

Martine Paris 2021-06-18

喷气机初创公司Boom Supersonic的首席执行官布莱克·肖尔希望创造一个航空旅行的黄金时代——一个更环保、更快速的时代。按照他的设想,乘客从纽约飞到伦敦只需要三个半小时——较通常的时间缩减一半——从旧金山飞到东京也只需要六个小时。

他的公司正在寻求打造一架速度可达1.7马赫(约2082.64千米/小时)的客机。本月早些时候,这家公司达成了一个重要的里程碑:与美国联合航空公司(United Airlines)敲定了一项历史性协议。该航空公司同意花费30亿美元从Boom Supersonic购买15架飞机,这些飞机最多可载88名乘客,最大航程接近5000英里(约8046.72千米)。



也许毫不让人意外的是,由于技术问题,Boom Supersonic已经落后原定计划数年。原计划于2017年进行的缩小版喷气机的飞行测试,已经推迟到今年晚些时候或明年年初。

“建造一架这样的飞机需要耗费数十亿美元,需要政府和公共市场提供资金。”亚马逊(Amazon)创始人杰夫·贝佐斯的太空创业公司蓝色起源(Blue Origin)前总裁、初创公司Hermeus顾问罗伯·梅尔森指出。Hermeus正在试图建造可以在90分钟内从纽约飞到伦敦的私人飞机。


上一架超音速客机是协和飞机(Concorde),由法国宇航公司(Aérospatiale,目前是空中客车公司旗下公司)和英国航空公司(British Aircraft Corporation)在法国和英国政府的支持下联合研制。该款飞机从1976年开始进行豪华的跨大西洋飞行,主要是从纽约和华盛顿特区飞往伦敦和巴黎,速度达到音速的两倍多。这些飞机总共只生产了14架,最终于2003年停飞。2000年的一次灾难性坠机事故造成机上所有人遇难,这些飞机也被认为造价过于高昂,噪音太大,因而无法运营。

肖尔说,Boom Supersonic将避免像协和飞机那样出现诸多缺陷。他说,其公司的飞机Overture每架售价仅为2亿美元,与波音767(Boeing 767)相当。他的目标是,让高速旅行变得更便宜易得,这一切的基础是航空公司收取商务舱票价或降低票价。相比之下,换算成今天的美元,协和飞机的售价达到Overture的两倍多,因而只有富人和名人乘坐得起。



“目前,我们对商业飞机有速度限制,大体上就是你不可以飞得比音速快,音速大约是700英里/小时。”美国国家航空航天局低轰鸣示范项目(Low Boom Demonstration Project)的项目经理克雷格·尼科尔说。该项目专为高速飞行引起的音爆问题而设。

尼科尔正在与洛克希德-马丁公司(Lockheed Martin)合作制造一款噪音较小的超音速喷气机,该款飞机名为X-59 QueSST,将让美国国家航空航天局能够为联合国国际民用航空组织(United Nations International Civil Aviation Organization)收集数据,以说明空气动力学设计和技术上的改进如何可以消减音爆。该喷气机目前正在组装中,该团队计划于2022年年中进行首次试飞。


肖尔指出,这一规则改变至关重要。“除非超音速飞机被允许在陆上飞行,否则私人飞机市场将难以为继。”他指的是Aerion Supersonic,这家初创公司曾经先后与空中客车公司(Airbus)、洛克希德和波音达成超音速商务喷气机方面的合作关系,但上个月因为融资问题而宣告退出市场。

Boom Supersonic甚至还需要数年时间才能够启动生产工作。该公司计划在2022年破土动工设立工厂,地点尚未确定,2023年开始生产。其第一架飞机预计将于2025年下线,2026年开始飞行,2029年开始载客。


除了美联航之外,日本航空公司(Japan Airlines)以40亿美元的价格预订了Boom的20架飞机,维珍航空公司(Virgin)也签署了意向书,计划以50亿美元从Boom购买10架飞机。







喷气机初创公司Boom Supersonic的首席执行官布莱克·肖尔希望创造一个航空旅行的黄金时代——一个更环保、更快速的时代。按照他的设想,乘客从纽约飞到伦敦只需要三个半小时——较通常的时间缩减一半——从旧金山飞到东京也只需要六个小时。

他的公司正在寻求打造一架速度可达1.7马赫(约2082.64千米/小时)的客机。本月早些时候,这家公司达成了一个重要的里程碑:与美国联合航空公司(United Airlines)敲定了一项历史性协议。该航空公司同意花费30亿美元从Boom Supersonic购买15架飞机,这些飞机最多可载88名乘客,最大航程接近5000英里(约8046.72千米)。



