

Bob Liodice 2021-06-23

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或者以耐克(Nike)及其Space Hippie系列运动鞋为例。耶鲁大学管理学院(Yale School of Management)的最新研究就将耐克作为研究案例。近几年,耐克发现许多利益相关者都很关心可持续发展问题。耐克团队没有简单地制定一项表明其支持环保的营销策略,例如一款“概念鞋”,相反他们希望将可持续发展融入到其核心业务当中,使用废边角料来生产一款运动鞋。

但耐克首先必须了解并且解决利益相关者的忧虑。他们必须向客户解释,用废料生产的运动鞋如何保证依旧能够达到耐克的标准;对于供应商,他们必须解决如何在保证质量的前提下,利用废料大规模生产;对于股东们来说,这款鞋必须可以实现盈利。耐克表示,最终的成果不只是一款“史上最低碳的运动鞋。”在耐克2021年第一季度的财报中,首席执行官约翰•多纳霍表示,Space Hippie是耐克史上最受关注的创新产品发布。他称赞这款鞋的上市,使该品牌在中国实现了两位数增长。与此同时,在研发这款鞋的过程中出现的低碳创新技术,从材料选择到生产方法和包装等,正在耐克内部被广泛应用。


对于利益相关者关切的问题,市场营销部门的认识最为深刻。但在疫情之前的调查发现,高达70%的首席执行官对于其首席营销官推动增长的信心减弱。在新商业时代,改变这种观念迫在眉睫。首席执行官们必须要求营销部门发挥更大的作用,而首席营销官们必须制定打造“以人为本的品牌”(Brands for Humans)的策略。“以人为本的品牌”是由美国国家广告商协会(Association of National Advertisers)的全球首席营销官成长理事会(Global CMO Growth Council)开发的最新框架,该框架的重点是:

• 品牌理念

• 可持续发展

• 多元、公平和包容

• 品牌和消费者安全


《财富》媒体公司(Fortune Media)的首席执行官穆瑞澜最近总结了商界正在发生的变化。他指出,对20世纪70年代的《财富》美国500强公司的资产负债表分析显示,公司价值的80%左右来自有形资产,比如建筑、设备、固定资产和库存等。但对今天的500强公司所做的分析显示,超过80%的价值来自无形资产,例如知识产权、品牌价值、消费者认同等,这些都来源于人。










或者以耐克(Nike)及其Space Hippie系列运动鞋为例。耶鲁大学管理学院(Yale School of Management)的最新研究就将耐克作为研究案例。近几年,耐克发现许多利益相关者都很关心可持续发展问题。耐克团队没有简单地制定一项表明其支持环保的营销策略,例如一款“概念鞋”,相反他们希望将可持续发展融入到其核心业务当中,使用废边角料来生产一款运动鞋。

但耐克首先必须了解并且解决利益相关者的忧虑。他们必须向客户解释,用废料生产的运动鞋如何保证依旧能够达到耐克的标准;对于供应商,他们必须解决如何在保证质量的前提下,利用废料大规模生产;对于股东们来说,这款鞋必须可以实现盈利。耐克表示,最终的成果不只是一款“史上最低碳的运动鞋。”在耐克2021年第一季度的财报中,首席执行官约翰•多纳霍表示,Space Hippie是耐克史上最受关注的创新产品发布。他称赞这款鞋的上市,使该品牌在中国实现了两位数增长。与此同时,在研发这款鞋的过程中出现的低碳创新技术,从材料选择到生产方法和包装等,正在耐克内部被广泛应用。


对于利益相关者关切的问题,市场营销部门的认识最为深刻。但在疫情之前的调查发现,高达70%的首席执行官对于其首席营销官推动增长的信心减弱。在新商业时代,改变这种观念迫在眉睫。首席执行官们必须要求营销部门发挥更大的作用,而首席营销官们必须制定打造“以人为本的品牌”(Brands for Humans)的策略。“以人为本的品牌”是由美国国家广告商协会(Association of National Advertisers)的全球首席营销官成长理事会(Global CMO Growth Council)开发的最新框架,该框架的重点是:

