

骆杰峰(Jeff John Roberts) 2020-11-21




2020年,由于持有比特币的人越来越多,它的基础也变得更加牢固。一家名为Grayscale的公司宣传比特币可以替代黄金,取得了巨大成功,以股份的形式把比特币卖给了数百万千禧一代投资者。另外,从哈佛大学(Harvard University)到亿万富翁保罗·都铎·琼斯等大型机构投资者,也在增持加密货币,而Square等上市公司则大量买进比特币以充实其资产负债表。

这与2017年形成了鲜明对比。当时,备受尊敬的投资者几乎都在观望,而沃伦·巴菲特和摩根大通(JP Morgan)的首席执行官杰米·戴蒙等金融界传奇人物则用“老鼠药”和“欺诈”这种字眼来贬低比特币。今天,对比特币怀疑的声音已经全部消失。虽然戴蒙在本周说比特币“不合他的口味”,但他的银行现在已经开始与加密货币巨头Coinbase合作提供相关服务。







2020年,由于持有比特币的人越来越多,它的基础也变得更加牢固。一家名为Grayscale的公司宣传比特币可以替代黄金,取得了巨大成功,以股份的形式把比特币卖给了数百万千禧一代投资者。另外,从哈佛大学(Harvard University)到亿万富翁保罗·都铎·琼斯等大型机构投资者,也在增持加密货币,而Square等上市公司则大量买进比特币以充实其资产负债表。

这与2017年形成了鲜明对比。当时,备受尊敬的投资者几乎都在观望,而沃伦·巴菲特和摩根大通(JP Morgan)的首席执行官杰米·戴蒙等金融界传奇人物则用“老鼠药”和“欺诈”这种字眼来贬低比特币。今天,对比特币怀疑的声音已经全部消失。虽然戴蒙在本周说比特币“不合他的口味”,但他的银行现在已经开始与加密货币巨头Coinbase合作提供相关服务。




Good morning. The price of Bitcoin crossed the $18,000 mark on November 19, the latest in a series of milestones that has seen the cryptocurrency's price rise by nearly 400% since March. The current rally is impressive, but also has an element of déjà vu: It was this time three years ago that Bitcoin brushed $20,000, only to crash spectacularly weeks later amid a broader popping of the 2017 cryptocurrency bubble. Now, the $20,000 mark is within reach again and, chances are, Bitcoin will eclipse it in the coming weeks if not sooner. Ryan Selkis, the founder of crypto research firm Messari tells me he’s “90% confident we'll see $20k by year end, [as it’s] blown through a number of key resistance levels. " Selkis also cites Bitcoin’s recent embrace by PayPal and institutional investors, and thinks the price could soar even higher in January if more fund managers, many of whom are safely locking in their year-end performance fees, decide to dip their toes in crypto in 2021.

The current rally is validation for longtime crypto bulls, but also raises the question of whether, like last time, this will end in tears. The short answer is that a collapse is all but inevitable—assets that go up 400% are due for a correction—but that it won’t be as severe as last time. The history of Bitcoin has been defined by constant but decreasing volatility. During its first big bubble in 2011, the cryptocurrency soared to $30 only to fall to $2 months later. Since then, it’s soared and swooned numerous times but always less dramatically than before, meaning the next crash could well take the price to $8,000 but not $2,000.

The other big difference from 2020 is that the current bull market is built upon more solid foundations. In 2017, the bubble was inflated by so-called Initial Coin Offerings, which saw hucksters sell mostly worthless new currencies to a greedy and gullible public, and then plow the profits back into Bitcoin. Little wonder things blew up. This time around, tighter regulation means there's less dumb money sloshing around, while the media—distracted by COVID, politics and a roaring stock market—has been more subdued in hyping the rally.

Bitcoin’s foundations are also more firm in 2020 because it is owned by more people. A company called Grayscale has been wildly successful in pitching Bitcoin as an alternative to gold, and selling it to millions of millennial investors in the form of shares. Meanwhile, major institutional investors ranging from Harvard University to billionaire Paul Tudor Jones have been adding crypto to their portfolios, while public companies like Square are gobbling up Bitcoin to add to their balance sheets.

That's a far cry from 2017, when respectable investors mostly watched from the sidelines while financial sages like Warren Buffett and JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon decried Bitcoin with terms like “rat poison” and “fraud.” Today, the skeptics have all but vanished—though Dimon, whose bank now provides services with crypto giant Coinbase, this week said Bitcoin is “not his cup of tea.”

All of this means that, while the coming era of $20,000 Bitcoin might be temporary, the cryptocurrency is, more than ever before, here to stay.
