

Sophie Mellor 2021-09-16


在澳大利亚悉尼上市的铀矿开采公司Peninsula Energy、Energy Resources of Australia和Bannerman Energy的股价过去几天上涨了40%。在伦敦,矿业公司Aura Energy的股价暴涨超过75%,作为铀矿交易所交易基金的Yellow Cake股价上涨了15%。而在纽约,铀矿期货的价格在过去一个月上涨了40%,达到42.40美元,创下七年来的最高水平。

在日本,下任首相的热门人选岸田文雄突然改变了对核电的立场,并表示核能对于日本实现净零排放目标必不可少。之后,日本公用事业公司东京电力(TEPCO)、关西电力(Kansai)和四国电力(Shikoku Electric Power)的股价均大幅上涨。


铀矿开采商的股价暴涨之前,在多伦多上市的Sprott实物铀信托基金(Sprott Physical Uranium Trust)曾经大肆扫货,上周买入了约85万磅铀,之前一周共购买了140万磅。投资者通过该基金可以直接拥有铀敞口。

该信托基金自7月创立以来,共买入了约2500万磅铀,而根据世界核能协会(World Nuclear Association)统计,2019年的铀开采供应总量只有约1.2亿磅。



据跟踪股票代码提及次数的网站SwaggyStocks统计,Reddit用户谈论热度排在第二位的公司是加拿大的Cameco Corp.。该公司是全球最大的上市铀生产商之一,其股价在9月13日和9月14日均上涨12%。

摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)的策略师马里厄斯·范斯特拉滕和苏珊·拜特斯在一篇投资者报告中写道:“在Sprott的实物铀信托的刺激下,投资者对铀产生了兴趣,成为这波上涨的推动力,这不是秘密。”







在澳大利亚悉尼上市的铀矿开采公司Peninsula Energy、Energy Resources of Australia和Bannerman Energy的股价过去几天上涨了40%。在伦敦,矿业公司Aura Energy的股价暴涨超过75%,作为铀矿交易所交易基金的Yellow Cake股价上涨了15%。而在纽约,铀矿期货的价格在过去一个月上涨了40%,达到42.40美元,创下七年来的最高水平。

在日本,下任首相的热门人选岸田文雄突然改变了对核电的立场,并表示核能对于日本实现净零排放目标必不可少。之后,日本公用事业公司东京电力(TEPCO)、关西电力(Kansai)和四国电力(Shikoku Electric Power)的股价均大幅上涨。


铀矿开采商的股价暴涨之前,在多伦多上市的Sprott实物铀信托基金(Sprott Physical Uranium Trust)曾经大肆扫货,上周买入了约85万磅铀,之前一周共购买了140万磅。投资者通过该基金可以直接拥有铀敞口。

该信托基金自7月创立以来,共买入了约2500万磅铀,而根据世界核能协会(World Nuclear Association)统计,2019年的铀开采供应总量只有约1.2亿磅。



据跟踪股票代码提及次数的网站SwaggyStocks统计,Reddit用户谈论热度排在第二位的公司是加拿大的Cameco Corp.。该公司是全球最大的上市铀生产商之一,其股价在9月13日和9月14日均上涨12%。

摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)的策略师马里厄斯·范斯特拉滕和苏珊·拜特斯在一篇投资者报告中写道:“在Sprott的实物铀信托的刺激下,投资者对铀产生了兴趣,成为这波上涨的推动力,这不是秘密。”






Retail traders from Reddit’s WallStreetBets flocked to uranium-mining companies on September 13 amid a price rally in the radioactive material, as investors bet that the nuclear fuel would become a central tool in the decarbonization of the world’s energy systems.

In Australia, Sydney-listed uranium miners Peninsula Energy, Energy Resources of Australia, and Bannerman Energy jumped by 40% over the past several days. In London, miner Aura Energy jumped more than 75% and Yellow Cake, a company that acts as an exchange-traded fund for uranium, rose 15%. Over in New York, uranium futures have been at their highest level in seven years, surging 40% over the past month to $42.40.

And in Asia, shares in Japanese utilities TEPCO, Kansai, and Shikoku Electric Power rose sharply after Fumio Kishida, the leading contender to become the country’s next prime minister, U-turned on his position on nuclear power and noted the energy source would be necessary to achieve the country’s net-zero goals.

The stocks largely stayed level or continued their rise into September 14, offering little sign that the rally had reached its end—or even its half-life.

The rally of shares in uranium miners follows on the heels of a buying spree by Sprott Physical Uranium Trust—a Toronto-listed fund that gives investors direct exposure to the metal—which bought some 850,000 pounds of the nuclear fuel last week and 1.4 million pounds the week before.

The trust has amassed around 25 million pounds of the metal since its launch in July, a big slice if one considers the total mined supply of uranium in 2019 was only around 120 million pounds, according to the World Nuclear Association.

Interest in nuclear energy and uranium as tools for decarbonizing the energy system has been growing for some time. Nuclear power can provide reliable, low-cost, low-carbon energy, and many countries are considering it as a baseload energy source to be used to fill the gaps of intermittent renewables and replace fossil fuels.

This wager on future energy systems in part pushed forward the rally by r/WallStreetBets, which is home to the same retail traders behind the rise of meme-stock GameStop. Prior to the stock rise in uranium, commenters on the forum were drawing parallels between the video game retailer and uranium.

One of the world’s largest publicly traded uranium companies, Canada’s Cameco Corp., which also rose 12% over September 13 and September 14, is the second most talked about company on Reddit, according to SwaggyStocks, a website tracking the mentions of ticker symbols.

“It is not a secret that investors’ newfound interest in uranium, predominantly through Sprott’s physical uranium trust, is the driving force behind its resurgence,” Morgan Stanley strategists Marius van Straaten and Susan Bates wrote in an investor note.

The analysts said that, moving forward, investors will cast a critical eye on the sustainability of the rally, as the baseline supply and demand fundamentals of uranium haven’t changed since Sprott’s buying spree. “While coal and natural gas prices are driven up by actual market tightness, uranium’s underlying supply-demand fundamentals haven’t meaningfully changed over the last few months to warrant this price surge,” Morgan Stanley’s analysts noted.

To further the discussion of all things related to uranium investment, a new subreddit named r/UraniumSqueeze—dedicated to investors and traders “passionate about the uranium market”—was created in February and has attracted 14,000 members. It lauds itself as a stricter forum than r/WallStreetBets, claiming it will not allow any memes in order to maintain its integrity as a serious place to discuss uranium investing.

But r/WallStreetBets is still having fun with it.
