


据知情人士透露,包括床垫卖场Mattress Firm和餐饮品牌赛百味在内的多家美国大型零售和餐饮连锁企业最近都向房东表示,由于受疫情影响,他们接下来的几个月要闭店,所以他们将要不交或者少交租金。




房地产研究机构Green Street Advisors公司的分析师文斯·蒂伯恩表示:“美国的法院系统很快就会被上百万起类似纠纷所淹没,如果政府不以任何形式介入的话,情况会变得很糟糕,他们需要迅速做出反应。”


Mattress Firm公司是全美最大的床垫卖场,旗下有大约2400家门店。该公司上周致信所有房东,称愿意以延长租期来换取租金减免,并且提供了两个选项供房东选择。不过本周,该公司又向房东们发了一封更紧急的通知,撤销了之前的提议。

据彭博社报道,Mattress Firm公司在信中表示:“收入的下降和全国各地被迫关店的情况,要比我们最初预计的更严重、更紧迫、更直接。所以我们的需求也更急迫了。”该公司还称,新冠病毒是一种“阻止我们支付租金”的不可抗力。

在接受彭博社采访时,Mattress Firm公司证实,它已要求所有房东暂不收取租金。

Mattress Firm公司的首席地产官兰迪·卡林在一份声明中称:“我们非常感谢我们的房东合作伙伴,到目前为止,大家的反应都很令人鼓舞。我们将继续尽一切努力保持业务的连续性,确保这场危机结束时,我们的员工能够重返工作岗位。”








据知情人士透露,包括床垫卖场Mattress Firm和餐饮品牌赛百味在内的多家美国大型零售和餐饮连锁企业最近都向房东表示,由于受疫情影响,他们接下来的几个月要闭店,所以他们将要不交或者少交租金。




房地产研究机构Green Street Advisors公司的分析师文斯·蒂伯恩表示:“美国的法院系统很快就会被上百万起类似纠纷所淹没,如果政府不以任何形式介入的话,情况会变得很糟糕,他们需要迅速做出反应。”


Mattress Firm公司是全美最大的床垫卖场,旗下有大约2400家门店。该公司上周致信所有房东,称愿意以延长租期来换取租金减免,并且提供了两个选项供房东选择。不过本周,该公司又向房东们发了一封更紧急的通知,撤销了之前的提议。

据彭博社报道,Mattress Firm公司在信中表示:“收入的下降和全国各地被迫关店的情况,要比我们最初预计的更严重、更紧迫、更直接。所以我们的需求也更急迫了。”该公司还称,新冠病毒是一种“阻止我们支付租金”的不可抗力。

在接受彭博社采访时,Mattress Firm公司证实,它已要求所有房东暂不收取租金。

Mattress Firm公司的首席地产官兰迪·卡林在一份声明中称:“我们非常感谢我们的房东合作伙伴,到目前为止,大家的反应都很令人鼓舞。我们将继续尽一切努力保持业务的连续性,确保这场危机结束时,我们的员工能够重返工作岗位。”








Major U.S. retail and restaurant chains, including Mattress Firm and Subway, are telling landlords they will withhold or slash rent in the coming months after closing stores to slow the coronavirus, according to people familiar with the situation.

In a brewing fight, chains are calling for rent reductions through lease amendments and other measures starting in April, said the people, who asked not to be named because the discussions are private.

These moves mark the next phase in virus fallout: What happens to billions in rent owed for businesses that have been closed? The stakes are high. Retail has a slew of big chains in turnaround mode. And if they do withhold payments, there would be a ripple effect. Landlords can’t afford to stop collecting rent for long, with many property owners sitting on loads of debt.

The situation is likely to get messier. The U.S. relief packages being considered don’t directly address rents. But the Federal Reserve’s actions may give banks the leeway to defer mortgage payments, allowing property owners to delay rent. It’s also unclear if retailers can declare a so-called “force majeure,” a contract clause that covers highly unusual events, and if landlords could then make the same case to insurers.

“The court system is just going to get flooded with a million of these disputes between tenants and landlords,” said Vince Tibone, an analyst at Green Street Advisors. “If the government doesn’t step in in any form or fashion, it could get ugly. They need to respond quickly.”

‘More drastic’

Mattress Firm, with about 2,400 stores, sent landlords a letter last week saying it would cut rent in exchange for longer leases and offering two options to do so. This week, it sent a more urgent note revoking its earlier offer.

“The decline in revenue and forced store closures across the nation are more drastic, compressed and immediate than we originally anticipated,” the company wrote in a letter reviewed by Bloomberg. “Our need is now more severe,” the firm said, invoking the virus as a force majeure event that “will prevent or prohibit us” from paying rent.

After being contacted by Bloomberg, Mattress Firm confirmed that it has requested a temporary suspension of rent.

“We appreciate our landlord partners, and the responses have been encouraging so far,” Randy Carlin, chief real estate officer for Mattress Firm, said in a statement. “We will continue to do everything we can to maintain business continuity and to ensure there are jobs available for our people to return to when this crisis ends.”

Subway Restaurants, which has more than 20,000 U.S. locations, sent out a letter to landlords last week saying that it might cut or postpone rental payments due to the virus, according a person with knowledge of the situation. The Real Deal, a real estate trade publication, reported on the communication earlier.

Some help

In a statement, Subway said it was looking at ways to help franchises mitigate the virus fallout.

Some landlords have recognized they need to help smaller tenants. Irvine Company Retail Properties, based in Irvine, California, is allowing rent to be deferred for 90 days and then paid back with no interest over a year starting in January, according to a document reviewed by Bloomberg. The firm confirmed the practice without further comment.

Bedrock, a Detroit developer, said it will waive rent and other fees for three months for its smaller retail and restaurant tenants.

Retail real estate investment trusts may need to provide leeway on rent, Bank of America said this week after downgrading several REITs. The bank sees store closings lasting through May and the possibility of some locations going away as more fragile retailers are forced into bankruptcy.
