

Elizabeth G. Olson 2013年07月31日








    非营利组织全国就业法律工程(National Employment Law Project,简称NELP)的执行董事克里斯汀•欧文斯一直观察着劳动力市场的动向。她说:“低薪的工作机会增多了,但是扣除物价上涨因素后,低薪族和中薪族的薪水都在下降。”


    By skewering McDonald's over the gaping disparity between hourly worker pay and CEO compensation -- it's $8.25 per hour versus $8.75 million yearly (more than $4,200 per hour) -- comedian Stephen Colbert last week threw the spotlight on one of the most divisive issues in today's American working world.

    That debate is over the minimum wage paid to hourly workers. Currently, the federal minimum, set four years ago, is $7.25, but it is higher in 18 states and the District of Columbia. Businesses resist increases, complaining they operate on narrow margins and paying workers more will dig into their profits and lead them to raise prices or close their doors.

    Colbert's advice -- tongue-in-cheek -- to McDonald's (MCD) workers is to stop complaining and "accept a fair wage and all the grease you can breathe."

    And that's what most of the country's 4 million fast-food workers have done for years. But now, some are starting to push back. Thousands of such workers are planning a walkout this week, temporarily exiting their jobs at outlets like McDonald's in seven or more cities, including New York, to demand a bigger paycheck.

    It's unclear if this will prompt better pay for cashiers, cooks, prep staff, and delivery workers or end up as a fleeting moment in the national conversation. The White House wants to take measures to shore up middle class job prospects, but it is facing concerns that more spending will damage the country over the long term.

    The hourly wage battle is already underway in the District of Columbia -- not in Congress -- but in the local community over Wal-Mart's (WMT) entry into the nation's capital. When D.C.'s city council adopted a rule requiring big-box retailers to pay their workers a "living wage" of at least $12.50 per hour, the discount retailer threatened to stop construction on three stores it had planned to open.

    The standoff gets to the heart of the changes that have reshaped the national economy, where middle-wage jobs have disappeared, especially since the recession began five years ago, and have been increasingly replaced by lower-paid hourly jobs with few, if any, benefits.

    "Employers have been adding low-wage jobs, but inflation adjusted wages for lower-wage and middle-wage jobs are falling," says Christine Owens, executive director of the National Employment Law Project (NELP), which tracks workforce trends.

    The wage decline was 2.8% between 2009 and 2010, she says, and was largest at the lower end of the pay scale, where half of all low-paid occupations -- cooks, food preparation workers, home health aides, personal care aides, maids and housekeepers -- lost 5% of their buying power.

    "We have an increasingly productive work force," she says, "but while corporations are reaping the financial benefits from that, these gains are not being shared with the people actually doing the work."

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