

Beth Kowitt 2017-05-08






上周二,在圣地亚哥举办的第二届年度健康头脑风暴大会上,摩根大通(J.P. Morgan Chase)财富管理部门CEO巴里·萨默斯表示:“我发现,比如华尔街存在一种文化,人们总是纠结于员工工作的时间。有太多人因为心力交瘁,所以迫不及待地都想逃离华尔街。”



会议主持人、Thrive Global的创始人兼CEO奥利安娜·郝芬顿表示:“这与大众想象中的摩根大通截然不同。大部分人认为摩根大通是让人精疲力尽的大熔炉。”

而在李维斯(Levi Strauss),CEO兼总裁奇普·伯格则鼓励员工进行体育锻炼。伯格曾经参加过三项全能和马拉松比赛。他表示:“我发现,我为保持健康所做的事情,与我的个人绩效之间是存在联系的。”


IBM Watson健康(Watson Health)部门的总经理戴博丽为自己设置了界限,并希望她的团队能够效仿。她说道:“我尽量把不在周末发电子邮件,变成一种习惯”,她还表示,这也是公司创建“健康文化”的目标之一。

戴博丽的健康与工作发生冲突,是在接受IBM的任命后五个月,当时她被诊断出癌症。她努力想从不同医生那里得到一致的结论——关于肿瘤的大小和可以接受的手术与治疗类型,这些医生给出了各种不同的信息。最后她选择了Watson,在里面输入自己的数据,并按照它的建议进行治疗。Watson经过纪念斯隆-凯特琳癌症中心(Memorial Sloan Kettering)的肿瘤医师们的专门训练。现在她的病情已经得到缓解。(财富中文网)


Some corners of corporate America have long had a culture that wears its long and grueling hours like a badge of honor.

Now a group of executives is trying to change that by opening up about how they each found balance in their own lives and by making wellness a priority at their companies.

“I’ve found in a culture like Wall Street, people are obsessed with how many hours people work,” said Barry Sommers, CEO of Wealth Management at J.P. Morgan Chase, during Fortune's second annual Brainstorm Health conference in San Diego on Tuesday. “Way too many people are getting out of there as fast as they can because they’re totally burnt out.”

Sommers decided to take his health into his own hands a decade ago after someone he’d known personally and professionally for 30 years started doing transcendental meditation. “It transformed this person’s life,” he said. “I saw a different person.”

“This goes completely against mainstream assumption that J.P. Morgan is the boiler room of burnout,” said Arianna Huffington, the founder and CEO of Thrive Global, who moderated the panel.

Over at Levi Strauss, CEO and president Chip Bergh has focused on pushing exercise for his employees. “I always saw a connection between what I was doing for my own health and fitness and performance,” said Bergh, who has run triathlons and marathons.

Levi Strauss was in turnaround mode when Bergh joined after 28 years at P&G. It was his belief that “the whole human drives performance” so he implemented a program that focuses on every aspect of employee life. The company subsidizes gym memberships for its employees who work at headquarters, and now has about half of them signed up. “It’s one of the things that's helping to contribute to us driving healthcare costs down,” Bergh said. He tries to model good behavior by making it clear when he leaves the office at lunch to work out.

Deborah DiSanzo, general manager of IBM Watson Health, sets boundaries for herself and hopes her team follows suit. “I try to make a habit of not emailing on the weekend,” she said, adding that its parts of the company’s goal to create a “culture of health.”

DiSanzo's health and work like collided five months after she took on her role at IBM when she received a cancer diagnosis. She struggled to get a consistent storyline from multiple doctors—they all gave her different information about the size of the tumor and the type of surgery and treatment she should have. She turned to Watson, who had been trained by the oncologists at Memorial Sloan Kettering, entered her data, and followed its recommendation. She’s now in remission.
