

《财富》 2012年01月21日

6. 加州大学洛杉矶分校安德森商学院






    加州大学洛杉矶分校安德森商学院(UCLA Anderson)所提供的EMBA课程强调让学生掌握商业基础知识,培养分析和解决问题的能力,并明确作为公司领导的意义。

    课程为期两年,每月安排两个周末授课。入校后第一个周末,根据学员的职能分成不同的小组。在第二年的课程中,学生将参加为期六周的实地调研——战略管理研究项目(the Strategic Management Research),使学生有机会在真实的商业环境中检验学习的成果。


6. UCLA Anderson

    Tuition and fees: $113,661

    Work experience: 163 months

    GMAT: 618 (average)

    Acceptance rate: 67%

    Program length: Two years

    The learning model of UCLA Anderson's executive MBA program emphasizes mastery of the fundamentals of business, proficiency in analytical problem-solving skills, and the development of an explicit point of view on what it means to be a leader.

    Classes meet two weekends per month for two years. During the first on-campus weekend, students are assigned to groups based on their functional area. During the second year, students participate in a six-month field study program called the Strategic Management Research (SMR) program where students are given a real-world opportunity to apply the tools they've learned.

    Anderson's EMBA program also offers certification programs in entrepreneurship, international management, finance, marketing, and sustainability.

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