Scopely CEO:会讲故事的商业奇才

Scopely CEO:会讲故事的商业奇才

Chanelle Bessette 2013年12月05日

    6. 你最大的成就是什么?


    7. 你在学校学到的最重要的东西是什么?


    8. 你终生追求的人生目标是什么?


    9. 你最近读过的一本书是什么?


    10. 你有什么独特的习惯或癖好?



    6. What is your greatest achievement?

    The friends I've made. Life wouldn't be very much fun without them.

    7. What was the most important thing you learned in school?

    I studied creative writing in college. I was writing poetry when most of the folks that are now my peers were writing code. How to create a narrative was the most valuable thing I learned in school -- it's how humans make sense of the world.

    8. What is one goal that you would like to accomplish during your lifetime?

    My aspiration is that everyone who works at Scopely to view it as one of the highlights of their professional career.

    9. What was the last book you read?

    Spent by Geoffrey Miller. Any entrepreneur doing something consumer-facing should read it. It's a very interesting take on the real reasons we buy the things we buy.

    10. What is one unique or quirky habit that you have?

    I don't eat any condiments. No sauces of any kind. People ask what kind of diet I'm on, but no, I'm just weird like that.

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