

Robert Hackett 2021-03-23


而德文·芬茨看到游戏里漂亮的猫咪时,反应并不一样。他意识到,加密货币可能不仅限制在金融领域。芬茨并不是抵触金融。就在一年前,他还向金融评分检查应用程序Credit Karma出售了一家帮助用户认领资金的初创企业。


加密猫的迅速普及也启发了芬茨。他认为“可以借此为全新的非同质化代币创建亚马逊或eBay”,非同质化代币简称NFTs,是一种数字内容,记录在数字数据库中以支持比特币(Bitcoin)和以太坊等虚拟货币。*因此芬茨与朋友亚历克斯·阿达拉合作加入了Y Combinator创业加速器计划,还创立了基于区块链的市场OpenSea.io。亚历克斯毕业于斯坦福大学,曾经在苹果(Apple)和Palantir担任软件工程师。


三年(比特币阴跌不休)之后,加密猫热潮后续的NFTs再度兴起。创作者Beeple的作品售价7000万美元,会飞的Pop Tarts彩虹猫净价60万美元,每天OpenSea上的数字内容交易金额都达数百万美元。

增长速度相当惊人。芬茨表示,仅在2月市场上就售出了9500万美元的数字商品,高于1月的800万美元。随着网站从Mintable、Nifty Gateway和Rarible等竞争对手争夺市场份额,总销售额意外地比6个月前翻了100倍。

随着市场对NFT经济的认可度逐渐高涨,除了收藏者,连传统投资者都向OpenSea大笔投资。新一轮风投融资中该公司就募集到2300万美元,领投机构为硅谷风投安德森-霍洛维茨(Andreessen Horowitz)旗下专注加密货币的A16z Crypto。还有其他关注加密货币的投资人参与,包括Angel List的联合创始人纳瓦尔·拉维坎特、Coinbase的科技行业前主管巴拉吉·斯里尼瓦桑、Scalar Capital的琳达·谢、聚焦于NFT业务的投资基金Sferion的安德鲁·斯坦因沃尔德,以及加密市场跟踪公司Messari的瑞恩·塞尔基斯等。(加密货币博客《The Block》最近报道称,有项交易正在进行中。)

“我们认为存在巨大的市场。看看去年的苹果就知道。用户在苹果商店里购买的数字内容为610亿美元。”领投的安德森公司的合伙人凯瑟琳·豪恩表示。Epic Games公司出品的《堡垒之夜》(Fortnite)是一款非常受欢迎的视频游戏,仅在2018年售卖角色皮肤收入就达到24亿美元。




该公司获得不少科技界名人支持。投资者包括Pinterest的首席执行官本·西尔伯曼、Reddit的联合创始人亚历克西斯·奥哈尼安、爱彼迎(Airbnb)的前首席运营官贝琳达·约翰逊,以及SV Angel的创始人罗恩·康威。亿万富翁企业家、达拉斯小牛队的老板马克·库班和《The 4-Hour Workweek》播客的主持人及作者蒂姆·费里斯也参与了这轮融资。

OpenSea曾经与歌手及词曲作者肖恩·门德斯合作销售虚拟角色“精灵”,还跟坦帕湾海盗队(Tampa Bay Buccaneers)的橄榄球明星罗布·格伦科夫斯基合作推出了可以收藏的“Gronk”交易卡。网站上销售的商品从虚拟世界Decentraland 的数字房地产到以太坊钱包域名,应有尽有。(Dfinzer.eth就是芬茨的私人钱包之一。)







而德文·芬茨看到游戏里漂亮的猫咪时,反应并不一样。他意识到,加密货币可能不仅限制在金融领域。芬茨并不是抵触金融。就在一年前,他还向金融评分检查应用程序Credit Karma出售了一家帮助用户认领资金的初创企业。


