HBO Max上线,华纳媒体重金加入流媒体战局

HBO Max上线,华纳媒体重金加入流媒体战局

Aric Jenkins 2020-05-30
HBO Max拥有1万小时的内容,其中包括1300部故事片,都来自这家媒体巨头丰富的原创或授权内容库。

从周三起,HBO Now的一些用户打开这个流媒体应用程序时,却再也看不到平台标志性的黑白图标了。熟悉的HBO图标还在,不过是在一个显眼的紫色背景下发着白光——新的标志是“HBO Max”。

这次更新可能会让HBO Now的大约800万用户感到困惑——至少到现在为止,很多人发的不少解读(包括HBO自己)似乎都认为用户会混淆,问题就是:“HBO Go、HBO Now和HBO Max之间有什么区别?”(简而言之:Go是和HBO传统电视节目一起订阅的流媒体服务;Now是一个独立的主打HBO内容的流媒体服务;Max也是一个独立的流媒体服务,但提供华纳媒体的内容——包括HBO。)

HBO Max上的内容十分丰富。它不仅仅是对HBO现有产品的升级,更是一个全新的流媒体服务平台,也是华纳媒体(WarnerMedia)及其母公司美国电话电报公司(AT&T)在流媒体混战中的反击武器。HBO Max拥有1万小时的内容,其中包括1300部故事片,都来自这家媒体巨头丰富的原创或授权内容库。举几个例子,其中包括《哈利·波特》(Harry Potter)系列电影、《老友记》(Friends)、《蝙蝠侠》(Batman)、《瑞克和莫蒂》(Rick and Morty)、安东尼·波登的《未知之旅》(Parts Unknown)、《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)、《芝麻街》(Sesame Street)、《单身汉》(The Bachelor)等等。除了平台的独家原创内容,在HBO Max上还可以看到HBO的全部作品;由安娜·肯德里克主演的浪漫喜剧《爱情生活》(Love Life)是HBO Max面世时的主打作品。

由于受到美国司法部反垄断起诉, AT&T历时近两年才完成了对时代华纳(Time Warner)的收购,这之后HBO Max才可能拥有如此海量的内容。这笔价值854亿美元的交易最终于2018年年中完成,AT&T至此拥有了好莱坞大型电影公司华纳兄弟(Warner Bros.)、DC娱乐(DC Entertainment)、TBS、TNT、CNN、卡通电视网(Cartoon Network)、HBO、Cinemax,以及CW电视台的一半股权(和ViacomCBS平分)。在时任时代华纳首席执行官约翰·斯坦基(他将在7月接替兰德尔·斯蒂芬森出任AT&T的首席执行官)的领导下,AT&T名下的新娱乐公司更名为华纳媒体,目标是打破部门壁垒。随着AT&T线性电视业务的衰落,斯坦基努力推动享有盛誉的“成人向”HBO扩大受众,制作更多内容。

再加上华纳媒体的其他遗产,推出HBO Max的目的是将AT&T带入流媒体时代,同时和奈飞(Netflix)、迪士尼(Disney)、亚马逊(Amazon)、康卡斯特(Comcast)的NBC环球(NBCUniversal)等平台竞争。AT&T计划把公司现有的电话、宽带和付费电视用户群体引流至该服务,缩小竞争差距。该公司今后三年的投资计划是40亿美元,其中包括制作原创内容的成本,以及原本可以授权给其他平台而损失的那部分授权收入。

HBO Max是最后一批入场的主流流媒体服务,又是在新冠肺炎疫情期间上线的。受疫情影响,电影和电视制作中断,导致备受期待的《老友记》重聚特别节目被迫推迟,而该节目原计划随着平台上线同步播出。HBO Max的月费为14.99美元,超过了奈飞11.99美元的起步价和Disney+的6.99美元的价格,是现有流媒体服务中最贵的,更何况在全球经济下行的背景下,美国人正努力应对不断攀升的失业率和空空如也的口袋。


然而,其他人就没那么幸运了。在本月早些时候的一次采访中,Quibi的创始人兼董事长杰弗里·卡森伯格指出,移动流媒体应用程序Quibi之所以开局缓慢,是因为选择了在疫情期间上线。“我认为所有问题都归咎于新冠病毒。所有问题。”他在接受《纽约时报》(New York Times)采访时表示。

有了HBO Max, 华纳媒体的高管们将密切关注疫情对流媒体服务的推动作用是否超过了经济低迷带来的总体负面影响。“从人们的接受度和对这类服务的兴趣和消费欲望来看,当然是有加成的。”华纳媒体负责直接面向消费者业务的执行副总裁兼HBO Max总经理安迪·弗塞尔说,“我们看到有很多人一直想看《黑道家族》(The Sopranos),现在正是时候。”

