

《财富》 2013年03月29日

    5. 对客户进行换位思考。客户越高兴,那么他们保持合作、扩大合作以及帮公司做推荐的可能性也就越高。初创阶段,创始人领导公司的时候,会进行传教士式的销售和支持工作。然而,随着公司规模的扩大,你不可能照顾到每一个销售电话和支持问题。你需要找到方法,在公司的文化中培养对客户的换位思考,使员工与客户相匹配。优秀的成长期CEO们会在公司流程中融入以客户为中心的理念。纪源资本(GGV)的投资组合公司Zendesk所提供的基于云的客户服务在业内占据着领先地位。这家公司的新员工接受的培训中有一部分就是从事技术支持工作。搜索引擎优化平台BrightEdge是一家非常有前途的成长期公司。它要求所有销售新人建立一个网站,并使用公司的工具进行搜索引擎优化。这也是新员工培训的一部分。同样,你也需要找到自己的方法,保证团队真正了解、关心客户所处的困境。


    本文作者格林•所罗门为纪源资本合伙人。他近期的投资包括Pandora、Successfactors、Isilon、Square、Zendesk,、Quinstreet、Nimble Storage等公司。作者为希望做大的成长期企业家撰写了系列博客,本文是其中摘选。阅读该系列文章可访问:http://goinglongblog.com/。(财富中文网)


    5. Empathy for the Customer. The happier your customers, the more likely they'll stay, grow and refer others. While founder-led, evangelical selling and support works in the start-up phase, you can't be there for every sales call and support issue as your company scales. You'll need to find ways to inculcate customer empathy into your culture, aligning your employees with your customers. Great growth-stage CEOs build customer focus into their process. GGV portfolio company Zendesk, a leader in cloud-based customer support, has all new employees sit on the support desk as part of their training. Promising growth-stage SEO platform BrightEdge has all new salespeople build a website and use its tool for SEO as part of their training. Similarly, you need to find ways to ensure your team understands and cares deeply about the plight of your customers.

    As you move your company into the growth stage, recruit the best team possible, carefully manage a few side bets while remaining focused, build an organization that is dedicated to the success of your customers, committed to learning and able to operate exceptionally without your daily oversight. If you do these things, you will become a great growth-stage CEO.

    Glenn Solomon (@glennsolomon) is a Partner with GGV Capital. Some of his recent investments include Pandora, Successfactors, Isilon, Square, Zendesk, Quinstreet and Nimble Storage. This post is part of a series for growth stage entrepreneurs who are thinking big; the full series can be found at www.goinglongblog.com.

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