

CHLOE BERGER 2022-06-22

疫情过后,只有半数员工会按公司的预期,回到了办公室。摄影:AMIR HAMJA —— 彭博社/盖蒂图片社


WFH Research的研究显示,虽然雇主希望员工重回办公室,但只有49%的员工愿意每周五天到公司现场办公。Quartz at Work最先报道了这项研究结果。约40%的上班族每周至少有一天依旧会远程办公。他们表示,如果雇主强制要求完全恢复现场办公,他们会选择辞职或跳槽。






在这项结果公布时,特斯拉(Tesla)CEO埃隆·马斯克、摩根大通(JPMorgan)CEO杰米·戴蒙和高盛(Goldman Sachs)CEO苏德巍等,都宣布计划完全恢复现场办公模式。

虽然马斯克等CEO威胁将辞退不同意公司政策的员工,但WFH Research调查的受访者表示,这类威胁只是空话。在被问到如果员工在办公室办公的天数少于公司规定,雇主如何处理时,大多数受访者(43.2%)表示雇主没有任何动作。有受访者表示雇主确实威胁解雇员工,但很少有人真得被解雇(只有6.3%)。


因此,混合办公模式能够更有效地说服更多员工重回办公室。WFH Research的调查发现,在希望员工每周四天在办公室办公的公司当中,83.8%的员工已经在按公司的要求执行。


在2020年,可以居家办公的员工对WFH Research表示,其雇主曾宣布员工在疫情之后可每周远程办公约1.6天。现在已经延长到2.3天。




疫情过后,只有半数员工会按公司的预期,回到了办公室。摄影:AMIR HAMJA —— 彭博社/盖蒂图片社


WFH Research的研究显示,虽然雇主希望员工重回办公室,但只有49%的员工愿意每周五天到公司现场办公。Quartz at Work最先报道了这项研究结果。约40%的上班族每周至少有一天依旧会远程办公。他们表示,如果雇主强制要求完全恢复现场办公,他们会选择辞职或跳槽。






在这项结果公布时,特斯拉(Tesla)CEO埃隆·马斯克、摩根大通(JPMorgan)CEO杰米·戴蒙和高盛(Goldman Sachs)CEO苏德巍等,都宣布计划完全恢复现场办公模式。

虽然马斯克等CEO威胁将辞退不同意公司政策的员工,但WFH Research调查的受访者表示,这类威胁只是空话。在被问到如果员工在办公室办公的天数少于公司规定,雇主如何处理时,大多数受访者(43.2%)表示雇主没有任何动作。有受访者表示雇主确实威胁解雇员工,但很少有人真得被解雇(只有6.3%)。


因此,混合办公模式能够更有效地说服更多员工重回办公室。WFH Research的调查发现,在希望员工每周四天在办公室办公的公司当中,83.8%的员工已经在按公司的要求执行。


在2020年,可以居家办公的员工对WFH Research表示,其雇主曾宣布员工在疫情之后可每周远程办公约1.6天。现在已经延长到2.3天。




The glass might finally be half full for executives pushing workers back to the office, but the office is still half empty. Or half full, depending on your perspective.

Only 49% of employees expected by their employer to return to the office are actually going in five days a week, according to a study from WFH Research, first reported by Quartz at Work. And around 40% of workers still working remotely at least one day per week said they'd quit or look for another job if their employer mandated a full-office return.

The findings are the latest from Jose Maria Barrero, Nicholas Bloom, and Steven J. Davis, who have been surveying 2,500 to 5,000 working Americans on work-from-home attitudes every month since 2020. May’s data revealed that forcing employees to come into headquarters isn’t always effective. Remote work still has traction, even among workers that have received ultimatums.

“After more than two years with a lot of working from home, it's not very realistic for companies to expect office workers, and those who can do at least part of their job remotely, back to the office full-time,” Barrero tells Fortune.

But, he adds, in-person work still has its merits. Due to the heightened ability to collaborate, converse, and make decisions, “relatively few jobs will remain fully remote, even as fully in-person work becomes rare among office workers,” Barrero says.

It's a sign that hybrid work is winning company policies.

The best of both worlds

The findings come at a time when CEOs like Tesla’s Elon Musk, JPMorgan’s CEO Jamie Dimon, and Goldman Sachs’ David Solomon all have announced their intention to return to a fully in-person work model.

While CEOs like Musk threaten to fire dissident employees, respondents to WFH Research’s poll said that the promises for consequence are empty. When asked how their employer responded to employees who worked in office fewer days than they were asked to, the majority of respondents (43.2%) said nothing happened. While some reported threats of termination occurred, very rarely was someone actually fired (only 6.3% of the time).

It's likely because fully in-person models have become harder to justify. Productivity has gone up among workers with more flexible schedules, and hybrid employees report feeling the most bonded with their coworkers. More than half of employees working a hybrid model prefer it, per a Gallup poll from October 2021.

It's why hybrid work policies are more successful at getting more people back in office. The WFH Research survey found that of companies expecting their employees to work in the office four days a week, 83.8% of workers are already following their employees’ requests.

Companies like Google and Apple have taken notice and implemented their own hybrid plans. “Since we started our research project two years ago, employers have increasingly switched to planning for a hybrid work scheme after the pandemic,” says Barrero.

Employees who could work from home told WFH Research in 2020 that their employers said they could work remotely about 1.6 days a week post-pandemic. Employers have since increased that to 2.3 days.

Davis, one of the researchers, says that employers need to give workers an enticing reason to be at their office desks five days a week. As he puts it, “For employees to return happily to the office, the boss needs a compelling answer to this question: Why must I spend 30, 60, 90 minutes a day on commuting, when I’ve shown I can do my job from home?”
