?Forex Suggest 给出的答案是2.84亿棵,这是个大数目。美国纽约中央公园有1.8万棵枫树、云杉等树木,而高度农业化的美国新泽西州有8.06亿棵树。为补偿比特币产生的污染,需要种植的树苗数量,相当于树木繁茂的花园之州新泽西州的三分之一,美国加利福尼亚州森林的4%。

Forex Suggest 的预测是建立在热带地区植树的基础上的;在热带,树苗发芽很快,为死亡或无法发挥碳吸存潜力的树木提供额外烘烤。

2007年,美国普林斯顿高等研究院(Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton)的量子电动力学和核工程传奇人物戴森写道:“在出现全球紧急情况时,种植足够的树木和其他迅速生长的植物以吸收过量二氧化碳并防止二氧化碳的年度增长,也许可行。”那时比特币尚未加剧碳排放的严重性。如今,面对比特币这种没有实际用处发明产生的问题,大规模植树造林的目的,仅仅是为了维持温室气体排放量不变,更不用说减排。如果可以知道戴森对此会如何评价,那就太有意思了。作为开辟新天地的科学家,他可能会惊讶于一个需要污染环境才能够存在的发明究竟是如何站稳脚跟的。(财富中文网)


The distinguished physicist Freeman Dyson (1923–2020) once remarked that dotting the globe with great swaths of saplings would prove an excellent way to counter global warming. Now, a new study has calculated the scale of the new forests required to offset the massive carbon footprints of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and a number of other cryptocurrencies. The source is Forex Suggest, a South Africa–based site that provides education on trading and financial markets. Its Global Impact of Crypto Trading report finds that erasing the pollution spewed by Bitcoin mining would require by far the biggest expansion of the world’s forests, versus Ethereum and the other cryptos. The reason is basic: Bitcoin uses multiples of the amount of electricity deployed by each of its rivals. The signature coin will burn roughly 76 billion kWh this year, nearly triple the consumption of Ethereum, and over 100 times that of Litecoin.

All told, Bitcoin emits—by Forex Suggest’s estimate—some 57 million tons of CO2 annually, more than double Ethereum’s footprint. It’s noteworthy that for Bitcoin, all that energy generates a relatively low number of transactions. Because its distributed network is so slow, its users post only around 12,000 purchases, sales, and transfers on the blockchain each hour. That’s approximately 115 million transactions a year. By contrast, Ethereum handles over four times those volumes—devouring, once again, far less than half the juice. The result: Bitcoin deploys an incredible 707 kWh of electricity per transaction, 11 times as much as Ethereum, and emits 1,061 pounds, or half a ton, of CO2 every time you tap the app to buy a latte or zap a fraction to a buddy who beat you on a golf bet. Ethereum sends less than one-tenth of that carbon skyward for each purchase or transfer it processes.

So how many new trees would it take to swallow all the CO2 that Bitcoin gushes each year? Forex Suggest puts the number at 284 million. That’s a lot of greenery. Central Park hosts 18,000 maples, spruces, and the like. New Jersey, an extremely rural state, by the way, is home to 806 million trees. Compensating for Bitcoin’s pollution would require installing new root balls equaling one-third the leaf-crowned trunks gracing the Garden State, and 4% of the forests of California.

Forex Suggest based its projections on saplings planted in the tropics, where they sprout fast, baking in extras for the trees that die or fail to reach their potential for carbon sequestration.

In 2007, Dyson—a legend on quantum electrodynamics and nuclear engineering at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton—wrote that “it would be possible in the case of a worldwide emergency to plant enough trees and other fast-growing plants to absorb the excess CO2 and bring the annual increase to a halt.” At the time, Bitcoin wasn’t adding to the problem. It would be fascinating to learn how Dyson would rate an invention offering no practical uses that greatly increases the forested expanses needed just to keep greenhouse gas emissions the same, let alone reduce them. As a scientist who broke new ground, he might be marveling at how a brainchild that pollutes to exist ever took hold.