加密猫的迅速普及也启发了芬茨。他认为“可以借此为全新的非同质化代币创建亚马逊或eBay”,非同质化代币简称NFTs,是一种数字内容,记录在数字数据库中以支持比特币(Bitcoin)和以太坊等虚拟货币。*因此芬茨与朋友亚历克斯·阿达拉合作加入了Y Combinator创业加速器计划,还创立了基于区块链的市场OpenSea.io。亚历克斯毕业于斯坦福大学,曾经在苹果(Apple)和Palantir担任软件工程师。


三年(比特币阴跌不休)之后,加密猫热潮后续的NFTs再度兴起。创作者Beeple的作品售价7000万美元,会飞的Pop Tarts彩虹猫净价60万美元,每天OpenSea上的数字内容交易金额都达数百万美元。

增长速度相当惊人。芬茨表示,仅在2月市场上就售出了9500万美元的数字商品,高于1月的800万美元。随着网站从Mintable、Nifty Gateway和Rarible等竞争对手争夺市场份额,总销售额意外地比6个月前翻了100倍。

随着市场对NFT经济的认可度逐渐高涨,除了收藏者,连传统投资者都向OpenSea大笔投资。新一轮风投融资中该公司就募集到2300万美元,领投机构为硅谷风投安德森-霍洛维茨(Andreessen Horowitz)旗下专注加密货币的A16z Crypto。还有其他关注加密货币的投资人参与,包括Angel List的联合创始人纳瓦尔·拉维坎特、Coinbase的科技行业前主管巴拉吉·斯里尼瓦桑、Scalar Capital的琳达·谢、聚焦于NFT业务的投资基金Sferion的安德鲁·斯坦因沃尔德,以及加密市场跟踪公司Messari的瑞恩·塞尔基斯等。(加密货币博客《The Block》最近报道称,有项交易正在进行中。)

“我们认为存在巨大的市场。看看去年的苹果就知道。用户在苹果商店里购买的数字内容为610亿美元。”领投的安德森公司的合伙人凯瑟琳·豪恩表示。Epic Games公司出品的《堡垒之夜》(Fortnite)是一款非常受欢迎的视频游戏,仅在2018年售卖角色皮肤收入就达到24亿美元。




该公司获得不少科技界名人支持。投资者包括Pinterest的首席执行官本·西尔伯曼、Reddit的联合创始人亚历克西斯·奥哈尼安、爱彼迎(Airbnb)的前首席运营官贝琳达·约翰逊,以及SV Angel的创始人罗恩·康威。亿万富翁企业家、达拉斯小牛队的老板马克·库班和《The 4-Hour Workweek》播客的主持人及作者蒂姆·费里斯也参与了这轮融资。

OpenSea曾经与歌手及词曲作者肖恩·门德斯合作销售虚拟角色“精灵”,还跟坦帕湾海盗队(Tampa Bay Buccaneers)的橄榄球明星罗布·格伦科夫斯基合作推出了可以收藏的“Gronk”交易卡。网站上销售的商品从虚拟世界Decentraland 的数字房地产到以太坊钱包域名,应有尽有。(Dfinzer.eth就是芬茨的私人钱包之一。)






When CryptoKitties roared onto the scene in 2017, most people regarded the collectible digital cats, which were tied to and encapsulated the zany hype around a cryptocurrency called Ethereum, as a joke—a cute joke, but a joke, nonetheless.

But when Devin Finzer encountered the spiffy felines that year, he had a different reaction: Cryptocurrency could be about more than just finance, he realized. Not that Finzer was against finance. He had, just a year prior, sold a money-claiming startup to Credit Karma, the financial score-checking app, after all.

CryptoKitties “raised some eyebrows,” recalls Finzer, a Brown computer science grad who has done programming stints across the tech industry, including at Google, Flipboard, and Pinterest. But for him, the pixelated pussycats raised something else: business opportunity. “CryptoKitties was the first crypto app to target more of a mainstream user as opposed to a trader or someone really interested in speculative use cases,” Finzer says.

CryptoKitties’ surging popularity gave Finzer an idea. He wagered “that we could create an Amazon or eBay for all of these new non-fungible tokens,” also known as NFTs, a type of digital content that gets recorded on the digital databases underpinning virtual currencies, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum.* So Finzer joined up with a friend, Alex Atallah, a Stanford alum who had worked as a software engineer at Apple and Palantir, enrolled in the Y Combinator startup accelerator program, and founded OpenSea.io, a blockchain-based marketplace for goods.

