

Jane Thier 2023-03-06



在打工人的三大人生目标里,时间是共同的主线:有足够的时间陪伴家人、过充实的生活、“实现人生的最大价值”。这是MBO Partners在其最新的“生活目标”(Life Goals)研究中得出的结论,该公司专为独立承包商和雇佣他们的公司提供技术解决方案。研究发现,自由职业者比传统打工人更可以成功实现上述目标。




尽管如此,MBO Partners的首席执行官迈尔斯·埃弗森写道,研究中提到的“自由职业者”往往比传统工作者更快乐、更健康。他说,“人生目标”研究“证明了总体而言,自由职业给生活带来了更多好处。”

当然,他有自己的立场:MBO Partners的整个用户群依赖于独立承包商的延续性。这项研究调查了6,400多名美国居民,其中包括近1,000名自由职业者,样本体量并不完全平衡。但它的研究结果与许多其他研究结果一致,证明了同一个观点:如果你的时间属于自己,你的整体生活和观念就都会得到提升。


埃弗森说:“‘伟大的领悟’(Great Realization)无疑已经到来。”


是否选择自由职业归根结底取决于每个人在稳定可靠的收入和愉快充实的工作之间的优先级平衡。在MBO Partners的报告中,追求激情、做有意义的工作以及“做自己喜欢的工作”是选择自由职业的最主要原因。


公司能够支持员工实现这些目标,只需要为他们提供他们一直希望得到的东西:灵活的工作安排。在实践中,或许可以通过远程办公优先策略、基于核心工时的异步工作模式,甚至是数码游民制度来实现。MBO Partners写道,最重要的是,任何公司都应该采取强硬措施,确保员工在下班时不需要继续关注Slack或Teams之类的办公软件。(财富中文网)



在打工人的三大人生目标里,时间是共同的主线:有足够的时间陪伴家人、过充实的生活、“实现人生的最大价值”。这是MBO Partners在其最新的“生活目标”(Life Goals)研究中得出的结论,该公司专为独立承包商和雇佣他们的公司提供技术解决方案。研究发现,自由职业者比传统打工人更可以成功实现上述目标。




尽管如此,MBO Partners的首席执行官迈尔斯·埃弗森写道,研究中提到的“自由职业者”往往比传统工作者更快乐、更健康。他说,“人生目标”研究“证明了总体而言,自由职业给生活带来了更多好处。”

当然,他有自己的立场:MBO Partners的整个用户群依赖于独立承包商的延续性。这项研究调查了6,400多名美国居民,其中包括近1,000名自由职业者,样本体量并不完全平衡。但它的研究结果与许多其他研究结果一致,证明了同一个观点:如果你的时间属于自己,你的整体生活和观念就都会得到提升。


埃弗森说:“‘伟大的领悟’(Great Realization)无疑已经到来。”


是否选择自由职业归根结底取决于每个人在稳定可靠的收入和愉快充实的工作之间的优先级平衡。在MBO Partners的报告中,追求激情、做有意义的工作以及“做自己喜欢的工作”是选择自由职业的最主要原因。


公司能够支持员工实现这些目标,只需要为他们提供他们一直希望得到的东西:灵活的工作安排。在实践中,或许可以通过远程办公优先策略、基于核心工时的异步工作模式,甚至是数码游民制度来实现。MBO Partners写道,最重要的是,任何公司都应该采取强硬措施,确保员工在下班时不需要继续关注Slack或Teams之类的办公软件。(财富中文网)


When it comes down to it, money isn’t our scarcest resource; time is. And if you work for yourself, rather than as an employee at a large company, you’re likelier to have more of it—and likelier to spend it on things that matter most to you.

Time is the common thread among workers’ top three goals: spending enough time with family, leading a fulfilling life, and “getting the most out of life,” finds MBO Partners, a tech solutions company for independent contractors and the companies who hire them, in its new “Life Goals” study. But independent workers more successfully meet these goals than traditional workers do.

Sixty percent of independents report success at leading a fulfilling life, versus 54% of all workers, and almost 60% of independents say they’re successful at getting the most out of life, compared with 52% of all workers.

It’s not always so simple though. A greater share of traditional job holders (76%) said they’re satisfied with their income, compared with 68% of independents. Plus, almost half of traditional workers said they’re successfully on track for retirement, compared with just 41% of independent workers—proving the importance of a steady paycheck.

Across the board, though, digital nomads are the most satisfied. These workers, who log on remotely from other countries offering speciality visas, outscored both independents and traditional workers when asked whether they lead a fulfilling, purposeful life, are creating wealth, and are on track for retirement. Plus, nearly all of them (92%) were highly satisfied or satisfied with their work and lifestyle overall.

Even so, “independents,” as they’re referred to in the study, tend to be happier and healthier than traditionally employed workers, MBO Partners CEO Miles Everson wrote. The Life Goals study, he said, “proves that going independent is better for one’s life overall.”

He has an angle, of course: MBO Partners’ entire user base relies on the continuity of independent contractors. And the study surveyed over 6,400 U.S. residents, including nearly 1,000 independent workers—not exactly equal sample sizes. But its results fall in line with many other studies proving the same thing: When your time is your own, your entire life and outlook improve.

The pandemic made time to reshuffle priorities

“The Great Realization is unequivocally here,” Everson said.

By another name, the Great Realization describes some workers’ reconfiguration of their values and priorities, which came with their newfound free time during lockdowns and continued through their companies’ return to office plans. The “pause” for these people—alongside the vast restructuring of the social fabric—led to increased demands for better work-life balance, the ability to pursue passions, and prioritizing health and wellness.

The choice to go independent came down to each person’s balance of priorities between having a steady, reliable income and doing enjoyable, fulfilling work. Pursuing a passion, doing meaningful work, and “doing work they like,” all came out on top as top reasons for going independent in MBO Partners’ report.

The shortage of companies providing meaning, passion, and steadiness has led to an uptick in independents, Everson said.

Companies can support employees’ ability to reach those goals by providing them with what they’ve been asking for all along: flexible work arrangements. In practice, this could look like a remote-first policy, asynchronous work with core hours, or even digital nomad options. Most important, MBO Partners wrote, any company should militantly ensure that when they’re off the clock, workers don’t peek at Slack or Teams.
