

John A. Byrne 2013年06月03日


    如今的在线课堂上,学生经常是以一种玩《好莱坞广场》(Hollywood Squares)游戏般专注的神情凝视着电脑屏幕,看着“小框”里的同学们通过耳麦和话筒与教授一起展开讨论。通常,学员还可以通过点击一个按钮来代替举手,然后在电脑屏幕上的一个对话框内输入文字,以这种方式提出问题或回答问题。当然,新技术支持下的在线课堂远不止这些。







    In class sessions online, students often peer at computer screens with a Hollywood Squares-look, seeing fellow students in tiny boxes with a professor orchestrating a discussion via an audio feed. Students can tap on a button to "raise their hands," generally by typing in a question or a response into a window on the screen. But there's much more to it than that.

    In the past six months, for example, Kenan-Flagler piloted its first live consulting project with a team of online students and a faculty advisor, a retired McKinsey & Co. partner. "They will be delivering the same kind of consulting project that our full-time MBAs would do," says Cates.

    At Carnegie Mellon, which will enroll its first online MBA class in August, online students will partake in the same intensive leadership experiences -- with workshops, seminars, and one-on-one coaching — that were recently part of an update of the school's full-time, on-campus MBA curriculum.

Tangible results: Salary bumps and promotions

    Increasingly, schools that have been in the online space for several years are now reporting positive outcomes for their graduates. At Kelley, which allows online MBA students to sign up for the on-campus recruiter interview schedules available to its full-time students, the rewards have come in higher pay and upward mobility. Powell says Kelley Direct students who graduated in June 2012 began the program with average salaries of $76,750. When they graduated, their pay was $104,160, an increase of 36%. Moreover, 66% of the students also earned a promotion by commencement.

    Babson College says students who graduated in 2010 from its Fast Track MBA program averaged a 30% increase in pay by the time they left with their online degrees. "They certainly didn't graduate during the flush years of the economy, yet they were getting substantial increases in pay," says Michael Cummings, faculty director of Fast Track.

    At Kenan-Flagler, 30% of students in the online program for more than a year have gotten a promotion or had a job change internally or externally.

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