

王波非(Phil Wahba) 2021-01-11


商业地产公司CoStar Group在1月6日发布的统计材料显示,由于受春季疫情期间店面关闭数周以及消费支出向线上转移的冲击,去年,全美大大小小的零售商共计关闭了1.22万个店面,共计涉及1.59亿平方英尺的零售空间。2019年关闭的店面数为1万个。

去年大量关店的也不乏知名零售商,例如彭尼百货(J.C. Penney),它在去年春季申请破产,随后在重出江湖时仅留下了数年前店面数的一小部分,其他品牌包括 GameStop、盖普(Gap)和梅西百货(Macy’s)。其中很多店面的关闭源于去年整体关停的零售商,例如Pier 1 Imports及其950家门店。


在疫情早期,包括沃尔玛(Walmart)、开市客(Costco)和塔吉特(Target)在内的一些大型零售商以及药品连锁CVS和沃尔格林(Walgreens)都被当局认定为关键行业,而且获准继续经营,因为它们比梅西百货、科尔士百货(Kohl’s)、诺德斯特龙(Nordstrom)和Abercrombie & Fitch更有优势。

尽管这些公司到目前为止都度过了这场风暴,但压力迫使众多举步维艰的零售商走上了不归路,并导致2020年企业破产纪录创下新高。1月5日,标准普尔全球市场情报(S&P Global Market Intelligence)称,美国企业破产数量在去年高达603家,其中包括125家消费产品和零售公司,例如彭尼百货、J.Crew以及Ann Taylor和Men’s Wearhouse的母公司等,让破产潮变得更加猛烈。

然而,即便那些经营顺风顺水的公司也放慢了店面扩张步伐。例如,Old Navy和Ulta Beauty在关停后恢复良好,而且依然计划在未来一年中开设数百家分店,但如今却为扩张留出了更多的时间。(财富中文网)




商业地产公司CoStar Group在1月6日发布的统计材料显示,由于受春季疫情期间店面关闭数周以及消费支出向线上转移的冲击,去年,全美大大小小的零售商共计关闭了1.22万个店面,共计涉及1.59亿平方英尺的零售空间。2019年关闭的店面数为1万个。

去年大量关店的也不乏知名零售商,例如彭尼百货(J.C. Penney),它在去年春季申请破产,随后在重出江湖时仅留下了数年前店面数的一小部分,其他品牌包括 GameStop、盖普(Gap)和梅西百货(Macy’s)。其中很多店面的关闭源于去年整体关停的零售商,例如Pier 1 Imports及其950家门店。


在疫情早期,包括沃尔玛(Walmart)、开市客(Costco)和塔吉特(Target)在内的一些大型零售商以及药品连锁CVS和沃尔格林(Walgreens)都被当局认定为关键行业,而且获准继续经营,因为它们比梅西百货、科尔士百货(Kohl’s)、诺德斯特龙(Nordstrom)和Abercrombie & Fitch更有优势。

尽管这些公司到目前为止都度过了这场风暴,但压力迫使众多举步维艰的零售商走上了不归路,并导致2020年企业破产纪录创下新高。1月5日,标准普尔全球市场情报(S&P Global Market Intelligence)称,美国企业破产数量在去年高达603家,其中包括125家消费产品和零售公司,例如彭尼百货、J.Crew以及Ann Taylor和Men’s Wearhouse的母公司等,让破产潮变得更加猛烈。

然而,即便那些经营顺风顺水的公司也放慢了店面扩张步伐。例如,Old Navy和Ulta Beauty在关停后恢复良好,而且依然计划在未来一年中开设数百家分店,但如今却为扩张留出了更多的时间。(财富中文网)



When it comes to store closings, 2020 was a year for the record books.

Ravaged by a pandemic that shuttered stores for weeks in the spring—driving more spending online—retailers big and small closed 12,200 stores in the U.S. last year, according to a compilation released on January 6 by commercial real estate firm CoStar Group. In all, that amounted to 159 million square feet of retail space. In 2019, the tally was 10,000 stores.

Some of the boldface retail names to have closed stores in big numbers last year include J.C. Penney, which filed for bankruptcy in the spring and emerged with a fraction of its store count of just a few years ago, GameStop, Gap, and Macy’s. Many of the closings came from retailers that shut down altogether last year, such as Pier 1 Imports and its 950 stores.

The pain was concentrated among mall-based retailers, which had been struggling long before COVID-19 made its appearance. CoStar estimated that one-third of the store closings were by department stores, clothing chains, or other mall-oriented companies, which represent only about 8% of total retail revenue.

Early in the pandemic, some big retailers like Walmart, Costco, and Target, as well as drugstore chains CVS and Walgreens were deemed essential by authorities and allowed to stay open, giving them an edge over the likes of Macy’s, Kohl’s, Nordstrom, and Abercrombie & Fitch.

While those companies have so far weathered the storm, the pressure pushed many wobbly retailers over the edge, and led to a record number of bankruptcies in 2020. On January 5, S&P Global Market Intelligence said U.S. corporate bankruptcies reached a high last year of 603 companies, including 125 consumer goods and retail firms. That included J.C. Penney, J.Crew, and the parent companies of Ann Taylor and Men’s Wearhouse, among others, adding to the carnage.

But even successful companies have put the breaks on store fleet expansion plans. Old Navy and Ulta Beauty, for example, are both recovering well from the shutdowns and still plan to open hundreds more stores in the coming year but are now giving themselves more time to do so.
