

《财富》杂志 2013年07月11日




    住在伦敦的贾恩出生在印度斋普尔,在印度和美国接受教育。他的银行职业生涯始于美国基德投资银行(Kidder Peabody)开始,后来又加入美林证券(Merrill Lynch),最终来到德意志银行(Deutsche Bank )。过去几年,德意志银行经历了意义重大的转变,从一家德国金融机构变成真正的全球化银行,而从许多方面而言,贾恩可以说是这一转变过程的代表。过去20年间,德意志银行的收入结构发生了变化。它一度主要依靠德国境内业务,如今则更依赖国际市场的收入。目前,其员工大多也都在海外市场工作。

    Anshu Jain - Deutsche Bank

    Company headquarters: Germany

    CEO's home country: India

    London-based Jain was born in Jaipur, India and educated in India and the U.S. He launched his banking career in the U.S. at Kidder Peabody, eventually moving on to Merrill Lynch and thenDeutsche Bank (DB). In many ways, Jain is representative of the profound shift Deutsche Bank has undergone over the years, from a primarily German financial institution to one that is truly global in nature. Over the past 20 years, Deutsche Bank's revenues went from primarily Germany-based to international, and its staff is now mostly based outside the company's home country.

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