

Brandon Southward 2014年01月22日


    • 2014年最适宜工作公司榜单排名:87

    • 员工总数:13,992

    • 年度收入:63亿美元

    连锁便利店Sheetz非常珍惜有年头的事物,因此也会根据工作年限对员工给予不同程度的奖励。工作满五年的员工可以获得员工服务奖,享受在七喷泉山度假村(Seven Springs Mountain Resort)为期2天的假期。而且,员工还可以邀请一位朋友一同前往。在位于宾夕法尼亚州的七喷泉山度假村,员工可以享受宾果游戏、钓鱼、高尔夫球和骑马运动,晚上还可以听取公司最高管理层的演讲,欣赏刘易斯•布莱克等喜剧演员的表演。公司服务满20年的员工还能额外多享受2天的假期,以及公司为假日提供的美食、饮料和度假活动。同一个自然年中打卡时间满1,000小时以上的员工按照员工持股计划可成为公司的股东。目前,公司股票的9%由员工持有。


    •2014 Best Companies rank: 87

    • Number of employees: 13,992

    • Annual revenue: $6.3 billion

    The convenience store chain values longevity and rewards staff for years on the job. Employee service award recipients are recognized for five-year milestones with a two-day stay at Seven Springs Mountain Resort in Pennsylvania. They can bring a guest and enjoy bingo, fishing, golfing and horseback riding, and at night are treated to presentations from top executives and entertained by comedians, such as Lewis Black. Employees with 20 or more years of service receive two extra days with meals, drinks and resort activities included. Every Sheetz employee who clocks 1,000 hours in a calendar year becomes an owner of the company through its stock ownership plan. Currently, 9% of the company is owned by employees.

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