

Anne VanderMey 2012年09月20日

    理查德•达维尼向美国的政客们传达了一条信息:最好别挡着(商业发展)的道路。这位知名管理学教授任教于达特茅斯学院塔克商学院(Tuck School of Business,Dartmouth College),他认为政府应该减少开支,削弱官员权力。不过在谈及商业的时候,达维尼却认为政府应该发挥更大作用。他指出,来自中国的威胁不断逼近,我们需要重新思考自由放任的经济体系,甚至要审视自由市场本身。达维尼的新书《战略资本主义:赢得资本家冷战的新经济战略》即将出版之际接受《财富》(Fortune)记者安妮•范德梅耶采访。







    Richard D'Aveni has a message for American politicians: Get out of the way, sort of. The renowned management professor at Dartmouth College's Tuck School of Business says the government should spend less and give less power to elected officials. But when it comes to business, he also thinks the state should do a lot more. The looming threat posed by China requires rethinking our laissez-faire system, D'Aveni says, and even questioning the free market itself. Author of the forthcoming book, Strategic Capitalism: The New Economic Strategy for Winning the Capitalist Cold War, D'Aveni spoke with Fortune's Anne VanderMey about how the U.S. should adapt to compete with China's ascendant brand of state-sponsored capitalism, before China is the only superpower left. Edited excerpts:

What's wrong with our version of capitalism?

    A lot of things that we take for granted -- like that laissez-faire always wins -- are a lot of crap. Another example is the idea that government can't pick winners and losers. All they pick are losers. The Chinese government is proving the exact opposite. They're creating winners. And they're going to work that way for solar energy and wind energy technology because everything is coordinated. The free market has basically got a disadvantage when you're against a smart strategic capitalist. It's different when you're against a dumb one, you know, like France.

How do we fix the system?

    The first thing is to balance the budget. Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan -- that's one of their centerpieces, and I agree with that. But they also talk about asking China to open up their market to the U.S. I think they're being incredibly naïve, based on the trips I've made there -- that somehow the Chinese will do things against their interests. They're winning, and they know they're winning, and they're seeking hegemony. They're not seeking cooperation.

How does the U.S. compete with that?

    We need to go on the offensive. Let me give you an example. I think that we are on the verge of a third industrial revolution. There are all kinds of new technologies that are just on the verge of coming out in the United States, including 3-D printing and molecular manufacturing. How does that manufacturing revolution change things? It's not going to create a lot of jobs in the United States, but on the other hand, it's going to upend the business model that puts China at the center of global economic power and political power. China's employment engine, mass manufacturing, is going to die.

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