

Geoff Colvin 2012年06月04日











    And then there's one we feel strongly about, which probably won't happen in this decade, and that's hydrogen fuel-cell technology. It's kind of the nirvana of where this eventually goes.

    You were well known in earlier careers for being highly focused on what matters to customers vs. what may matter to engineers or other insiders. Is GM sufficiently customer-centric today?

    Not yet, but we're getting better. We just named a very talented young woman [Alicia Boler-Davis] vice president of customer experience -- that's a new kind of perspective from an automotive point of view. She's been with us about 10 years, helped develop one of our key products, and managed a plant that produced it. So she's got street cred. She's seen the vehicle designed and built. For us the customer experience is not only making the vehicle reliable and durable and quality-oriented, but also how it was designed, manufactured, sold, and the post-sale. We're going to be very, very data-driven rather than episodically driven. I hold great hopes for the improvement of how we're perceived in the marketplace.

    You must have a tremendous amount of customer data, but if you're like many companies I talk to, you haven't been using it for all it's worth. Is that fair?

    We're looking at our IT systems real hard. Data warehousing of customer information was not a strength in the company. Maybe it wasn't even existent, but it will be in the future.

    The U.S. Treasury still owns 26% of GM. Is that an impediment to the company's performance?

    Yes and no. A recent survey showed there's a percentage of people who say that as long as the company has government ownership, they'll not buy a car from General Motors. I think there's a certain percentage of the buying public that has a very free-market perspective on the economy. I do too.

    But had General Motors and Chrysler gone down, it's reasonable to say that a good part of the supply chain would have collapsed. The manufacturers, the supply-chain folks like BorgWarner, Delphi, Visteon, and others, plus the dealerships employ 8 million people. That represents $500 billion a year in payroll and $70 billion in taxes that would have been at risk. And the social destruction -- people losing their homes, children not being able to go to college -- every once in a while you have to do something for your citizens. Two administrations had the courage and the leadership to stand up. Whenever there's a restructuring or a bankruptcy, there are multiple paths to resolution. We took the right path.

    Did you ever think you'd be CEO of General Motors?


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