也许毫不让人意外的是,由于技术问题,Boom Supersonic已经落后原定计划数年。原计划于2017年进行的缩小版喷气机的飞行测试,已经推迟到今年晚些时候或明年年初。

“建造一架这样的飞机需要耗费数十亿美元,需要政府和公共市场提供资金。”亚马逊(Amazon)创始人杰夫·贝佐斯的太空创业公司蓝色起源(Blue Origin)前总裁、初创公司Hermeus顾问罗伯·梅尔森指出。Hermeus正在试图建造可以在90分钟内从纽约飞到伦敦的私人飞机。


上一架超音速客机是协和飞机(Concorde),由法国宇航公司(Aérospatiale,目前是空中客车公司旗下公司)和英国航空公司(British Aircraft Corporation)在法国和英国政府的支持下联合研制。该款飞机从1976年开始进行豪华的跨大西洋飞行,主要是从纽约和华盛顿特区飞往伦敦和巴黎,速度达到音速的两倍多。这些飞机总共只生产了14架,最终于2003年停飞。2000年的一次灾难性坠机事故造成机上所有人遇难,这些飞机也被认为造价过于高昂,噪音太大,因而无法运营。

肖尔说,Boom Supersonic将避免像协和飞机那样出现诸多缺陷。他说,其公司的飞机Overture每架售价仅为2亿美元,与波音767(Boeing 767)相当。他的目标是,让高速旅行变得更便宜易得,这一切的基础是航空公司收取商务舱票价或降低票价。相比之下,换算成今天的美元,协和飞机的售价达到Overture的两倍多,因而只有富人和名人乘坐得起。



“目前,我们对商业飞机有速度限制,大体上就是你不可以飞得比音速快,音速大约是700英里/小时。”美国国家航空航天局低轰鸣示范项目(Low Boom Demonstration Project)的项目经理克雷格·尼科尔说。该项目专为高速飞行引起的音爆问题而设。

尼科尔正在与洛克希德-马丁公司(Lockheed Martin)合作制造一款噪音较小的超音速喷气机,该款飞机名为X-59 QueSST,将让美国国家航空航天局能够为联合国国际民用航空组织(United Nations International Civil Aviation Organization)收集数据,以说明空气动力学设计和技术上的改进如何可以消减音爆。该喷气机目前正在组装中,该团队计划于2022年年中进行首次试飞。


肖尔指出,这一规则改变至关重要。“除非超音速飞机被允许在陆上飞行,否则私人飞机市场将难以为继。”他指的是Aerion Supersonic,这家初创公司曾经先后与空中客车公司(Airbus)、洛克希德和波音达成超音速商务喷气机方面的合作关系,但上个月因为融资问题而宣告退出市场。

Boom Supersonic甚至还需要数年时间才能够启动生产工作。该公司计划在2022年破土动工设立工厂,地点尚未确定,2023年开始生产。其第一架飞机预计将于2025年下线,2026年开始飞行,2029年开始载客。


除了美联航之外,日本航空公司(Japan Airlines)以40亿美元的价格预订了Boom的20架飞机,维珍航空公司(Virgin)也签署了意向书,计划以50亿美元从Boom购买10架飞机。







Blake Scholl, CEO of jet startup Boom Supersonic, wants to create a golden age of air travel—one that’s more environmentally friendly and, most importantly, faster. Passengers would be able to get from New York to London in just three-and-a-half hours—half the usual time—and from San Francisco to Tokyo in a mere six hours.

His company, which is on a quest to build a passenger jet that can travel at Mach 1.7, achieved a major milestone earlier this month by cutting a historic deal with United Airlines. The airline agreed to spend $3 billion on 15 planes that can carry up to 88 passengers for nearly 5,000 miles.

“United is the first commercial airline to place a firm order for civilian supersonic aircraft since the 1970s,” Scholl said.

But can a six-year-old startup with only 150 employees and a relatively paltry—by aerospace standards—$270 million in funding build a supersonic jet from scratch? Commercial airliners, with their millions of parts, are notoriously difficult to produce. Creating one that can travel at supersonic speeds only adds to the complications. Then there are a host of regulatory and safety hurdles that must be cleared.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, Boom Supersonic is already years behind schedule because of technical problems. Flight testing of a scaled-down version of its jet, which was originally planned for 2017, has been pushed back to later this year or early next year.

