

Sam McNerney 2014年08月05日

    《像魔鬼那样思考》(Think Like a Freak),作者:史蒂芬•莱维特和史蒂芬•杜伯纳

    这是《魔鬼经济学》二人组的第三部作品,也是迄今为止最具操作性和规范性的版本。如果你想“像魔鬼一样思考”,你就必须知道如何以对你有利的方式使用激励策略。比如,慈善组织“微笑列车”(Smile Train)告诉人们,如果他们只捐赠一次,该组织就将停止给他们发送捐赠函——这招果然奏效。其他精彩观点包括:像孩子一样思考(活得开心些,不要害怕问愚蠢的问题),早一步清理不良行为者(购鞋网站Zappos给主动离职的员工赠送2,000美元,通过这种方式选择契合公司文化的员工),辞掉你的工作(数据证明:跳出这一步的人最终过得更幸福)。

  Think Like a Freak, by Steven D. Levitt & Stephen J. Dubner

    The third installment from Freakonomics team Levitt-Dubner. This edition is the most actionable and prescriptive yet. If you want to “think like a freak,” you’ve got to know how to use incentives to your advantage. For example, the charity Smile Train told people it would stop sending them solicitations if they donated just once -- it worked. Other gems: Think like a child (have fun and don’t be afraid to ask silly questions), sort out bad actors early (Zappos self-selects for culture-fit by giving employees $2,000 to leave), and quit your job (data attests: people who make the jump end up happier).

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