

Shawn Tully 2021-02-22

自1月底以来,华尔街的三家知名分析机构先后发布了对今年标普500指数(S&P 500)走向的预测,它们都预测该指数在2月17日接近史上最高的收盘点位3931点基础上,还会继续上涨。如果它们的判断准确,大盘股将从目前的估值严重过高,变成贵得离谱。这是金融界最受尊敬的指标之一得出的结论。这个指标就是众所周知的“巴菲特指标”(Buffett Indicator)。沃伦•巴菲特在2001年接受《财富》杂志采访时表示,衡量市场定价过高还是过低,或者市值是否公允,最好的指标是美国所有股票的市值与国民收入的比率。


最温和的预测来自加拿大皇家银行(RBC)。该机构预计标普指数从2月11日到年底将上涨4%,接近4100点。瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)预测标普指数将上涨近7%至4200点,高盛(Goldman Sachs)的预测最为大胆,认为标普指数将上涨9.4%至4300点。



截至2月11日,标普500指数公司的总市值为33.13万亿美元。美国国会预算办公室(Congressional Budget Office)预测今年美国GDP将实现反弹,超过2019年的水平,达到22万亿美元。因此,标普指数公司的市值相当于GDP的151%。这已经是很高的比率。这个结论源自我对自2000年以来的数据所做的计算。过去20年比率最高的是2019年年底的124%,在2000年第一季度互联网泡沫最严重的时候为122%。总体而言,过去20年的平均比率为84%,中位数为100%。






自1月底以来,华尔街的三家知名分析机构先后发布了对今年标普500指数(S&P 500)走向的预测,它们都预测该指数在2月17日接近史上最高的收盘点位3931点基础上,还会继续上涨。如果它们的判断准确,大盘股将从目前的估值严重过高,变成贵得离谱。这是金融界最受尊敬的指标之一得出的结论。这个指标就是众所周知的“巴菲特指标”(Buffett Indicator)。沃伦•巴菲特在2001年接受《财富》杂志采访时表示,衡量市场定价过高还是过低,或者市值是否公允,最好的指标是美国所有股票的市值与国民收入的比率。


最温和的预测来自加拿大皇家银行(RBC)。该机构预计标普指数从2月11日到年底将上涨4%,接近4100点。瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)预测标普指数将上涨近7%至4200点,高盛(Goldman Sachs)的预测最为大胆,认为标普指数将上涨9.4%至4300点。



截至2月11日,标普500指数公司的总市值为33.13万亿美元。美国国会预算办公室(Congressional Budget Office)预测今年美国GDP将实现反弹,超过2019年的水平,达到22万亿美元。因此,标普指数公司的市值相当于GDP的151%。这已经是很高的比率。这个结论源自我对自2000年以来的数据所做的计算。过去20年比率最高的是2019年年底的124%,在2000年第一季度互联网泡沫最严重的时候为122%。总体而言,过去20年的平均比率为84%,中位数为100%。






Since late January, three pillars of Wall Street have issued predictions for where the S&P 500 will end the year, and they’re all expecting a leap from the near-record close of 3931 on Feb. 17. If they’re right, big-cap stocks will advance from their current standing of highly overvalued to outrageously expensive. That’s the conclusion from one of the most honored metrics in the world of finance, what’s known as the Buffett Indicator. In a 2001 interview with Fortune, Buffett stated that the best measure of whether the market is over, under, or fairly priced is how the total market capitalization of all U.S. equities compares with national income.

As Buffett put it, “The ratio has certain limitations in telling you what you need to know. But it’s probably the best single measure of where valuations stand at given moment.” According to the Buffett Indicator, the valuations foreseen by the three prominent market strategists would put the S&P in territory that medieval cartographers might have labeled, “Here lie dragons.”

The most modest forecast comes from RBC, which expects that the S&P will add 4% from Feb. 11 to year-end, closing at 4100. Credit Suisse is looking for a nearly 7% rise to 4200, and Goldman Sachs is the lead pull, positing a 9.4% advance to 4300.

Let’s see how the S&P 500 would register on the Buffett Indicator if the index reaches the Goldman target of 4300 by the end of this year. Buffett’s yardstick uses the value of all U.S. publicly traded companies. I’ve adapted it slightly to deploy the combined valuation of the S&P 500, whose members account for around 70% of the total.

The idea behind the Buffett Indicator is that GDP represents how much the U.S. economy produces in goods and services this year: In other words, everything our companies produce and sell here in the U.S. The market cap of U.S. companies reflects how much they’ll earn far into the future. If that number becomes too gigantic, it’s a sure sign that investors are expecting unreasonably elevated profits in the future that won’t materialize. Why? Because to get there, corporate profits would need to devour such a huge part of the economy that they’d squeeze the share going to workers, as well as the capital investment inevitably needed to keep growing.

As of Feb. 11, the 500’s total market cap stood at $33.13 trillion. The Congressional Budget Office expects GDP to rebound this year, edging past its 2019 level to $22 trillion. Hence, the S&P valuation equals 151% of GDP. This is already an extraordinarily big number. I reached that conclusion by running the numbers since 2000. The highest previous readings over those two decades were 124% at the close of 2019, and 122% at the peak of the Internet bubble in Q1 of 2000. Overall, the ratio has averaged 84%, and the median is 100%.

By my calculations, long-term fair value stands about halfway between the two, at 90%. At a current reading of 151%, the S&P appears overpriced by 67%.

What would seem like a red alert doesn’t in the least faze RBC, Credit Suisse, and especially Goldman. If Goldman’s forecast of 4300 by year-end happens, the S&P’s total valuation will rise from $33.13 trillion to $36.24 trillion by year-end. Keep in mind that the goods and services the U.S. produces would be just a hair above their volumes two years earlier. The Buffett Indicator would rise from 151% to 165%. By that yardstick, stocks would be 83% overpriced.

It’s possible that the S&P will get there, but it can’t stay there. Not even close. Labor will get a much bigger share of the pie going forward; rates will rise to swell interest on corporate debt; and more capital will flow into upgrades and expansion. Wall Street is living through an era of predictions we might call “The Great Extrapolation.” The Buffett rule implies that the longer the extraordinary can’t keep getting more extraordinary, the steeper the fall ahead.