弗塞尔说,除了《老友记》原班人马无法重聚外,疫情对HBO Max推出原创内容并未产生太大影响。尽管2021年的制作时间表还是个问题,但在那之前,平台会在今年夏天推出新内容,其中包括平台第一部原创电影《美国泡菜》(An American Pickle),主演是塞斯·罗根。平台还将首播DC漫画(DC Comics)的网络剧集《末日巡逻队》(Doom Patrol)第二季、TBS邪典喜剧《搜索救援队》(Search Party)第三季以及喜剧演员艾米·舒默的系列纪录片。HBO Max也将投入儿童类内容,包括华纳兄弟动画公司(Warner Bros. Animation)新推出的兔八哥卡通(Looney Tunes Cartoons)系列,以及芝麻工作室(Sesame Workshop)由艾摩主持的《艾摩不算晚秀》(The Not Too Late Show)。

疫情的影响还体现在其他方面。3月的外出禁令迫使HBO Max的技术团队不得不采用远程操作的方式完成平台的基础设施搭建。HBO Max在西雅图测试时,测试场所突然淹水导致断电,让事情难上加难。华纳媒体的首席技术官杰里米·莱格说:“当时感觉就是,‘你一定是在开玩笑吧。’”

莱格说,就在工程师和编程人员艰难完成平台测试之际,华纳媒体的高管曾经就是否推迟HBO Max 5月27日的上线进行过短暂讨论。最终,随着情况更加明朗,平台上线之前的远程施工不会对生产力产生重大影响,高层决定按原计划推进。

HBO Max与HBO Go和HBO Now运行的底层技术平台是同一个。莱格说,《权力的游戏》(Game of Thrones)最终季播出时,平台能够充分应对大量观众同时观看的流量,这点很有说服力,因此最终决定在现有技术基础上搭建HBO Max而非另起炉灶。华纳媒体直接面向消费者部门的产品体验高级副总裁莎拉·莱昂斯说,用户界面设计的特点包括用不同形状代表不同的电影或电视节目,从而“形成一种分类”。方形代表的是消费者正在观看或标明稍后观看的剧目;矩形代表电视剧的一集;圆圈代表由HBO Max的人工编辑团队管理的内容。

HBO Max面临最大的挑战之一是如何既吸引传统成熟的HBO用户以及更年轻、更重视家庭的观众——这之间的利益冲突既引起了内部批评,也引起了外界的关注。“我们试图解决的难题是,如何将针对Z世代和千禧一代家庭等不同类型用户的成人内容目录翻倍?”莱昂斯说。她补充说,平台已经添加了个人资料和父母控制搜索功能,以帮助不同年龄段的人实现特定内容的过滤筛选。

截至截稿时间,HBO Max还无法在Roku、亚马逊Fire TV、康卡斯特和Dish TV上兼容。公司希望能推动相关交易的完成。“讨论仍然在进行,正如去年秋天一位非常精明的企业事务人士在公司内部所说,这些交易会在必须完成的时候完成。”弗赛尔说。

至于HBO Go、HBO Now和HBO Max这三款不同的服务,弗赛尔并没有排除在未来“某个时刻与发行合作伙伴合作”最终淘汰Go的可能性。



从周三起,HBO Now的一些用户打开这个流媒体应用程序时,却再也看不到平台标志性的黑白图标了。熟悉的HBO图标还在,不过是在一个显眼的紫色背景下发着白光——新的标志是“HBO Max”。

这次更新可能会让HBO Now的大约800万用户感到困惑——至少到现在为止,很多人发的不少解读(包括HBO自己)似乎都认为用户会混淆,问题就是:“HBO Go、HBO Now和HBO Max之间有什么区别?”(简而言之:Go是和HBO传统电视节目一起订阅的流媒体服务;Now是一个独立的主打HBO内容的流媒体服务;Max也是一个独立的流媒体服务,但提供华纳媒体的内容——包括HBO。)

