

Alicia Adamczyk 2022-07-17



这是人力资源公司Insight Global最近一项调查得出的结论,尽管美国目前的失业率仅为3.6%,几乎是20世纪70年代以来的最低水平。在过去的一年里,工人的技能和劳动备受雇主追捧,薪资水平也一路看涨。

但与此同时,焦虑情绪一直在繁华似锦的表面之下暗流涌动。新冠疫情爆发早期的动荡仍然历历在目,当时的失业率高达14.8%,许多家庭难以支付账单,就连房屋所有权也岌岌可危。随着股市持续下探,通货膨胀开始侵蚀个人储蓄,并且超过工资涨幅,政治动荡仍然在持续,消费者信心跌至历史最低水平。美联储(Federal Reserve)正在加息,而且很可能会继续这样做。

严格来说,美国还没有陷入衰退,但越来越多的经济学家正在做出这样的预测,企业领袖也开始为衰退做准备。所有这些加剧了美国人对自身工作和财务状况的不安。Insight Global将其称为“大忧虑”(Great Apprehension):尽管劳动力市场依然强劲,但工人们似乎都在等待另一只鞋掉下来。

2022年6月,Insight Global对1000名美国工人进行了调查问卷。除了普遍存在的工作焦虑外,调查还发现,56%的美国人在经济上没有做好应对衰退的准备,或者“不知道如何未雨绸缪”以应对有可能袭来的衰退。

这些结果也反映在衡量经济前景的其他指标上。密歇根大学(University of Michigan)最新的消费者调查显示,79%的人认为明年的商业环境将恶化,47%的人表示通货膨胀正在拉低他们的生活水平——目前的通胀率仅比“大衰退”(Great Recession)期间达到的历史最高水平低一个百分点。

Insight Global报道称,在上一轮衰退中饱受创伤的千禧一代尤为焦虑。调查发现,有60%的千禧一代“仍然担心他们保不住工作,对失业的恐惧经常萦绕在他们的脑海中。”这一比例是所有世代中最高的。

Insight Global指出,这种担心并非完全没有道理:有87%的受访经理称,如果衰退来袭,他们“可能”需要裁员。





这是人力资源公司Insight Global最近一项调查得出的结论,尽管美国目前的失业率仅为3.6%,几乎是20世纪70年代以来的最低水平。在过去的一年里,工人的技能和劳动备受雇主追捧,薪资水平也一路看涨。

但与此同时,焦虑情绪一直在繁华似锦的表面之下暗流涌动。新冠疫情爆发早期的动荡仍然历历在目,当时的失业率高达14.8%,许多家庭难以支付账单,就连房屋所有权也岌岌可危。随着股市持续下探,通货膨胀开始侵蚀个人储蓄,并且超过工资涨幅,政治动荡仍然在持续,消费者信心跌至历史最低水平。美联储(Federal Reserve)正在加息,而且很可能会继续这样做。

严格来说,美国还没有陷入衰退,但越来越多的经济学家正在做出这样的预测,企业领袖也开始为衰退做准备。所有这些加剧了美国人对自身工作和财务状况的不安。Insight Global将其称为“大忧虑”(Great Apprehension):尽管劳动力市场依然强劲,但工人们似乎都在等待另一只鞋掉下来。

2022年6月,Insight Global对1000名美国工人进行了调查问卷。除了普遍存在的工作焦虑外,调查还发现,56%的美国人在经济上没有做好应对衰退的准备,或者“不知道如何未雨绸缪”以应对有可能袭来的衰退。

这些结果也反映在衡量经济前景的其他指标上。密歇根大学(University of Michigan)最新的消费者调查显示,79%的人认为明年的商业环境将恶化,47%的人表示通货膨胀正在拉低他们的生活水平——目前的通胀率仅比“大衰退”(Great Recession)期间达到的历史最高水平低一个百分点。

Insight Global报道称,在上一轮衰退中饱受创伤的千禧一代尤为焦虑。调查发现,有60%的千禧一代“仍然担心他们保不住工作,对失业的恐惧经常萦绕在他们的脑海中。”这一比例是所有世代中最高的。

Insight Global指出,这种担心并非完全没有道理:有87%的受访经理称,如果衰退来袭,他们“可能”需要裁员。




Almost 80% of U.S. workers are scared about their job security if a recession hits, even as the job market continues to be one of the strongest in recent memory.

That’s according to a recent survey from staffing firm Insight Global, and in spite of an unemployment rate of 3.6% that’s nearly the lowest it’s been since the 1970s. For the past year, workers have enjoyed increased demand for their skills and labor, and wages have been growing steadily.

But anxiety has rippled below the surface that entire time. The early days of the COVID-19 pandemic are still in view, when the unemployment rate reached a high of 14.8%, and families struggled to pay bills and even keep their homes. As the stock market continues its downward spiral, inflation eats into personal savings and outpaces wage gains, and political turmoil roils on, consumer sentiment is the lowest on record. The Federal Reserve is raising interest rates and will likely continue to do so.

The U.S. is not technically in a recession, but more and more economists are predicting one, and business leaders are preparing for one, adding to Americans’s uneasiness about their jobs and finances. Insight Global calls it the Great Apprehension: Despite a strong labor market, workers seem to be waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Insight Global’s survey polled 1,000 U.S. workers in June 2022. In addition to widespread job anxiety, it found that 56% of Americans are not financially prepared or “don’t know how to prepare” for a recession if one occurs.

The results are reflected in other measures of economic outlook. The University of Michigan’s most recent Survey of Consumers finds 79% believe business conditions will deteriorate in the next year, and 47% say inflation is lowering their living standards—one point behind the all-time high reached during the Great Recession.

Millennials, battle-scarred from the last recession, are especially anxious, reports Insight Global. Its survey finds 60% of the generation “say they still feel anxious about job security or say the fear of being laid off is often in the back of their minds,” the highest percentage of any generation.

The fears aren’t completely unwarranted, Insight Global says: 87% of managers surveyed say they would “likely” need to lay off employees if a recession hits.

And many companies, particularly in the tech and crypto sectors, are already laying off some employees or freezing hiring and rescinding offers.

If you’re worried about a possible recession and its effects on your finances, financial advisers recommend you focus on what you can control and tighten your spending now.
