

Lee Clifford 2020-10-21


这便是LPL Financial的首席市场策略师莱恩•德特里克想要介绍的内容。他一直在密切地关注股市以及美元的整体动向。


对特朗普总统来说是好消息?(美元的走弱以及股市的启高对于执政党来说是好消息,而其反向则是对在野党的支持。)来源:LPL Research, Strategas


其他人们常用的华尔街大选指标则给出了喜忧参半的结果。《财富》杂志的雷•玛莎耶吉写道,《FiveThirtyEight》栏目的内特•斯尔维认为,ISM制造业指数(ISM Manufacturing Index)是预测大选结果的最好指标。就这一点而言,“如果ISM在这一时期的平均水平高于50(意味着制造业的扩张),那么执政党有望获胜,如果低于50(意味着制造业的萎缩),那么通常意味着新党将入主白宫。”然而,该指数今年前9个月的平均值为50.3,这个数字告诉我们,大选异常焦灼,结果难以预料。(财富中文网)




这便是LPL Financial的首席市场策略师莱恩•德特里克想要介绍的内容。他一直在密切地关注股市以及美元的整体动向。


对特朗普总统来说是好消息?(美元的走弱以及股市的启高对于执政党来说是好消息,而其反向则是对在野党的支持。)来源:LPL Research, Strategas


其他人们常用的华尔街大选指标则给出了喜忧参半的结果。《财富》杂志的雷•玛莎耶吉写道,《FiveThirtyEight》栏目的内特•斯尔维认为,ISM制造业指数(ISM Manufacturing Index)是预测大选结果的最好指标。就这一点而言,“如果ISM在这一时期的平均水平高于50(意味着制造业的扩张),那么执政党有望获胜,如果低于50(意味着制造业的萎缩),那么通常意味着新党将入主白宫。”然而,该指数今年前9个月的平均值为50.3,这个数字告诉我们,大选异常焦灼,结果难以预料。(财富中文网)



Does the stock market know something the pollsters don’t?

That’s the takeaway from Ryan Detrick, chief market strategist for LPL Financial, who has been closely monitoring both the overall stock market’s moves as well as the U.S. dollar.

As he wrote on October 16, “We’ve noted before that stock market gains ahead of the election historically support the incumbent party, while if stocks are lower it tends to support new leadership in the White House.” Detrick adds that the dollar is another indicator worth watching. “In fact, when stocks are up and the U.S. dollar is lower ahead of the election, or if stocks are lower and the U.S. dollar is higher before an election, the results have accurately predicted the last seven times those scenarios took place. Given stocks are up and the U.S. dollar is slightly lower, this could be one clue the upcoming election will be much closer than many are expecting.”

Indeed, despite a commanding lead in national polls, there are indications that support for Trump is somehow being undercounted. As Fortune’s Jeremy Kahn wrote last week, an A.I. tool that correctly predicted Brexit is showing a tight race. Expert.ai, explains Kahn, “uses an A.I. technique called ‘sentiment analysis’ to understand the emotions being expressed in social media posts. The company’s analysis puts Democratic candidate Joseph Biden ahead of President Donald Trump, 50.2% to 47.3%, a margin that is much narrower than the double-digit lead that Biden has over Trump in most national opinion polls.”

Other favorite Wall Street election indicators show a mixed bag. Fortune’s Rey Mashayekhi wrote that FiveThirtyEight’s Nate Silver considers the ISM Manufacturing Index to be the best metric for predicting elections. On that front, “if the ISM averages above 50 during that time (signaling an expanding manufacturing sector), that tends to bode well for the incumbent party, while an ISM average of below 50 (reflecting a contracting manufacturing sector) usually corresponds with a new party taking control of the White House.” With the index at 50.3 through the first nine months of the year, that’s another piece of data that suggests this election is still way too close to call.
