

Chris Morris 2018-05-29

微软联合创始人(和热心读者)比尔·盖茨。摄影师:Jamie McCarthy图片来源:Getty Images for Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation


这位微软(Microsoft)的联合创始人和盖茨基金会(Gates Foundation)的联合主席为约翰·杜尔的《衡量什么起作用》(Measure What Matters)撰写了推荐,表示它“对任何想变得更优秀的管理者而言”都是本不错的读物。


杜尔是一名风险投资家,也是Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers的董事长,与盖茨在许多项目上有着长期的合作。不过他在书中讨论了自己与格鲁夫某次一小时的会面给他造成的持久影响。他写道,尤其是这个事实:人们会更多基于员工的成就,而非他们在某个领域的专业技术来评判他们。



盖茨丝毫不介意分享自己喜欢的书。过去几年里,他还赞扬过史蒂芬·平克的《人性中的善良天使》(The Better Angels of Our Nature: A History of Violence and Humanity)和约翰·布鲁克斯的《商业冒险》(Business Adventures)。(财富中文网)


The Bill Gates book club has a new addition.

The co-founder of Microsoft and co-chair of the Gates Foundation has written a testimonial for John Doerr’s Measure What Matters, saying it’s a good choice “for anyone interested in becoming a better manager”.

The book focuses on a management system called OKRs (Objectives and Key Results), which is based on the ideas of Intel’s Andy Grove, who Gates says was a big influence on his own management style.

Doerr, a venture capitalist and chairman of Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, has long worked with Gates on a variety of projects. In the book, though, he discussed the lasting impact a one-hour meeting with Grove had on him. In particular, he writes, employees were judged less on their expertise in a subject and more on their achievements.

“It almost doesn’t matter what you know… To claim that knowledge was secondary and execution all-important—well, I wouldn’t learn that at Harvard,” writes Doerr in the book. “I found the proposition thrilling, a real-world affirmation of accomplishment over credentials. But Grove wasn’t finished, and he had saved the best for last. Over a few closing minutes, he outlined a system he’d begun to install in 1971, when Intel was three years old. It was my first exposure to the art of formal goal setting. I was mesmerized.”

Gates is arguably an even bigger fan of Grove, saying “I studied several of the business books he wrote early on, and Microsoft adopted some of the methods that Intel used. I consider Andy one of the great business leaders of the 20th century.”

When Gates likes a book, he’s not shy about sharing it. In the past few years, he has talked up Steven Pinker’s The Better Angels of Our Nature: A History of Violence and Humanity and Business Adventures by John Brooks.
