

Daniel Roberts 2013年08月08日
游戏设备零售商GameStop公司 CEO保罗•瑞恩斯应《财富》编辑团队的邀请,给出了他眼中的《财富》高管梦之队的名单。包括可口可乐公司CEO穆泰康、宝洁掌门人雷富礼在内,众多商界精英悉数入围,堪称星光熠熠。

    应《财富》高管梦之队大联盟(Fantasy Sports Executive League)的邀请,电脑及游戏设备零售商GameStop公司CEO保罗•瑞恩斯给出了他眼中的专业高管梦之队大名单。读者评选活动将于8月9日结束,读者与瑞恩斯等专家都将做出自己的选择。读者得分将部分取决于以上两种选择的匹配度。






    考虑到上面这些因素,我会选穆泰康担任CEO。作为亚特兰大人,我从小就喜欢可口可乐(Coke)、勇士队(the Braves)和乔治亚理工大学(Georgia Tech)足球队。在GameStop,我们看到了穆泰康如何积极顺应健康趋势的变化,同时通过大胆的收购来引领这些趋势。与此同时,公司还在全球开展业务,既能尊重当地文化,又能保持各种信息的相互协调。

    我会选择拉尔夫•德拉维加担任COO。身为科技界的一分子,我们每天都在见证连接需求的快速增长。从贝尔南方(Bellsouth)到辛格勒(Cingular),再到今天的AT&T移动(AT&T Mobility),拉尔夫一直都处在移动行业的核心。我曾在一个慈善委员会与他共事,我知道他既有帮助他人的欲望,也有战略思考。此外,我还要提到卡罗尔•汤姆。当初我在家得宝(Home Depot)公司担任运营副总裁,曾与她共事多年。她对公司文化极其忠诚,但不会囿于公司文化,而是善于运用平衡能力来推动变革。而且,她极具职业道德。她绝对是一个货真价实的人选。

    GameStop (GME) CEO Paul Raines has fielded his own expert executive dream team for the Fortune Fantasy Sports Executive League. Reader team-creation closes Aug. 9; scoring depends, in part, on how closely the player's picks match those of experts like Raines.

    He spoke with Fortune's Daniel Roberts about his choices and his views on what makes a strong team player. (Read recent Fortune coverage of GameStop, and of Raines, here and here.)

    Paul Raines: I thought about the qualities I look for in business leaders and in teams: a passion for innovation and driving a high rate of change [and] an aligned team with a high level of trust that acts with velocity.

    Are you making people around you successful? The job of a leader is to identify gaps, develop their team and elevate their confidence. Do you have a high level of intellectual curiosity? Running a business is all about constantly reinventing your skill set. There is no finish line in any business, and it's up to you to find new opportunities.

    Are you using your own products? It's not good enough to delegate to the marketing group the focus group data. At GameStop, our senior team uses all the tablets and phones we sell, as well as getting together monthly to play new video games. (My budget is four hours per week for video games at home!)

    Are you accountable to the broader community of customers, employees, and investors? Good executives understand that we are stewards of an economic enterprise that supports individuals and their families.

    Considering all those things, for my CEO I chose Muhtar Kent. As an Atlanta native, I grew up loving Coke (KO), the Braves, and Georgia Tech football. At GameStop, we have watched Muhtar aggressively embrace changing trends on health and activate those trends with bold acquisitions. At the same time, they operate globally, respecting local culture, yet maintaining an integrated message.

    At COO, Ralph de la Vega. Being a part of the technology space, we see the rapid demand for connectivity growing every day.Ralph has been at the heart of the mobile industry ... from his days at Bellsouth and Cingular and now at AT&T Mobility (T). Having served on a charitable board with him, I know he is the kind of business leader whose appetite for helping others is as large as his strategic mind. I'd have to give an honorable mention to Carol Tomé too. I worked alongside her for many years as EVP of Operations at Home Depot (HD). She has tremendous loyalty to the culture, yet balances that with an ability to drive change. She also has a massive work ethic. She is the real deal.

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