

POETS&QUANTS 2012年11月01日





    金融学教授查尔斯•凯罗米里斯是全球首屈一指的金融历史学家之一。他曾在美国纽约、芝加哥、克利夫兰、圣路易斯和费城的联邦储备银行(Federal Reserve Banks),以及联邦储备理事会(Federal Reserve Board),世界银行(World Bank),墨西哥、阿根廷、日本、中国、萨尔瓦多、巴西、哥伦比亚以及康涅狄格州和马萨诸塞州担任政府顾问或访问学者。他也曾在世界银行和国际货币基金组织(IMF)教过很多博士级别课程,包括曾在IMF教过几年的新兴金融市场课程。在私营部门,凯罗米里斯的顾客名单包括像美国银行(Bank of America)和高盛(Goldman Sachs)这样的公司。

    凯罗米里斯在哥伦比亚商学院被视为先驱者。其自发设计、教授的一门新兴市场金融交易课程在哥伦比亚商学院赢得了一项全美创新奖。他还共同设计了哥伦比亚商学院与达累斯萨达姆大学(University of Dar Es Salaam)和内罗毕美国国际大学(U.S. International University in Nairobi)的合作项目。凯罗米里斯在这两个项目中都参与授课。


Charles Calomiris

School: Columbia

Age: 53

Fun fact:He chants in the Greek Orthodox Church.

    Finance professor Charles Calomiris is one of the world's foremost financial historians. Calomiris serves or has served as a consultant or visiting scholar for the Federal Reserve Banks of New York, Chicago, Cleveland, St. Louis, and Philadelphia, the Federal Reserve Board, the World Bank, and the governments of Mexico, Argentina, Japan, China, El Salvador, Brazil, Colombia, Connecticut, and Massachusetts. He also has taught many PhD level courses at the World Bank and the IMF, including a course at the IMF on emerging financial markets for several years. In the private sector, Calomiris' list of clientele includes firms such as Bank of America and Goldman Sachs.

    Professor Calomiris is considered a pioneer at Columbia Business School. He teaches a class on emerging market financial transactions, a course he designed and for which he was awarded a national innovation prize from the business school. He also co-designed the Columbia Business School partnership programs with the University of Dar Es Salaam and the U.S. International University in Nairobi. Calomiris teaches in both programs.

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