

Stephanie N. Mehta 2013年10月25日



    罗睿兰的发言得到了安妮•斯威尼的相应,斯威尼是迪士尼媒体网络公司(Disney Media Networks)联合主席兼迪士尼/美国广播电视集团(Disney/ABC Television Group)董事长。(它的母公司迪士尼集团今年位列最受赞赏公司排行榜第9位。)斯威尼和大家就企业增长和创新展开讨论,他谈到迪士尼正积极拥抱社交媒体,把它作为商业宣传和收集用户对软件程序反馈的有力工具,即便“拥抱社交”会让公司丧失一些控制权也在所不惜。当用户有不满需要发泄时,迪士尼可以与其沟通,避而不谈或是简单粗暴地拒绝绝对不行。“(大家)都想和你沟通交流。如果想维持客户关系,装聋作哑可能吗?”

    这些都是《财富》为第32期“全球最受赞赏公司排行榜”收集数据时收到的评论。《财富》杂志正与合益集团(Hay Group)合作,向全球27个国家,59个行业,约700家公司的15,000余名高管、董事会成员、分析师征求意见。为了制作2014年度“全球最受尊敬公司排行榜”,合益集团要求每位受访者选出10家自己最欣赏的公司,而候选公司则包括上一年度榜单中排名前25%的公司。



    Many of the perennials on Fortune's annual World's Most Admired list (companies such as IBM, Disney, and Apple) are trumpeting their willingness to embrace change as part of their strategies for staying ahead -- and maintaining their "admired" status.

    At Fortune's recent Most Powerful Women Summit last week, executives from some of the country's top companies offered their perspectives on their businesses' competitive advantages. Almost all the leaders from World's Most Admired Companies (WMAC) spoke about technological and business-model innovation. "When I think of IBM, I don't define it by a product," said IBM (IBM) CEO Ginni Rometty. (IBM is No. 6 on the 2013 WMAC list), said at the conference. "And I think that's one of the reasons that it's 102 years old. If you think of yourself as a product, you'll miss the trends, you'll miss the shifts. And you'll miss dangerous ones, like business models."

    Rometty's view was echoed by Anne Sweeney, co-chair of Disney Media Networks and president of Disney/ABC Television Group. (Parent company Disney (DIS) ranks No. 9 this year.) During a discussion about growth and innovation, Sweeney spoke about Disney's embrace of social media as a tool for promoting and soliciting feedback about its programming, even though "going social" means the corporation has to relinquish control; Disney can start a conversation, but it can't retreat or shut it down if consumers verbalize unhappiness. "[Communities] want to interact with you," Sweeney said. "You can't hold everything back if you expect to have a relationship."

    These comments come as data collection for Fortune's 32nd WMAC ranking is underway.Fortune, in conjunction with The Hay Group, is in the process of surveying some 15,000 executives, directors, and analysts to solicit their views on about 700 companies in 59 industry groups from 27 different countries. To arrive at our 2014 overall Most Admired Companies ranking, the Hay Group is asking survey respondents to select the 10 companies they admired most, from a list made up of the companies that ranked in the top 25% in the prior year's survey.

    Of course, talk of innovation isn't limited to companies that rank high on the overall WMAC list -- or even those who score well in their industry groups. Yahoo (YHOO) CEO Marissa Mayer spoke at the Fortune conference about myriad technological and cultural changes she'd made during her year at the Internet company -- ranging from acquisitions such as Tumblr to making smartphones available to all employees -- as part of her effort to remake Yahoo into a more mobile-centric company. She's also revamping some "non-core" aspects of the business, such as the quarterly analysts earnings call, which Yahoo does as a video call. "We wanted to try this," Mayer explained. "It was something new. But I overall think that the analyst questions were better and more topical on point." We'll soon find out of analysts agree and help Yahoo return to the WMAC list. (It last earned a spot in the industry rankings in 2010.)  

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