

Chris Morris 2023-02-28



根据高管猎头公司Crist Kolder Associates的职场动态报告,在2022年上半年,《财富》美国500强和标准普尔500指数(S&P 500)公司的681名首席财务官中,约有8.1%被提拔为首席执行官,创历史新高。十年前,这一数字仅为5.6%。


埃默里大学(Emory University)戈伊苏埃塔商学院(Goizueta Business School)的组织与管理实践副教授理查德·伯林说:“首席财务官的日常工作只是首席执行官工作的一个方面。他们有财务方面的专业知识,无论是通过预算编制还是进行相关分析,他们也有战略眼光。但要想成为一名首席执行官还是很有挑战的,因为首席执行官必须具备很多软技能。”


这在很大程度上也取决于你所在的行业。根据Crist Kolder的报告,金融行业的首席财务官最有可能得到晋升(25.5%的人得到晋升),而零售行业的首席财务官则很难得到晋升(只有3.6%的人得到晋升)。工业、服务业和消费行业的晋升率均为16.4%。




事实上,史宾沙(Spencer Stuart)在2022年7月发布的一份报告发现,只有8%首席财务官出身的首席执行官可以带领公司取得辉煌业绩。相比之下,“越级式晋升”的首席执行官——那些从低两个或两个以上级别职位晋升的首席执行官——和部门首席执行官更有可能带领公司取得骄人业绩。




卢英德(Indra Nooyi)

这位百事可乐公司(PepsiCo)的前首席执行官于1994年加入该公司,一路晋升,直到2000年成为首席财务官。在担任该职务之前,她于1998年领导了对纯果乐(Tropicana)的收购,以及与桂格燕麦公司(Quaker Oats)的合并。作为《财富》最具影响力的商界女性榜单的常客,她于2006年被任命为首席执行官,并一直担任该职务至2018年。在她的领导下,公司的销售额增长了80%。

克里斯蒂娜·斯佩德(Christina Spade)

2021年1月,斯佩德加入AMC Networks,担任执行副总裁兼首席财务官。11个月后,她被提升为首席财务官,并兼任首席运营官。2022年8月,她被任命为首席执行官,接替马特·布兰克,后者临时担任该职务一年。她当时说:“我对财务的好奇心使我为担任首席执行官做好了万全准备。我喜欢研究公司的财务状况,以推动实现长期价值……如果你只是为了达到某个数字而削减成本,就很难用这种方法在长期基础上创造价值。”

约翰·达斯伯格(John Dasburg)

在担任首席执行官之前,达斯伯格曾经在几家著名公司担任首席财务官。他曾经是万豪(Marriott)的首席财务官,后来转到美国西北航空(Northwest Airlines)担任首席财务官,并于1990年成为该公司的首席执行官。在很大程度上,他被视为将这家航空公司从破产边缘拯救回来的功臣,后来他又担任汉堡王(Burger King)和敦豪航空公司(DHL Airways)的首席执行官。

小唐纳德·艾伦(Donald Allan Jr.)

艾伦从1999年起担任史丹利百得(Stanley Black & Decker)的首席财务官,2022年7月他转任首席执行官。他得到晋升的部分原因是他曾经担任前任首席执行官的战略伙伴。他在升职前不久对《财富》杂志表示:“如果一个人独自完成这项工作,业绩就不可能那么出色。我想说的是:‘让我们一起努力来解决这个问题。’”(财富中文网)



根据高管猎头公司Crist Kolder Associates的职场动态报告,在2022年上半年,《财富》美国500强和标准普尔500指数(S&P 500)公司的681名首席财务官中,约有8.1%被提拔为首席执行官,创历史新高。十年前,这一数字仅为5.6%。


埃默里大学(Emory University)戈伊苏埃塔商学院(Goizueta Business School)的组织与管理实践副教授理查德·伯林说:“首席财务官的日常工作只是首席执行官工作的一个方面。他们有财务方面的专业知识,无论是通过预算编制还是进行相关分析,他们也有战略眼光。但要想成为一名首席执行官还是很有挑战的,因为首席执行官必须具备很多软技能。”


这在很大程度上也取决于你所在的行业。根据Crist Kolder的报告,金融行业的首席财务官最有可能得到晋升(25.5%的人得到晋升),而零售行业的首席财务官则很难得到晋升(只有3.6%的人得到晋升)。工业、服务业和消费行业的晋升率均为16.4%。




事实上,史宾沙(Spencer Stuart)在2022年7月发布的一份报告发现,只有8%首席财务官出身的首席执行官可以带领公司取得辉煌业绩。相比之下,“越级式晋升”的首席执行官——那些从低两个或两个以上级别职位晋升的首席执行官——和部门首席执行官更有可能带领公司取得骄人业绩。




卢英德(Indra Nooyi)

这位百事可乐公司(PepsiCo)的前首席执行官于1994年加入该公司,一路晋升,直到2000年成为首席财务官。在担任该职务之前,她于1998年领导了对纯果乐(Tropicana)的收购,以及与桂格燕麦公司(Quaker Oats)的合并。作为《财富》最具影响力的商界女性榜单的常客,她于2006年被任命为首席执行官,并一直担任该职务至2018年。在她的领导下,公司的销售额增长了80%。

克里斯蒂娜·斯佩德(Christina Spade)

2021年1月,斯佩德加入AMC Networks,担任执行副总裁兼首席财务官。11个月后,她被提升为首席财务官,并兼任首席运营官。2022年8月,她被任命为首席执行官,接替马特·布兰克,后者临时担任该职务一年。她当时说:“我对财务的好奇心使我为担任首席执行官做好了万全准备。我喜欢研究公司的财务状况,以推动实现长期价值……如果你只是为了达到某个数字而削减成本,就很难用这种方法在长期基础上创造价值。”

约翰·达斯伯格(John Dasburg)

在担任首席执行官之前,达斯伯格曾经在几家著名公司担任首席财务官。他曾经是万豪(Marriott)的首席财务官,后来转到美国西北航空(Northwest Airlines)担任首席财务官,并于1990年成为该公司的首席执行官。在很大程度上,他被视为将这家航空公司从破产边缘拯救回来的功臣,后来他又担任汉堡王(Burger King)和敦豪航空公司(DHL Airways)的首席执行官。

小唐纳德·艾伦(Donald Allan Jr.)

