

William Vanderbloemen 2019-01-08

Vanderbloemen Search Group创始人及CEO威廉·范德布洛门。图片来源:Courtesy of Vanderbloemen

企业家内部网络是一个在线社区,美国创业领域里最有思想、最具影响力的商界人士将在此回答关于创业与职业的问题。今天我们的问题是:“在做出艰难的商业决策时,在什么情况下应该相信自己的直觉?”以下为Vanderbloemen Search Group的创始人及CEO威廉·范德布洛门的回答。










罗纳德·里根的这句著名格言(Trust but verify),套用在根据直觉招聘员工上,再恰当不过了。领导者通常可以在很短时间内,对他们面试的某个人产生感觉。我最近在读一位CEO写的文章,她在文章中夸耀自己有通过7分钟面试进行招聘的能力。在做牧师的时候,我曾经以为自己可以迅速辨别一个人是否适合我们的公司或教堂,并且对这种能力引以为豪。







The Entrepreneur Insider network is an online community where the most thoughtful and influential people in America’s startup scene contribute answers to timely questions about entrepreneurship and careers. Today’s answer to the question “When making a tough business decision, how do you know when to trust your gut?” is written byWilliam Vanderbloemen, founder and CEO of Vanderbloemen Search Group.

Intuition may be the biggest buzzword in leadership today. It is the mark of great entrepreneurs—the un–coachable quality of leadership. When should leaders trust their guts, and when should they step back and investigate more facts?

In my work helping churches and faith-based companies find great staff, I have learned a few key concepts worth considering:

Never trust your gut if it takes you away from your core cause

Boldness and optimism are hallmarks of the entrepreneur’s spirit. Letting these qualities take precedence, however, may deviate from the mission. Many times as a young leader I would have a great idea or see an opportunity, “feel it,” and take the leap. But I finally realized that my instinct had a strong tendency to lead with a “yes” attitude, even when it pulled me away from focus. And when the opportunity pulled me outside of the cause, I always regretted the decision later. Working with mission-driven organizations taught me that cause is the secret to success.

Your gut instinct will always have some good options that could lead to a win. But, as Jim Collins titles the first chapter of Good to Great, “Good is the enemy of great.” Stay focused on your mission, even when the shiny object that leads away from your cause catches your eye.

Always trust your gut when it comes to firing someone

I am an eternal optimist and a big believer in people, which is a gift that has served me well over the years. Many entrepreneurs have the same quality. The downside of this optimism causes many leaders to believe they can rehabilitate an employee who no longer fits the organization. Every time I hesitated to let someone go, I regretted it. I have also come to believe that because of leaders’ fierce optimism, they are usually the last on the team to realize it is time to let someone go. Delaying the decision will eventually erode your leadership credibility with the rest of the team.

If there is one axiom in hiring more valuable than any other, it’s this: Hire slowly and fire quickly. When it comes to parting ways with a team member, trust your gut—quickly.

When it comes to hiring, trust your gut, but verify

This famous adage by Ronald Reagan could not be truer regarding the idea of hiring from the gut. Leaders are usually able to have a feeling about someone they are interviewing in a very short time. I recently read about a CEO who was boasting about her ability to hire using seven-minute interviews. When I was a pastor, I would take pride in the belief that I could tell immediately whether or not someone would be a fit for our company or church.

I was so wrong.

I wrote people off who I should have further investigated. I hired people without looking deep into their histories, personalities, or spouses, among many other factors after performing hundreds of searches.

People are wonderfully complex. They are terribly messy. While good leaders will be able to get an initial impression from their guts, hiring is an anxiety-ridden process. Even the best leader’s gut can be influenced by fear, pain, charisma, and a slew of other characteristics. As mentioned earlier, when you hire, do it slowly. The most expensive hire you will ever make is hiring the wrong person.

Leaders with a good guts are good leaders. Leaders who learn when and how to listen to their gutsbecome exceptional.