HBO Max上的内容十分丰富。它不仅仅是对HBO现有产品的升级,更是一个全新的流媒体服务平台,也是华纳媒体(WarnerMedia)及其母公司美国电话电报公司(AT&T)在流媒体混战中的反击武器。HBO Max拥有1万小时的内容,其中包括1300部故事片,都来自这家媒体巨头丰富的原创或授权内容库。举几个例子,其中包括《哈利·波特》(Harry Potter)系列电影、《老友记》(Friends)、《蝙蝠侠》(Batman)、《瑞克和莫蒂》(Rick and Morty)、安东尼·波登的《未知之旅》(Parts Unknown)、《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)、《芝麻街》(Sesame Street)、《单身汉》(The Bachelor)等等。除了平台的独家原创内容,在HBO Max上还可以看到HBO的全部作品;由安娜·肯德里克主演的浪漫喜剧《爱情生活》(Love Life)是HBO Max面世时的主打作品。

由于受到美国司法部反垄断起诉, AT&T历时近两年才完成了对时代华纳(Time Warner)的收购,这之后HBO Max才可能拥有如此海量的内容。这笔价值854亿美元的交易最终于2018年年中完成,AT&T至此拥有了好莱坞大型电影公司华纳兄弟(Warner Bros.)、DC娱乐(DC Entertainment)、TBS、TNT、CNN、卡通电视网(Cartoon Network)、HBO、Cinemax,以及CW电视台的一半股权(和ViacomCBS平分)。在时任时代华纳首席执行官约翰·斯坦基(他将在7月接替兰德尔·斯蒂芬森出任AT&T的首席执行官)的领导下,AT&T名下的新娱乐公司更名为华纳媒体,目标是打破部门壁垒。随着AT&T线性电视业务的衰落,斯坦基努力推动享有盛誉的“成人向”HBO扩大受众,制作更多内容。

再加上华纳媒体的其他遗产,推出HBO Max的目的是将AT&T带入流媒体时代,同时和奈飞(Netflix)、迪士尼(Disney)、亚马逊(Amazon)、康卡斯特(Comcast)的NBC环球(NBCUniversal)等平台竞争。AT&T计划把公司现有的电话、宽带和付费电视用户群体引流至该服务,缩小竞争差距。该公司今后三年的投资计划是40亿美元,其中包括制作原创内容的成本,以及原本可以授权给其他平台而损失的那部分授权收入。

HBO Max是最后一批入场的主流流媒体服务,又是在新冠肺炎疫情期间上线的。受疫情影响,电影和电视制作中断,导致备受期待的《老友记》重聚特别节目被迫推迟,而该节目原计划随着平台上线同步播出。HBO Max的月费为14.99美元,超过了奈飞11.99美元的起步价和Disney+的6.99美元的价格,是现有流媒体服务中最贵的,更何况在全球经济下行的背景下,美国人正努力应对不断攀升的失业率和空空如也的口袋。


然而,其他人就没那么幸运了。在本月早些时候的一次采访中,Quibi的创始人兼董事长杰弗里·卡森伯格指出,移动流媒体应用程序Quibi之所以开局缓慢,是因为选择了在疫情期间上线。“我认为所有问题都归咎于新冠病毒。所有问题。”他在接受《纽约时报》(New York Times)采访时表示。

有了HBO Max, 华纳媒体的高管们将密切关注疫情对流媒体服务的推动作用是否超过了经济低迷带来的总体负面影响。“从人们的接受度和对这类服务的兴趣和消费欲望来看,当然是有加成的。”华纳媒体负责直接面向消费者业务的执行副总裁兼HBO Max总经理安迪·弗塞尔说,“我们看到有很多人一直想看《黑道家族》(The Sopranos),现在正是时候。”

弗塞尔说,除了《老友记》原班人马无法重聚外,疫情对HBO Max推出原创内容并未产生太大影响。尽管2021年的制作时间表还是个问题,但在那之前,平台会在今年夏天推出新内容,其中包括平台第一部原创电影《美国泡菜》(An American Pickle),主演是塞斯·罗根。平台还将首播DC漫画(DC Comics)的网络剧集《末日巡逻队》(Doom Patrol)第二季、TBS邪典喜剧《搜索救援队》(Search Party)第三季以及喜剧演员艾米·舒默的系列纪录片。HBO Max也将投入儿童类内容,包括华纳兄弟动画公司(Warner Bros. Animation)新推出的兔八哥卡通(Looney Tunes Cartoons)系列,以及芝麻工作室(Sesame Workshop)由艾摩主持的《艾摩不算晚秀》(The Not Too Late Show)。

疫情的影响还体现在其他方面。3月的外出禁令迫使HBO Max的技术团队不得不采用远程操作的方式完成平台的基础设施搭建。HBO Max在西雅图测试时,测试场所突然淹水导致断电,让事情难上加难。华纳媒体的首席技术官杰里米·莱格说:“当时感觉就是,‘你一定是在开玩笑吧。’”