艾伦从1999年起担任史丹利百得(Stanley Black & Decker)的首席财务官,2022年7月他转任首席执行官。他得到晋升的部分原因是他曾经担任前任首席执行官的战略伙伴。他在升职前不久对《财富》杂志表示:“如果一个人独自完成这项工作,业绩就不可能那么出色。我想说的是:‘让我们一起努力来解决这个问题。’”(财富中文网)


It’s a good time to be a chief financial officer with designs on upward mobility.

During the first half of 2022, approximately 8.1% of 681 CFOs among both Fortune 500 and S&P 500 companies were promoted to the role of CEO—an all-time high, according to executive search firm Crist Kolder Associates’ volatility report. A decade ago, that number was just 5.6%.

That increase, while impressive, may not come a shock. After all, companies promote from within to ensure their next leader is someone with an existing, deep knowledge of the organization who knows where the problem areas are and where the strengths lie. But knowing the finances inside and out is just the first step and hardly qualifies someone for the role of CEO.

“What CFOs do on a regular basis is an aspect of what CEOs do,” says Richard Berlin, associate professor in the practice of organization and management at Emory University’s Goizueta Business School. “They bring financial expertise, whether via budgeting or analysis, and they can also be strategic. But it’s a challenge, because there are so many soft skills that are necessary to be a CEO.”

CFOs who lead a large department of people are more likely to have some of those soft skills. They’ve learned how to energize their workers and focus them as necessary. And they’ve also learned to delegate responsibilities, which could make them even more attractive to the board of directors.

A lot of it also depends on your industry. The Crist Kolder report found that CFOs in the financial sector are most likely to be promoted (with 25.5% making the jump), while those in the retail sector struggle to make the jump (with just 3.6% doing so). Industrial, services, and consumer sectors all see promotion rates of 16.4%.

Tenure time is a factor, but it’s not a determining one. While financial sector CFOs average approximately 5.4 years, those in retail tend to stay in the job fractionally longer. What’s more important, oftentimes, is as odd as it might sound: self-awareness.

“If you’re a CFO who is considering taking things to a higher level, you have to do an honest self-reflection,” says Berlin. “Who am I? Am I able to pivot? What challenges am I likely to face? I do a lot of coaching with executives, and when people advance in their careers, it’s not because they are technically skilled. It’s because they have some strong emotional quotient…More than 80% of CEOs are viewed as very optimistic. By contrast, when you think about a CFO, they’re more about being realistic and looking at the numbers. It’s a much different outlook.”

To put it another way, to paraphrase Marshall Goldsmith, just because you had the skills to succeed at the CFO level doesn’t guarantee those are the skills for success in the CEO role.

In fact, a Spencer Stuart report, released in July, found that just 8% of CFOs-turned-CEOs took their companies to the top quartile of performance. By contrast, “leapfrog” CEOs—those promoted from two or more levels down—and divisional CEOs had far higher odds of outperformance.

While promoted CFOs achieve higher levels of profitability during their early years in the job, too many fail to shift their focus beyond the bottom line and eventually lag behind people who came from other roles.

“Where CFOs are most comfortable is in the cost end of the business, not driving the top line,” one anonymous CFO-turned-CEO told consulting firm Spencer Stuart in its report. “They may not be close enough to sales and marketing as they should be. A lot of times, people want to save their way to prosperity by focusing on costs and efficiency instead of driving the top line.”

Any promotion requires some relearning, though. And there are several successful CEOs who formerly occupied the CFO office. Here’s a look at some of the most notable:

Indra Nooyi

The former CEO of PepsiCo joined the company in 1994, working her way up the ladder until she became CFO in 2000. Before taking that office, she led the acquisition of Tropicana in 1998, as well as the merger with Quaker Oats. A regular on Most Powerful Women in Business lists, she was named CEO in 2006 and held the position until 2018. Under her leadership, the company’s sales grew 80%.

Christina Spade

In January 2021, Spade joined AMC Networks as executive vice president and CFO. Eleven months later, she was promoted to the dual role of CFO and chief operating officer. Then, last August, she was named CEO, succeeding Matt Blank, who held the role on an interim basis for a year. “My curious approach to finance prepared me best for CEO,” she said at the time. “I like to look at the finances of a company to drive value for the long-term…If you simply cut costs to meet a number, it will be very tough to create value with that approach on a longer-term basis.”

John Dasburg

Dasburg held the CFO role at a couple of notable companies before taking the reins as CEO. A onetime CFO at Marriott, he later transferred to the same job at Northwest Airlines, where he became CEO in 1990. He was largely credited with saving the carrier from bankruptcy and later went on to serve as CEO of Burger King and DHL Airways.

Donald Allan Jr.

Last July, Allan swapped his CFO position at Stanley Black & Decker, which he’d held since 1999, for that of CEO. Part of his ascension came from taking on the role of a strategic partner to his predecessor. “When one individual goes through that process on their own, there’s no way it can be as good,” he told Fortune shortly before his promotion. “What I try to [say] is, ‘Let’s work together to try and figure it out.’”
