

Ellen Florian 2011年12月28日

    “史蒂夫•乔布斯曾对我说,如果你对试图达到的目标没有一个清晰的思路,就绝不要参加某个会议,也不要打电话。红杉资本公司(Sequoia Capital)的创始人唐•瓦伦丁告诫我要信任自己的直觉,这样就不会陷入传统思维,也不会试图取悦别人。”

    “但我曾经获得过的最好的建议来自比尔•迪得斯,这位《每日电讯报》(Daily Telegraph )的编辑可是舰队街(Fleet Street,英国几家报馆的总部均设于此)响当当的功勋人物。大学毕业前,我一直向往着在伦敦新闻界工作。我去办公室拜访比尔那天,天下着雨。他说,要是他处于我那样的境地,他就会去美国。这番话改变了我的人生轨迹。从此以后,我就下定了去美国的决心。那个时候,我甚至无法从地图上找出加利福尼亚州,对于那种被称为风险资本的东西,我当然一无所知。现在,我已经在硅谷工作了30个年头了。没有任何地方能够跟这里相媲美。我这样说丝毫没有对英国不满的意思,我只是在回味生活在美国的种种美妙之处而已。”



工作经历:红杉资本公司执行合伙人;目前任商务社交网站LinkedIn、独木舟(Kayak)和绿点公司(Green Dot)的董事;谷歌(Google)、雅虎(Yahoo)和贝宝公司(PayPal)的前董事;还曾经当过记者和作家。

主要成就:硅谷具有传奇色彩的交易撮合者,曾支持红杉资本投资雅虎、谷歌、贝宝、美捷步网站( Zappos.com)和其他一大批公司;早期曾在《时代》周刊【Time,归《财富》杂志(Fortune)母公司所有】担任专门报道硅谷的记者;1984年撰写著作《小王国:苹果电脑不为人知的故事》(The Little Kingdom: The Private Story of Apple Computer)。


    "Steve Jobs told me that you should never go to a meeting or make a telephone call without having a clear idea of what you're trying to achieve. And Don Valentine, the founder of Sequoia Capital, told me to trust my instincts, which lets you avoid getting dragged into conventional thinking and trying to please others.

    "But the best advice I ever got came from Bill Deedes, who was editor of the Daily Telegraph and a grand old figure of Fleet Street. Prior to leaving college, my heart was set on working on Fleet Street. I went to see Bill one rainy day in his office. He said if he were in my shoes, he would go to America. That adjusted my compass. After that, I was hell-bent on going. At that point I would barely have been able to pick California off a map, and I certainly had no idea about anything called venture capital. I've worked for the past 30 years in Silicon Valley. There is nothing that comes close to this place. That's not an indictment of Britain, just a reflection on the wonderful benefits of living in America."

Michael Moritz

Age: 57

Job Experience: Sequoia Capital managing partner; current board member at LinkedIn (LNKD), Kayak, and Green Dot (GDOT); former board member at Google (GOOG, Fortune 500), Yahoo (YHOO, Fortune 500), and PayPal; former journalist and author

Claim to Fame: Legendary Silicon Valley dealmaker who backed investments for Sequoia in Yahoo, Google, PayPal, Zappos.com, and many others; correspondent for Time (owned by the parent of Fortune's publisher) early in his career, covering Silicon Valley; wrote 1984 book The Little Kingdom: The Private Story of Apple Computer

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