莱格说,就在工程师和编程人员艰难完成平台测试之际,华纳媒体的高管曾经就是否推迟HBO Max 5月27日的上线进行过短暂讨论。最终,随着情况更加明朗,平台上线之前的远程施工不会对生产力产生重大影响,高层决定按原计划推进。

HBO Max与HBO Go和HBO Now运行的底层技术平台是同一个。莱格说,《权力的游戏》(Game of Thrones)最终季播出时,平台能够充分应对大量观众同时观看的流量,这点很有说服力,因此最终决定在现有技术基础上搭建HBO Max而非另起炉灶。华纳媒体直接面向消费者部门的产品体验高级副总裁莎拉·莱昂斯说,用户界面设计的特点包括用不同形状代表不同的电影或电视节目,从而“形成一种分类”。方形代表的是消费者正在观看或标明稍后观看的剧目;矩形代表电视剧的一集;圆圈代表由HBO Max的人工编辑团队管理的内容。

HBO Max面临最大的挑战之一是如何既吸引传统成熟的HBO用户以及更年轻、更重视家庭的观众——这之间的利益冲突既引起了内部批评,也引起了外界的关注。“我们试图解决的难题是,如何将针对Z世代和千禧一代家庭等不同类型用户的成人内容目录翻倍?”莱昂斯说。她补充说,平台已经添加了个人资料和父母控制搜索功能,以帮助不同年龄段的人实现特定内容的过滤筛选。

截至截稿时间,HBO Max还无法在Roku、亚马逊Fire TV、康卡斯特和Dish TV上兼容。公司希望能推动相关交易的完成。“讨论仍然在进行,正如去年秋天一位非常精明的企业事务人士在公司内部所说,这些交易会在必须完成的时候完成。”弗赛尔说。

至于HBO Go、HBO Now和HBO Max这三款不同的服务,弗赛尔并没有排除在未来“某个时刻与发行合作伙伴合作”最终淘汰Go的可能性。



Beginning Wednesday, when some HBO Now users try to open the streaming app on their devices, they will no longer see the platform’s standard black-and-white icon. The familiar HBO logo will be there, but glowing against a distinct purple backdrop—now reading “HBO Max.”

The app update is expected to cause confusion among some of HBO Now’s roughly 8 million subscribers—at least that’s what a handful of published explainers, including from HBO itself, seem to predict, posing the question: “What’s the difference between HBO Go, HBO Now, and HBO Max?” (In brief: Go is a streaming service that comes with a conventional HBO television subscription; Now is a stand-alone online service featuring HBO content; Max is a stand-alone online service featuring WarnerMedia content—including HBO.)

A lot is riding on HBO Max. No mere update to HBO’s existing offerings, HBO Max is an entirely new streaming service that also functions as WarnerMedia’s (and parent company AT&T’s) counterattack in the streaming wars. HBO Max comes armed with 10,000 hours of content, including 1,300 feature films, hailing from a wide-ranging collection of the media conglomerate’s properties and licenses. Included in its library: the Harry Potter franchise, Friends, Batman, Rick and Morty, Anthony Bourdain’s Parts Unknown, The Big Bang Theory, Sesame Street, and The Bachelor, to name a few. HBO’s full catalog will be available on HBO Max in addition to originals streaming exclusively on the platform; the Anna Kendrick–starring romantic comedy series Love Life headlines the service’s launch.

Such a substantial collection was made possible by AT&T’s nearly two-year long acquisition of Time Warner, dragged on by an antitrust challenge from the U.S. Justice Department. The $85.4 billion deal, finally completed in mid-2018, saw AT&T gain control of major Hollywood studio Warner Bros., DC Entertainment, TBS, TNT, CNN, Cartoon Network, HBO, Cinemax, and half of The CW (split evenly with ViacomCBS). The new entertainment company, rebranded under AT&T as WarnerMedia, set out to tear down departmental barriers under the direction of then–WarnerMedia CEO John Stankey (who will succeed Randall Stephenson as chief executive of AT&T in July). With AT&T’s linear TV business in decline, Stankey pushed the prestigious, adult-oriented HBO to broaden its audience and produce more content.

Combined with the rest of WarnerMedia’s legacy properties, HBO Max is an effort to transition AT&T into the streaming age while competing with the likes of Netflix, Disney, Amazon, and Comcast’s NBCUniversal. AT&T plans to direct its existing base of phone, broadband, and pay-TV customers to the service to close the gap. The company is prepared to invest $4 billion over the next three years, a mix of original production costs and lost revenues from content that could’ve been licensed elsewhere.

