

Anne Sraders 2020-06-06



MMGY Global 5月初为美国旅游协会做的一项调查显示,只有18%的旅客认为可以安心乘坐美国的国内航班,受访者中认为可以在酒店或度假村安心居住的比例与此相同。与此同时,大多数受访者(约68%)认为自驾出行是最安全的旅行方式,另有约三分之一的旅客认为公园最为安全。



乔丹负责跟进露营世界控股(Camping World Holdings)等公司的业务情况,他在接受《财富》杂志采访时表示:“因为有许多消费者想要在旅行时避免社交接触,所以市场迎来了短期复苏,也出现了一些急着购买房车的增量客户。我不止一次听到有人说:‘苍天,我们从未想过要买房车,但现在也得考虑这事了。’”

实际上,Kampgrounds of America最近完成的一项调查显示,有41%的露营游客表示自己仍然打算按原定计划进行露营旅行,只有13%的露营游客表示自己将会推迟(并非取消)行程。需求侧利好加上天然气价格处于历史低位,房车市场今夏能借的东风可是不止一股。

这也让露营世界控股、Winnebago Industries和Thor Industries等房车类股票的股价最近几周大幅上扬。自3月中旬市场低点以来,上述三只股票的反弹幅度均达到了100%以上,其中,露营世界控股公司的涨幅更是超过了400%,一些分析师认为,有理由对零售市场及需求侧出现的早期复苏迹象感到乐观。



这个礼拜我开着房车去了美国西北部许多很棒的地方,这趟旅途真是棒极了。我觉得明年会有更多人开着房车去旅行……所以我买了这些股票:$THO (Airstream, Keystone)、$WGO (Winnebago)和 $CWH (Camping World) pic.twitter.com/niPZncuxhh

- 希尔·莫诺(@pitdesi),2020年5月26日










MMGY Global 5月初为美国旅游协会做的一项调查显示,只有18%的旅客认为可以安心乘坐美国的国内航班,受访者中认为可以在酒店或度假村安心居住的比例与此相同。与此同时,大多数受访者(约68%)认为自驾出行是最安全的旅行方式,另有约三分之一的旅客认为公园最为安全。



乔丹负责跟进露营世界控股(Camping World Holdings)等公司的业务情况,他在接受《财富》杂志采访时表示:“因为有许多消费者想要在旅行时避免社交接触,所以市场迎来了短期复苏,也出现了一些急着购买房车的增量客户。我不止一次听到有人说:‘苍天,我们从未想过要买房车,但现在也得考虑这事了。’”

实际上,Kampgrounds of America最近完成的一项调查显示,有41%的露营游客表示自己仍然打算按原定计划进行露营旅行,只有13%的露营游客表示自己将会推迟(并非取消)行程。需求侧利好加上天然气价格处于历史低位,房车市场今夏能借的东风可是不止一股。

这也让露营世界控股、Winnebago Industries和Thor Industries等房车类股票的股价最近几周大幅上扬。自3月中旬市场低点以来,上述三只股票的反弹幅度均达到了100%以上,其中,露营世界控股公司的涨幅更是超过了400%,一些分析师认为,有理由对零售市场及需求侧出现的早期复苏迹象感到乐观。



这个礼拜我开着房车去了美国西北部许多很棒的地方,这趟旅途真是棒极了。我觉得明年会有更多人开着房车去旅行……所以我买了这些股票:$THO (Airstream, Keystone)、$WGO (Winnebago)和 $CWH (Camping World) pic.twitter.com/niPZncuxhh

- 希尔·莫诺(@pitdesi),2020年5月26日








Would you load up an RV and hit the road to avoid flying for a summer trip?

If the answer is yes, you’re in good company. As the coronavirus crisis has battered the travel and hotel industries, many would-be summer vacationers are uneasy about flying, which means plenty of Americans will likely be hitting the road.