Sailing the open sea

Fast-forward three years (and a prolonged Bitcoin slump) later and NFTs—the progeny of the CryptoKitties craze—are resurgent. Artwork by a creator called Beeple is fetching $70 million, a flying Pop-Tarts rainbow cat is netting $600,000, and millions of dollars’ worth of digital content is trading hands every day on OpenSea.

The growth rate is astounding. In February alone, $95 million in digital merchandise was sold on the marketplace, up from $8 million in January, Finzer says. Total sales gushed, unexpectedly, 100-fold compared with six months ago, as the site competes for market share with rivals such as Mintable, Nifty Gateway, and Rarible.

In a ringing endorsement that the NFT economy is here to stay, traditional investors—not just NFT collectors—are pouring money into OpenSea. The startup has raised $23 million in a new round of venture capital funding led by A16z Crypto, the cryptocurrency-obsessed arm of the Silicon Valley venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz. Other cryptocurrency-focused investors are also participating in the round, including AngelList cofounder Naval Ravikant; Coinbase’s former tech chief Balaji Srinivasan; Linda Xie of Scalar Capital; Andrew Steinwold of the NFT-focused fund Sfermion; and Ryan Selkis of crypto market-tracker Messari. (Cryptocurrency blog The Block recently reported that a deal was in the works.)

“We just think there is a huge market. I mean, look at Apple last year. People purchased $61 billion of digital content” on the App Store, says Kathryn Haun, the Andreessen partner who led the deal. One popular video game, Epic Games’ Fortnite, made an estimated $2.4 billion in revenue on character cosmetics alone in 2018.

“We don’t think it’s silly or faddish at all,” Haun says, referring to the NFT craze. If the present mania subsides, that would likely be only temporary, she continues, noting that she prizes a piece she bought from a Spanish artist. “We recognize there could be cycles. We’re crypto investors, so we’re very comfortable with that, and we’re very used to it. We’re in this for the long haul.”

Swimming in uncharted waters

OpenSea is attracting interest outside the cryptocurrency industry, too.

The startup is receiving backing from a who’s who in tech. Investors range from Pinterest CEO Ben Silbermann to Reddit cofounder Alexis Ohanian to Belinda Johnson, Airbnb’s former chief operating officer, to Ron Conway, founder of SV Angel. Mark Cuban, the billionaire entrepreneur and Dallas Mavericks owner, and Tim Ferriss, the podcaster and author of The 4-Hour Workweek, are contributing to the round too.

OpenSea has worked with Shawn Mendes, the singer-songwriter, to sell virtual avatar “genies” of himself, and it has partnered with Rob Gronkowski, the tight end Tampa Bay Buccaneers football star, on collectible “Gronk” trading cards. The site sells everything from digital real estate in a virtual world called Decentraland to domain names for Ethereum wallets. (Dfinzer.eth points to one of Finzer’s personal wallets.)

“We really wanted to bring on a lot of folks who combine the crypto world with the sort of artist and creative world, because that’s where we see NFTs really blossoming,” Finzer says. Despite believing NFTs presented a mass-market opportunity, even Finzer was taken aback by the dizzying uptick in activity in recent weeks. “We definitely didn’t expect things to go so broad and so big so fast,” he says.

“NFTs make this space just so much more accessible,” Finzer adds.

*Fungibility is a key attribute of money, which ensures that any $1 bill or Bitcoin is, generally, substitutable for any other $1 bill or Bitcoin. Non-fungibility refers, on the other hand, to the uniqueness that prevents a rare baseball card from being considered equivalent to a run-of-the-mill Magic: The Gathering card, or an expired movie theater pass from equaling the value of a ticket to the next Super Bowl. Non-fungible tokens are, then, representations of goods of the latter sort that have been recorded on a blockchain, thereby attesting to their provenance.