HBO Max is one of the last major streaming services to enter the market, and it does so in the midst of the novel coronavirus pandemic. The resulting halt in film and television production led to the delay of a highly anticipated Friends reunion special, which was slated to accompany the platform’s launch. HBO Max is also priced at $14.99 a month, the most expensive of the existing streaming services—surpassing Netflix’s starting price of $11.99 and Disney+’s $6.99 price tag—at a time when Americans are grappling with mounting job losses and pinched pockets amid a global economic downturn.

There has been a silver lining to the pandemic for streaming services, however. As Americans stayed at home abiding lockdown and social distancing measures, consumers increasingly turned to the TV and movie platforms to stay entertained. A Fortune-SurveyMonkey poll in October found that 29% of U.S. adults watched streaming services daily; another Fortune-SurveyMonkey poll taken on May 11 saw that figure leap to 45%. In April, Netflix disclosed that it had added nearly 16 million subscribers in the first quarter of this year—more than double the estimate of Wall Street analysts—reflecting the pandemic’s impact on streaming growth.

Others, however, have been less fortunate. In an interview earlier this month, Quibi founder and chairman Jeffrey Katzenberg pegged the mobile streaming app’s slow start on launching during the pandemic. “I attribute everything that has gone wrong to coronavirus. Everything,” he told the New York Times.

With HBO Max, WarnerMedia executives will be watching closely to see if the pandemic’s boost to streaming services outweighs the overall negative effects of a sluggish economy. “There certainly is a plus in terms of the receptivity and people’s interest and desire for these kinds of services,” said Andy Forssell, WarnerMedia's executive vice president of direct-to-consumer and general manager of HBO Max. “We’re seeing people who always wanted to watch The Sopranos, and now it’s time.”

Besides the Friends reunion, the pandemic hasn’t had a significant impact on HBO Max’s original releases, Forssell said. The production schedule for 2021 remains an open question, but until then the service will be supplemented with releases later this summer, including its first original film, An American Pickle, starring Seth Rogen. The platform will also premiere a second season of DC Comics web series Doom Patrol, a third season of the TBS cult comedy Search Party, and a docuseries on comedian and actress Amy Schumer. HBO Max is also leaning into kids-oriented content, including a new Looney Tunes Cartoons series from Warner Bros. Animation and Sesame Workshop’s The Not Too Late Show hosted by Elmo.

The effects of the pandemic were felt in other ways. Stay-at-home measures issued in March forced HBO Max’s technology team to finish building the infrastructure for the platform from remote locations. A flood in a facility in Seattle where HBO Max was being tested led to a power outage that further complicated the situation. “It was one of those things where you’re like, ‘You got to be kidding me,’” said Jeremy Legg, WarnerMedia’s chief technology officer.

WarnerMedia executives briefly debated delaying HBO Max’s May 27 launch as engineers and coders scrambled to finish testing the platform, Legg said. Ultimately, the decision was made to proceed as it became clear that remote work would not have a significant impact on productivity ahead of the service’s launch.

HBO Max runs on the same underlying tech platform as HBO Go and HBO Now. The services’ ability to handle high-volume traffic during episodes of Game of Thrones’ final season was a convincing factor in the decision to build upon existing technology rather than design from scratch, Legg said. User interface design features include movie and TV titles represented as various shapes to “create a kind of taxonomy,” said Sarah Lyons, senior vice president of product experience for WarnerMedia’s direct-to-consumer division. Squares represent titles consumers are in the midst of watching or have flagged for later; landscape rectangles indicate individual episodes of a TV series; circles represent content curated by HBO Max’s human editorial team.

One of the biggest challenges of HBO Max’s platform will be to appeal to traditional mature-minded HBO subscribers along with younger and more family-oriented audiences—a conflict of interest that drew criticism internally as well as concern from outside observers. “The conundrum we tried to tackle was, how do you double the catalog of adult content for all these additional brands that target different types of users like Gen Z and millennials’ families?” Lyons said. Individual profiles and parent control search features have been added to help various age groups filter through specific content, she added.

As of press time, HBO Max arrives without streaming compatibility on Roku, Amazon Fire TV, Comcast, and Dish TV. The company expects to push them through. “We still do have discussions going on, and as a very smart business-affairs person internally here said last fall, these deals get done when they have to get done,” Forssell said.

As for the trio offering of HBO Go, HBO Now, and HBO Max, Forssell did not rule out the eventual elimination of Go in the future “at some point in concert with our distribution partners.”

“Consumers should absolutely demand simplicity from us,” he said. “They should absolutely hold us accountable to be as simple as possible.”
