

Beth Miller,ENTREPRENEUR 2014年10月22日

    1. 放弃年度绩效考核的旧方法,在管理层与员工之间定期展开一对一的会谈,共同设定目标并密切监控目标达成的进度。这些会议可以让员工不断调整业绩表现。



    4. 督导而不是考核。传统的考核让员工感觉自己在被管理者审判。用督导式的方法(鼓励出色的绩效,在团队成员绩效不佳时为其提供支持),能够加深管理层与员工之间的关系,实现更理想的业绩。


    5. 综合同事的反馈和意见,这些可以成为促进个人发展的有力工具,令员工明白自己的工作如何影响其他人。



    1. Replace the annual performance review with regular, one-on-one meetings during which managers and employees set goals and monitor success. These meetings can empower employees to make adjustments to their performance along the way.

    2. Turn your performance bonuses upside down. Pay top-of-market salaries, offer organizational bonuses and stock options. Don’t tie compensation to annual performance reviews. Pay people what they are worth: no more, no less. For example, if an employee is an account director, he or she should be paid for what the company thinks an account director is worth. Pay people for what their actual job title is worth, according to industry standards.

    3. Eliminate the traditional rating system. Don’t grade employees on a number scale (ranking employees on a scale of numbers). Instead, provide regular, honest feedback and provide specific examples of exceptional and poor performance. Ask team members to identify what went right, what went wrong and how they can learn from each case.

    4. Coach, don’t review. Traditional reviews leave employees feeling as if their managers are sitting in judgment of their performance. Taking a coaching approach (encouraging strong performance and supporting team members after weak performance) can strengthen your relationships with your employees and lead to better results.

    Rather than requesting that employees grade themselves, ask them things like “How often did you stretch yourself this month?” Open-ended questions can prompt people to think introspectively about their performance.

    5. Integrate peer feedback and reviews, which can serve as a powerful development tool, enabling employees to see how their work affects others.

    Your organization’s approach to performance reviews should not be a carbon copy of any other company’s. Take a page from the playbook of Atlassian, say, but your policies should reflect your company’s unique culture and values.

    If you’re looking for new ways to approach appraisals, start with monthly meetings to check in with each team member. Continuous feedback and coaching can help you take small steps toward improving performance while relieving some of the stress of the dreaded annual review.

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