

Mary Civiello 2013年01月28日

    摩根大通(JP Morgan Chase)CEO杰米•戴蒙有一次在哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)演讲时说,人们总是大谈特谈自己获得的领导职务、承担的风险和成功,却很少提到自己的失败。他和学生们分享了自己被解雇的艰难时光,以及当时他和他的家庭的感受。戴蒙建议毕业生们拥有自己的失败,在失败基础上前行,同时也鼓励别人承担风险。





    In a speech at Harvard Business School, JP Morgan Chase (JPM) CEO Jamie Dimon said that people always talk about his leadership roles and risks he's taken and won, but they rarely mention his failures. He shared with students the time he was fired and how he and his family felt at the time. Dimon counseled graduates to own their failures--to use them to get ahead and also to encourage others to take risks.

    These days, Dimon--who, by the way, is supremely confident talking without a teleprompter--has been owning up to his most famous failure: his company's $6 billion loss from a trading debacle. This week, he told an audience in Davos that the so-called "London whale" trade was "a terrible mistake." He added, "If you're a shareholder...I apologize deeply."

    In a photo-shopped world, we need more leaders to risk being real, to tell stories of how they blew it--and even stumble over a few words.

    Authenticity is far more perfect than perfection.

    Mary Civiello is an executive communications coach. She works with leaders at companies and not-for-profit organizations including Morgan Stanley (MS), Merck (MRK), American Express (AXP), AIG (AIG), CARE and the United Nations.

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