

Erika Fry 2013年12月02日


    • 头衔:创始人

    • 公司:The Row、Elizabeth and James与Olsenboye

    孩提时就以参演《青春满屋》(Full House)名利双收的奥尔森姐妹2002年首次成为《财富》杂志的专题报道主人公。如今,这对姐妹花已放弃演艺事业,转战时尚圈。姐妹俩拥有三个服装品牌——The Row、Elizabeth and James与Olsenboye,有的品牌走大众路线,就跟杰西•彭尼(J.C. Penney)连锁零售店里卖的平价服饰一样,有的则是高端时尚范儿。这些品牌为奥尔森姐妹赢得了好口碑。她们的生意越做越大,连乡村歌手泰勒•斯威夫特和第一夫人米歇尔•奥巴马都成了奥尔森品牌的粉丝。这对孪生姐妹的公司两年前市值评估已经高达10亿美元。

    Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen

    • Title:Founders

    • Company:The Row, Elizabeth and James, Olsenboye

    Rich and famous since their diapered days on Full House, the twin sisters -- who earned their first Fortune feature story in 2002 -- have dropped acting for the fashion business. The duo's three clothing brands -- which range from J.C. Penney-cheap to high-end chic -- have earned them accolades and a growing business that counts Taylor Swift and Michelle Obama among its fans. The company was valued at $1 billion two years ago.

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