“It costs billions of dollars to build an aircraft like this and requires funding from government and the public markets,” said Rob Meyerson, a former president of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos’s space startup Blue Origin and an adviser to Hermeus, a startup trying to build private jets that can fly from New York to London in 90 minutes.

“Funding for supersonics has been waning since the 1990s, but in the last three years, in a push to lead other countries, there's been significant government investment in hypersonics—aircraft that can fly faster than Mach 5.”

The last supersonic airliner was the Concorde, built by Aérospatiale (now part of Airbus) and British Aircraft Corporation with backing by the French and British governments. It flew luxury transatlantic flights starting in 1976, primarily from New York and D.C. to London and Paris, at more than twice the speed of sound. The planes—only 14 were ever produced—were ultimately grounded in 2003, a few years after a devastating crash in 2000 killed all onboard, and after the planes were deemed too expensive and too noisy to operate.

Scholl says Boom Supersonic will avoid many of Concorde’s pitfalls. He said that his company’s planes, called Overture, will cost only $200 million each to buy, or the same as a Boeing 767. His goal is to make high-speed travel more accessible, based on a hope that airlines will charge business-class fares or less. By contrast, fares on the Concorde were more than double in today’s dollars, making the caviar dream possible only for the rich and famous.

As for noise, Scholl said Boom has contracted with Rolls-Royce to design turbofan engines without the loud, gas-guzzling afterburners that plagued the Concorde (the planes, he said, will be net-zero carbon emissions that will fly on sustainable aviation fuel being developed with a blend of biofuels and recycled waste).

But until laws that prohibit overland supersonic flight are changed, Boom will be limited to transoceanic routes. This is where NASA is stepping in to try to open up the market.

“Currently, we have a speed limit in place for commercial airplanes that essentially says you're not allowed to fly faster than the speed of sound, which is about 700 mph,” said Craig Nickol, project manager for NASA’s Low Boom Demonstration Project, a result of the sonic boom created at higher speeds.

Nickol is working to build a quieter supersonic jet with Lockheed Martin called the X-59 QueSST that will enable NASA to collect data for the United Nations International Civil Aviation Organization to show how improvements in aerodynamic design and technology can mute sonic booms. The jet is currently in assembly, and the team is targeting mid-2022 for its first test flight.

“If we can get the speed limit changed to a noise limit, it's our hope that we can open up commercial supersonic overland travel before the end of the decade,” Nickol said.

Scholl points to the rule change as being critical. “Until supersonics are allowed to fly overland, the private jet market won’t be viable,” pointing to Aerion Supersonic, a startup that had struck partnerships for a supersonic business jet with Airbus, then Lockheed, then Boeing before it threw in the towel last month, citing financing issues.

Boom Supersonic remains years from even starting manufacturing. The company plans to break ground on a factory in 2022 at a location yet to be determined and start production in 2023. The first plane is expected to roll off the assembly line in 2025, begin flying in 2026, and then carry passengers by 2029.

In addition to the 15 jets it plans to buy, United has an option for another 35 aircraft, for a total of $10 billion. But it likely doesn’t have to fork over the cash—other than a nonrefundable deposit—until the government clears Boom’s planes to fly.

In addition to United, Japan Airlines has preordered 20 of Boom’s aircraft for $4 billion and Virgin has signed a letter of intent to buy 10 planes for $5 billion.

Investors in Boom, which was founded by Scholl in 2014, include a number of Silicon Valley elite including LinkedIn cofounder Reid Hoffman, billionaire philanthropist Laurene Powell Jobs, and investors Paul Graham, Sam Altman, and Ron Conway.

In addition to providing faster flights, Scholl, a former Groupon and Amazon executive, said he’s striving to make passengers feel more refreshed when they get off the airplane than when they get on. For example, each passenger will get a large seat, set apart from others, with different configurations for reading, relaxing, sleeping, working, and watching movies—a step up from today’s business class, which can be crowded with middle seats. He also emphasized that passengers will have a spectacular view, partly a consequence of the jets flying at 60,000 feet, far higher than today’s commercial airliners.

“When you fly supersonic, the sky is a deeper blue and you can see the curvature of the earth. It’s absolutely breathtaking,” Scholl said.

One thing is for sure: He’s not worried about demand for travel dropping off as a result of the pandemic.

On the contrary, Scholl said, “for decades, pundits believed that telecom was going to kill business travel, and they were wrong every time. Zoom calls make us want to be there more, not less.”
