

Ian Mount 2013年11月05日










    "Being less empathetic is a means of adaptation. If you have to lead a group, you never lead in a way that everyone likes," Bueno says. "If you allow those who do not agree with you to affect policies that benefit a majority, you're not good.

    "A certain grade of psychopathy can help a leader in the sense that he's not always asking the same questions to keep the whole world happy."

    The problem is that when such behavior reaches an excessive level, psychopathy leads to the kind of arrogance that defines fallen, once-great leaders, like the heads of banks who kept ill-thought policies in place -- despite contrary evidence and advice -- in the run up to the 2008 financial collapse.

    "Over time, you perceive the desires of the people you are leading less," Buenos says.

    So how does a nation or company avoid the dangers of tone-deaf leaders? For Bueno, it's as simple as making finite the time that leaders spend close to power's flame. In other words: term limits.

    "That's why many constitutions -- even if it was done in an unconscious form -- have a limit of two consecutive terms [for presidents]," he says. "That's one way of limiting those changes, so a person doesn't end up being excessively arrogant."

    Some companies, like Deloitte, do impose time limits on their CEO and chair roles (at Deloitte's, those roles are limited to two consecutive four-year terms). Whether that model would work at other companies is open to debate, but considering the damage wrought by hubristic leaders during the recent financial crisis, it's worth considering.

    "It's good to not be so many years in one leadership post," says Bueno. "No one should be eternal in power."

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