

Jeremy Kahn 2020-10-17
Expert. ai使用一种名为“情感分析”的人工智能技术,理解人们在社交媒体上发布的帖子中所表达的情绪。


这是Expert. ai公司得出的结论。该公司在意大利莫德纳和美国马里兰州洛克维尔设有办事处。它使用一种名为“情感分析”的人工智能技术,理解人们在社交媒体上发布的帖子中所表达的情绪。


许多政治分析师和评论员根据这些民意调查的结果,预测拜登可能会以历史性的巨大优势获胜。但Expert. ai基于人工智能的分析显示,美国大选可能比这些人类专家们的预期要更加激烈。

Expert. ai的政治预测模型曾经成功预测英国在2016年会投票脱离欧盟。而且学术研究证明,在2016年美国总统大选中,类似的社交媒体情感分析预测特朗普获胜的准确率,高于民意调查数据。

特朗普在社交媒体活动中的受关注度远高于拜登,在Expert. ai分析的帖子中,约60%与特朗普有关,而有关拜登的帖子只有不到17%。但拜登在“成功”和“希望”等积极情绪方面的得分更高,而特朗普得分更高的是“恐惧”和“仇恨”等消极情绪。

Expert. ai的报告称,特朗普只有在“行动”这一项积极情绪方面的得分高于拜登。

Expert. Ai的首席执行官沃尔特·梅奥表示,该公司可以实时分析数以十万计的社交媒体帖子,从而“了解随着大选临近,选民们谈论的内容以及他们的态度变化。”梅奥还指出,这种分析能够帮助公司收集“选民最关注的问题,以及社交媒体帖子中所表达的可能决定民意调查决策的情绪。”

Expert. ai的系统研究了过去一周内的50万条推特(Twitter)帖子和其他社交媒体上的评论。该公司使用自然语言处理这种人工智能技术,用于了解语言的各个方面,可以根据84个不同情绪标签,将这些社交媒体帖子中所表达的情感进行分类。





这是Expert. ai公司得出的结论。该公司在意大利莫德纳和美国马里兰州洛克维尔设有办事处。它使用一种名为“情感分析”的人工智能技术,理解人们在社交媒体上发布的帖子中所表达的情绪。


许多政治分析师和评论员根据这些民意调查的结果,预测拜登可能会以历史性的巨大优势获胜。但Expert. ai基于人工智能的分析显示,美国大选可能比这些人类专家们的预期要更加激烈。

Expert. ai的政治预测模型曾经成功预测英国在2016年会投票脱离欧盟。而且学术研究证明,在2016年美国总统大选中,类似的社交媒体情感分析预测特朗普获胜的准确率,高于民意调查数据。

特朗普在社交媒体活动中的受关注度远高于拜登,在Expert. ai分析的帖子中,约60%与特朗普有关,而有关拜登的帖子只有不到17%。但拜登在“成功”和“希望”等积极情绪方面的得分更高,而特朗普得分更高的是“恐惧”和“仇恨”等消极情绪。

Expert. ai的报告称,特朗普只有在“行动”这一项积极情绪方面的得分高于拜登。

Expert. Ai的首席执行官沃尔特·梅奥表示,该公司可以实时分析数以十万计的社交媒体帖子,从而“了解随着大选临近,选民们谈论的内容以及他们的态度变化。”梅奥还指出,这种分析能够帮助公司收集“选民最关注的问题,以及社交媒体帖子中所表达的可能决定民意调查决策的情绪。”

Expert. ai的系统研究了过去一周内的50万条推特(Twitter)帖子和其他社交媒体上的评论。该公司使用自然语言处理这种人工智能技术,用于了解语言的各个方面,可以根据84个不同情绪标签,将这些社交媒体帖子中所表达的情感进行分类。




An analysis of the emotions being expressed on social media indicates that the upcoming U.S. presidential election may be a much closer contest than many commentators and pollsters believe.

That's the conclusion of Expert.ai, a company with offices in Modena, Italy, and Rockville, Md., that uses an A.I. technique called "sentiment analysis" to understand the emotions being expressed in social media posts.

The company's analysis puts Democratic candidate Joseph Biden ahead of President Donald Trump, 50.2% to 47.3%, a margin that is much narrower than the double-digit lead that Biden has over Trump in most national opinion polls.

Based on these polls, many political analysts and commentators are expecting that Biden may win a historic landslide. But Expert.ai's A.I.-based analysis indicates the race may be much tighter than these human experts are expecting.

Expert.ai's political forecasting model was successful in predicting that the U.K. would vote to leave the European Union in 2016. And academic research has shown that similar social media sentiment analysis would have better predicted Trump's victory in the 2016 U.S. presidential election than polling data.

Trump was the focus of far more social media activity than Biden, accounting for almost 60% of all the posts Expert.ai analyzed, compared to slightly less than 17% for Biden. But Biden ranked higher in terms of positive emotions such as "success" and "hope," while Trump scored higher on negative emotions such as "fear" and "hatred."

The only positive emotion on which Trump scores better than Biden, according to a statement from Expert.ai, is "action."

Walt Mayo, Expert.ai's chief executive officer, said the company's ability to analyze hundreds of thousands of social media posts in real time gives it "insight into what voters are discussing and how their attitudes are evolving as we get closer to the election." He said the analysis helped the company glean "the issues of most importance to voters and the emotions in social media posts that may drive decision-making at the polls."

Expert.ai's system looked at 500,000 Twitter posts and other social media comments made over the past week. It uses natural language processing, a form of A.I. that can understand aspects of language, to categorize the sentiment being expressed in these social media posts according to 84 different emotional labels.

These labels are then given a rank in terms of their intensity, on a scale from 1 to 100, and are multiplied by the number of occurrences for each candidate. The emotions are also classified as either "positive" or "negative" and used to create an index that can compare the two candidates against one another.
