

John A. Byrne 2011年10月18日

    在伊维斯特看来,他算是杜克大学(Duke University)第一批还没离校就开始玩Facebook的毕业生。Youtube在他毕业还有三个月才上线;Twitter要过将近一年才问世。而现在的人们,尤其是年青人正在不断地发布一些内容,可能会让他们在以后竞争激烈的就业市场上自食恶果。




    更新隐私设置。Twitter、部落格(Blogger)和Youtube等网站对隐私的保护很简单。Facebook和谷歌+的共享设置就复杂一些。第一步非常简单。有相当大一批学生在Facebook上加的好友他们完全不认识。索弗斯(Sophos Security)网络安全公司最近调查表明,46%的Facebook用户愿意接受完全不认识的人发出的好友请求。现在已经到了无人不好友的时代。




    为自己的名字订制谷歌快讯(Google Alert)。为自己名字的正确拼写和各种错误拼法定制谷歌快讯,这是随时掌握与自己名字相关内容的好办法。



    As Ivester sees it, he was part of the first class of graduating seniors from Duke University that had access to Facebook while still in school. YouTube had launched only three months before his graduation and Twitter wouldn't arrive until nearly a year later. Yet, young people in particular are posting things that can prove especially hurtful in a tight job market.

    His advice on managing one's reputation online? Here is what he recommends:

    Google yourself. It's amazing how many people haven't done this. You have to turn off Google's (GOOG) customized search results feature so you can view your results the way others are likely to see them. Pay particular attention to the first page of results. Research has shown that 96% of clicks occur on those first 10 links. But don't stop there. You need to take a full inventory of the available online information about you.

    Clean up your accounts and content. It's possible that some of the content you've posted in the past you might want to remove. Start with your Facebook account. Look through all of your photos and videos. Change or remove anything that you think should not be up there. Perform the same thoughtful process on your blog, your YouTube account, your Twitter account, and any other sites where you share content.

    Update your privacy settings. Sites such as Twitter, Blogger and YouTube have fairly simple privacy controls. Facebook and Google+ have more sophisticated sharing options. The first step is very basic. An alarming number of students are Facebook friends with people whom they don't actually know. A recent study conducted by Sophos Security reported that 46% of Facebook users are willing to accept a friend request from someone whom they don't know at all. It's unfriend time.

    You need togo through all of your friends and see if there are any whom you don't recognize. Then, you need to create lists among those remaining friends. I recommend creating four groups: friends, family, professional contacts, and acquaintances. Once you've created those groups, the next step is to decide which content you want each of them to see. Every piece of Facebook content now has a little cog symbol associated with it. That is the privacy setting symbol and allows you to set the visibility of that piece of content. When you click on the cog symbol, you have the option to make the content public -- visible to all your Facebook friends -- visible just to you, or some customized group of friends.

    Ask for content to be removed.If you find content you don't like -- whether it's embarrassing, personal, vulgar, false, or negative in some other way -- the first step is to task that it be removed. I can tell you, based on the hundreds of take-down requests that we received at JuicyCampus, being kind, reasonable and sincere will be much more effective than being mean, threatening, or aggressive.

    Update and strengthen your passwords.All too often on college campuses, students will think that it is funny to log in to a friend's Facebook account and make inappropriate or awkward status updates, or comments to that person's friends and families. This creates a headache for the student whose account was used, and it may have a lasting effect. A strong password contains a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, along with at least one symbol. Passwords you use often should be changed at least every six months.

    Set up a Google Alert for your name.Setting one up for your name and for any common misspellings of your name is a good way to keep on top of any new online content associated with your name.

    Claim your name.Register your name as a username on all of the most popular sites that allow profiles or user-generated content. Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are obvious examples, but what about Reddit, Flickr and Hulu, or some obscure but still popular FriendFeed, TripIt and UStream? By securing your name as a username, you make it harder for someone else to make you look bad.

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