

Lucinda Shen 2020-09-27

9月21日,科技巨头微软宣布将斥资75亿美元收购ZeniMax Media,这将成为该公司史上规模最大的收购交易之一。ZeniMax是知名游戏开发商Bethesda的母公司。通过这笔交易,微软将获得一些最受玩家欢迎的独家视频游戏,其中包括《辐射》(Fallout)和《上古卷轴》(The Elder Scrolls)。


这笔交易与迪士尼在2012年收购《星球大战》(Star Wars)制作商卢卡斯影业,2008年收购超级英雄IP漫威如出一辙。“米老鼠之家”推出的流媒体订阅服务Disney+已经取得巨大成功,截至4月,其付费用户已经突破5,000万——尽管在Disney+推出前的几个月,该领域还有许多更加成熟的竞争对手。这项成就很大程度上得益于迪士尼丰富的内容储备,许多消费者都想观看《星球大战》衍生剧《曼达洛人》(The Mandalorian)。

与之类似,微软收购ZeniMax也是为了提振其订阅游戏服务Xbox Game Pass,其订阅用户最近已经超过1,500万。正如我的同事乔纳森•瓦尼安撰文指出的那样,“由于未能像游戏机竞争对手任天堂和索尼那样,为其Xbox游戏业务添置许多有吸引力的独家游戏,”微软多年来一直饱受诟病。

但拥有《上古卷轴V:天际》(The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim)和《毁灭战士》(DOOM)这些广受好评的视频游戏之后,微软的游戏内容储备当然会华丽升级。至于这家科技巨头能否成功地整合其游戏业务,则是另一回事了。

数字很好玩!我在9月21日撰文指出,对于新成立的TikTok Global的所有权结构,字节跳动和甲骨文各执一词,其说法存在非常奇怪的差异。有消息称,美国已经初步同意甲骨文和沃尔玛合并获得TikTok Global 20%的股份。字节跳动随后发布声明称,它将实际持有该公司80%的股份。然后,甲骨文宣称字节跳动不会参与这笔交易。



甲骨文宣称,“字节跳动将不会持有TikTok Global任何股份。”据知情人士透露,这份声明的逻辑是这样的:由于TikTok是字节跳动的投资者(比如该公司员工和创始人张一鸣),而不是字节跳动本身投资打造的,所以TikTok Global根本不会得到字节跳动的支持。


简而言之:要理解双方对TikTok Global所有权结构的说法差异,你必须对两份声明的细微语义进行深入解读。(财富中文网)


9月21日,科技巨头微软宣布将斥资75亿美元收购ZeniMax Media,这将成为该公司史上规模最大的收购交易之一。ZeniMax是知名游戏开发商Bethesda的母公司。通过这笔交易,微软将获得一些最受玩家欢迎的独家视频游戏,其中包括《辐射》(Fallout)和《上古卷轴》(The Elder Scrolls)。


这笔交易与迪士尼在2012年收购《星球大战》(Star Wars)制作商卢卡斯影业,2008年收购超级英雄IP漫威如出一辙。“米老鼠之家”推出的流媒体订阅服务Disney+已经取得巨大成功,截至4月,其付费用户已经突破5,000万——尽管在Disney+推出前的几个月,该领域还有许多更加成熟的竞争对手。这项成就很大程度上得益于迪士尼丰富的内容储备,许多消费者都想观看《星球大战》衍生剧《曼达洛人》(The Mandalorian)。

与之类似,微软收购ZeniMax也是为了提振其订阅游戏服务Xbox Game Pass,其订阅用户最近已经超过1,500万。正如我的同事乔纳森•瓦尼安撰文指出的那样,“由于未能像游戏机竞争对手任天堂和索尼那样,为其Xbox游戏业务添置许多有吸引力的独家游戏,”微软多年来一直饱受诟病。

但拥有《上古卷轴V:天际》(The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim)和《毁灭战士》(DOOM)这些广受好评的视频游戏之后,微软的游戏内容储备当然会华丽升级。至于这家科技巨头能否成功地整合其游戏业务,则是另一回事了。

数字很好玩!我在9月21日撰文指出,对于新成立的TikTok Global的所有权结构,字节跳动和甲骨文各执一词,其说法存在非常奇怪的差异。有消息称,美国已经初步同意甲骨文和沃尔玛合并获得TikTok Global 20%的股份。字节跳动随后发布声明称,它将实际持有该公司80%的股份。然后,甲骨文宣称字节跳动不会参与这笔交易。



甲骨文宣称,“字节跳动将不会持有TikTok Global任何股份。”据知情人士透露,这份声明的逻辑是这样的:由于TikTok是字节跳动的投资者(比如该公司员工和创始人张一鸣),而不是字节跳动本身投资打造的,所以TikTok Global根本不会得到字节跳动的支持。


简而言之:要理解双方对TikTok Global所有权结构的说法差异,你必须对两份声明的细微语义进行深入解读。(财富中文网)


On September 21, the tech giant announced plans to acquire ZeniMax Media, the company behind well-regarded game maker Bethesda, for $7.5 billion, marking it among the Microsoft’s largest acquisitions ever. With the deal, Microsoft will own some of the most popular franchises in gaming, including Fallout and The Elder Scrolls.

If you’ve been following the TikTok saga, the ZeniMax tie-up makes sense: It’s a way to diversify Microsoft’s revenue further into the consumer realm, as the Bill Gates-founded company has largely grown in the B2B world with offerings including a cloud business that goes head-to-head against Amazon.

And the ZeniMax buy specifically echoes Disney’s acquisitions of Star Wars maker Lucasfilm in 2012 and superhero franchisee Marvel in 2008. Disney+, the House of Mouse’s subscription-based streaming service, has been an enormous success with over 50 million paid subscribers as of April, despite launching just months prior with many more mature competitors in the field. That was in no small part helped by the company’s deep bench of content, with many consumers signing up to watch the Star Wars spinoff The Mandalorian.

For Microsoft, too, the ZeniMax acquisition is expected to bolster its own subscription gaming service: Xbox Game Pass, which recently surpassed 15 million subscribers. Microsoft, my colleague Jonathan Vanian notes, has been for years “criticized for failing to have as many compelling exclusive titles for its Xbox gaming business as competitors like Nintendo and Sony do for their consoles.”

But with names like The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim or DOOM, Microsoft can certainly play. Whether it can successfully integrate the business is a different story.

NUMBERS ARE FUN! On September 21, I wrote about the bizarre discrepancies between the ownership structures that ByteDance and Oracle each claimed to be true of the new TikTok Global. Following news that the U.S. had tentatively agreed to a deal in which Oracle and Walmart would take a combined 20% stake in TikTok Global, ByteDance wrote in a statement that it would actually own 80% of the company. Then Oracle asserted that ByteDance would have no part of the deal.

Which mathematically doesn’t work.

But technically, there’s a way in which both sides are correct—it just involves a lot of gymnastics, and probably doesn’t fulfill the Trump administration’s actual intent.

Here’s how Oracle’s statement that ByteDance “will have no ownership in TikTok Global” maps out, according to a source with knowledge of the matter: Because TikTok is backed by ByteDance investors (such as its employees and founder Zhang Yiming) rather than ByteDance itself, TikTok Global will not be backed by ByteDance at all.

Which also means that, by that logic.. TikTok, as it is today, was never ByteDance-owned in the first place. For ByteDance, the 80% figure appears to come from tallying the existing investor base, with the new Oracle-Walmart investment considered the non-ByteDance part of the equation.

In short: The divide involves a lot of semantics and reading between the lines.