In fact, according to a survey conducted in early May by MMGY Global for the U.S. Travel Association, only 18% of travelers feel safe taking a domestic flight, while the same percentage feel safe at a hotel or resort. Meanwhile, the majority (some 68%) feel safest traveling by personal car, and roughly a third of travelers feel safest in parks.

Cue the RV. According to new reports, RV dealers are already seeing a big uptick in demand for the social-distance-friendly vehicles. In fact, “early feedback is there seems to be a lot of incremental demand for RVs, whether to own them or to rent them, because it allows you to vacation without being too close to your peers,” says Jefferies’ Bret Jordan.

And given the environment, that’s not too much of a surprise.

“I can certainly see where there’s a short term recovery and a rush to buy RVs for the incremental consumer who wants to take a vacation without social contact. I’m hearing from lots of people who are saying, ‘Gee, we never considered ourselves as RV-ers, but we’re considering getting one,’” Jordan, who covers companies like Camping World Holdings, tells Fortune.

In fact, 41% of campers say they still plan on taking their planned camping trips, while only 13% say they’re postponing (not canceling) them, according to a recent survey by Kampgrounds of America. Plus, with gas historically cheap, the RV space has more than one tailwind to carry it this summer.

That’s giving RV stocks like Camping World Holdings, Winnebago Industries, and Thor Industries a massive boost in recent weeks. All three stocks have rebounded over 100%—Camping World is up over 400%—from market-wide lows in mid March, and some analysts see cause for optimism in early signs of recovery in retail sales and demand.

Camping World announced in May for its first-quarter earnings that despite slowed demand in April and March, the company saw record demand in recent weeks: The first weekend in May was the company’s best ever, management said. Jefferies analysts wrote that the desire of consumers to “social distance” might be driving that “spike in demand.” KeyBanc analyst Brett Andress also noted, following the company’s earnings report, that management sounded “very encouraging” about the boost as well as early evidence of a possible emerging “staycation” bump to retail sales of RVs.

It seems some investors, at least, are betting on (and participating in) these trends, as one noted on Twitter. And analysts like Jefferies’s Jordan see the appeal: “The concept of it is, from an investor standpoint, ‘Hey, this is a great play on the pandemic.’”

I’ve been taking in many of the great sites in the PNW by RV this week, and it has been amazing. I think many other people will be traveling by RV this coming year... so I bought these stocks: $THO (Airstream, Keystone), $WGO (Winnebago), and $CWH (Camping World) pic.twitter.com/niPZncuxhh

— Sheel Mohnot (@pitdesi) May 26, 2020

The possible summer surge comes off a few years of sales softening in the RV space, down from a 2017 peak of just over 500,000 sold.

Still, it’s not only your luggage that RVs are carrying in 2020. Some RV companies like Camping World are heavily leveraged, with around $1 billion in debt, Jordan points out. Some investors previously feared many of these leveraged RV companies wouldn’t survive a downturn and might go bankrupt in the early months of the crisis, a pattern that would be historically consistent.

But demand seemingly hasn’t dropped off a cliff, and many of the big names have rebounded in the markets: “I think there’s a lot of relief in the rally in the sense that it seems as if we’re not going to see a collapse in RV demand,” Jordan points out.

Yet while demand may be on the rise, some early surveys suggest the impact to outdoor activity this summer may be relatively flat. A late-April through early-May survey conducted by online outdoor retailer Moosejaw and Walmart found that sentiment around car camping was pretty split, with 30% saying they plan to do more versus 32% saying they’re planning less.

And some analysts note the patterns from previous recessions are still a possibility for RVs. In the 2008 to 2009 crisis, the industry was cut in half from a volume standpoint, notes Jordan—although clearly the atmosphere is right for socially distanced vacations this time around.

Even with the dramatic stock rebounds in recent weeks, some analysts are skeptical the trend will last, as consumer discretionary spending is bound to take a hit amid (or coming out of) a recession like this. But Jordan notes: “Maybe because this [recession] is different…this will leave the RV space untouched.”
