

JP Mangalindan 2014年04月21日


    可以说,如果没有比尔•盖茨和保罗•艾伦,也就不会有个人电脑的今天。1975年,这对儿时的好友为Altair 8800微机写了一组编程语言,随后携手创办了微软公司(Microsoft )。尽管艾伦在8年后以盖茨试图稀释他的股权为由离开了微软,但他们一起创造了一些意义重大的个人电脑软件,比如直至今天依然占据主宰地位的桌面操作系统Windows。不过,艾伦依然在通过他的投资公司火神资本(Vulcan Capital)继续投身科技领域。盖茨建立了比尔和梅琳达•盖茨基金会(Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation),这些年来一直与沃伦•巴菲特一道倡导慈善事业。但他在今年早些时候表示,应新任CEO萨蒂亚•纳德拉的请求,他将加强他在微软扮演的角色。

    Founders:Bill Gates, Paul Allen

    Personal computing arguably wouldn't be the force it is today without Bill Gates and Paul Allen, childhood friends who founded Microsoft (MSFT, Fortune 500) in 1975 after writing a programming language for the Altair 8800 microcomputer. Although Allen would depart eight years later, alleging Gates tried to dilute his equity, their work together has yielded important PC software like Windows, the dominant desktop operating system, even to this day. Allen keeps his hand in technology though his investing arm, Vulcan Capital. Gates, who established the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and works with Warren Buffett to encourage philanthropy, earlier this year said he would step up his role at Microsoft at the request of new CEO Satya Nadella.

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