

MARTINE PARIS 2021-10-23

据科技博客The Verge报道,Netflix因发布喜剧演员戴夫·查普尔嘲弄变性人的脱口秀而陷入舆论风暴后,上周五Netflix又因解雇跨性别员工资源小组负责人引发更多口诛笔伐,当时该负责人正组织罢工行动抗议脱口秀。



10月5日,Netflix发布了查普尔的特别节目《Closer》,因其中有嘲弄变性人的言论立刻引发愤怒。Netflix的员工在社交媒体上抱怨,跨性别人群权益倡导组织美国同性恋者反诋毁联盟(GLAAD)和全国黑人正义联盟(National Black Justice Coalition)则要求Netflix处理该喜剧演员的评论。在Deadline的一份声明中,全国黑人正义联盟的执行理事大卫·约翰斯呼吁Netflix删除该节目。“2021年可能是美国变性人死亡人数最多的一年,其中大多数是黑人变性人。Netflix应该很清楚。跨性别恐惧症长期存在会导致暴力持续,”他说。






由于对管理层的回应深感失望,Netflix一些员工开始计划10月20日举行罢工。结果Netflix指责三位组织者破坏了并未受到邀请的会议,然后宣布三人停职。然而第二天,一位被停职的员工在Twitter上威胁要向美国国家劳工关系委员会(National Labor Relations Board)提出投诉,The Verge也报道了停职事件,Netflix恢复了相关员工的工作。

但The Verge称,上周五Netflix解雇了跨性别员工资源小组负责人,原因是该员工涉嫌向彭博泄露内部对《Closer》的评价。Netflix向媒体发送的一份未提及员工具体身份的声明中表示,“我们理解该员工可能因为对Netflix感到失望,也受到了伤害,但保持信任和透明的文化是公司价值观核心。”

据称超过1000名Netflix员工计划参加虚拟罢工。《好莱坞报道》(Hollywood Reporter)称,员工打算离开办公桌,关注帮助跨性别社区的慈善机构。(财富中文网)



据科技博客The Verge报道,Netflix因发布喜剧演员戴夫·查普尔嘲弄变性人的脱口秀而陷入舆论风暴后,上周五Netflix又因解雇跨性别员工资源小组负责人引发更多口诛笔伐,当时该负责人正组织罢工行动抗议脱口秀。



10月5日,Netflix发布了查普尔的特别节目《Closer》,因其中有嘲弄变性人的言论立刻引发愤怒。Netflix的员工在社交媒体上抱怨,跨性别人群权益倡导组织美国同性恋者反诋毁联盟(GLAAD)和全国黑人正义联盟(National Black Justice Coalition)则要求Netflix处理该喜剧演员的评论。在Deadline的一份声明中,全国黑人正义联盟的执行理事大卫·约翰斯呼吁Netflix删除该节目。“2021年可能是美国变性人死亡人数最多的一年,其中大多数是黑人变性人。Netflix应该很清楚。跨性别恐惧症长期存在会导致暴力持续,”他说。






由于对管理层的回应深感失望,Netflix一些员工开始计划10月20日举行罢工。结果Netflix指责三位组织者破坏了并未受到邀请的会议,然后宣布三人停职。然而第二天,一位被停职的员工在Twitter上威胁要向美国国家劳工关系委员会(National Labor Relations Board)提出投诉,The Verge也报道了停职事件,Netflix恢复了相关员工的工作。

但The Verge称,上周五Netflix解雇了跨性别员工资源小组负责人,原因是该员工涉嫌向彭博泄露内部对《Closer》的评价。Netflix向媒体发送的一份未提及员工具体身份的声明中表示,“我们理解该员工可能因为对Netflix感到失望,也受到了伤害,但保持信任和透明的文化是公司价值观核心。”

据称超过1000名Netflix员工计划参加虚拟罢工。《好莱坞报道》(Hollywood Reporter)称,员工打算离开办公桌,关注帮助跨性别社区的慈善机构。(财富中文网)



Netflix, already in a firestorm over releasing a show in which comedian Dave Chappelle mocked transgender people, threw more gas onto the flames Friday when, according to The Verge, it fired the leader of its trans employee resource group who was organizing a worker walkout to protest the stand-up routine.

Here's what you need to know.

How it started

Chappelle’s special, The Closer, released by Netflix on Oct. 5, immediately drew ire for his remarks mocking transgender people. Netflix employees complained on social media, while LGBTQ advocacy group GLAAD and the National Black Justice Coalition took Netflix to task for the comedian’s comments. In a statement to Deadline, NBJC’s executive director David Johns called for Netflix to remove the show from the platform. “With 2021 on track to be the deadliest year on record for transgender people in the United States — the majority of whom are Black transgender people — Netflix should know better. Perpetuating transphobia perpetuates violence,” he said.

Netflix's response

On October 8, Netflix co-CEO Ted Sarandos tried to tamp down internal unrest by sending emails, one to top leadership and a second one to employees, in which he stated that he believes the content in The Closer won’t directly translate into real-world harm for trans people. “Adults can watch violence, assault and abuse – or enjoy shocking stand-up comedy – without it causing them to harm others,” Sarandos wrote, according to Variety.

In an email excerpt posted by Vulture, Sarandos said that “Netflix strives to support creative freedom — even though this means there will always be content on Netflix some people believe is harmful,” and added that “particularly in stand-up comedy, artistic freedom is obviously a very different standard of speech than we allow internally as the goals are different."

Amid the uproar, Netflix executives have decided to host an internal event with trans activist Alok Vaid-Menon, according to Bloomberg.

Rising tensions

Disappointed by management’s response, some Netflix employees began planning a walkout for Oct. 20. Netflix ended up suspending three of the organizers after accusing them of crashing a meeting they weren’t invited to. However, the next day, after one of the suspended employees threatened on Twitter to file a complaint with the National Labor Relations Board and after the tech news site The Verge reported about the suspension, Netflix reinstated the employees.

But on Friday, Netflix fired the head of its trans employee resource group for allegedly leaking internal metrics about The Closer with media outlet Bloomberg, according to The Verge. In a statement to the media, Netflix said, without identifying the employee, “We understand this employee may have been motivated by disappointment and hurt with Netflix, but maintaining a culture of trust and transparency is core to our company.”

More than 1,000 Netflix employees are said to be planning to participate in the virtual walkout. While away from their desks, those participants intend to focus on charities that help the trans community, according to the Hollywood Reporter.