• 品牌理念

• 可持续发展

• 多元、公平和包容

• 品牌和消费者安全


《财富》媒体公司(Fortune Media)的首席执行官穆瑞澜最近总结了商界正在发生的变化。他指出,对20世纪70年代的《财富》美国500强公司的资产负债表分析显示,公司价值的80%左右来自有形资产,比如建筑、设备、固定资产和库存等。但对今天的500强公司所做的分析显示,超过80%的价值来自无形资产,例如知识产权、品牌价值、消费者认同等,这些都来源于人。





During the pandemic, CEOs around the world were suddenly tasked with answering to the concerns of a broader suite of stakeholders. Beyond shareholders and customers, CEOs were challenged to address the needs of suppliers, employees, investors, and, most notably, the general public. The term “stakeholder capitalism” became the buzzword of the year to describe the new goal of synchronizing business operations with the interests and the needs of humanity.

In fulfilling this expanded mission, many CEOs found a new “humanity” partner—in their chief marketing officer.

What made CMOs unique in this journey was their hoard of data and carefully curated insights into each stakeholder group. Combined with years of experience talking on behalf of their brands, CMOs became uniquely equipped to assist executives with addressing the full array of stakeholder concerns. As we now approach a new normal for businesses, CEOs must empower their CMOs to go beyond traditional advertising and, instead, help the entire enterprise create value for its stakeholders.

This new mission for CMOs is about synchronizing a business’s operations with its marketing message to positively impact society and drive revenue. It is about eliminating the view of marketing as a “business to business” or “business to consumer” concern. Instead CMOs must view it as a calling to find solutions for stakeholders that drive business growth—and thus create “brands for humans.”

Take the example of Marriott. When the pandemic hit, Marriott was coming off its best year ever, with hotels running 80% to 90% occupancy around the world. COVID dropped occupancy rates to 10%. Until then, Marriott’s marketing was focused on securing greater occupancy and adding new services. Now, Marriott is dedicated to understanding the “who." “Who” are the customers in their hotels, how are they different from pre-COVID customers, and how can Marriott inspire them? This required not just an advertising strategy, but a retooling of its operations to meet the unique human needs of its customers.

Or consider the example of Nike and its Space Hippie shoe line, cited as part of new research done by the Yale School of Management. In recent years, Nike saw that many of its stakeholders were concerned about sustainability. Rather than simply devising a marketing strategy to signal support for environmentalism—aka a “concept car” shoe—the team wanted to integrate sustainability into the core of its operations, by making a shoe entirely out of its own “scrap” waste materials.

But in order to do so, Nike would have to understand, and solve for, the constraints of all stakeholders. For customers they would have to figure out how to create a shoe from trash that still met the “Swoosh standards”; for suppliers, they would have to solve for how to manufacture at scale, with quality, using trash; for stakeholders, the shoe would need to be profitable. The result was not only the “lowest-carbon shoe ever,” according to the company. In Nike’s 2021 Q1 earnings report, CEO John Donahoe said the Space Hippie was the highest-heat innovation launch in Nike’s history. He credited the shoe for contributing to the brand’s double-digit growth in China. Meanwhile, the low-carbon innovations that came out of the creation of the shoe—from material choices to methods of manufacturing to packaging—are now being leveraged across Nike.

“Brands for Humans”

This deep understanding of stakeholder concerns is best found in the marketing department. Yet surveys prior to the pandemic showed that up to 70% of CEOs had diminished confidence in their CMOs to drive growth. Changing this perception is urgent and critical in this new era of business. CEOs must demand more from marketing, and CMOs must deliver a Brands for Humans strategy. Brands for Humans is a new framework, developed by Association of National Advertisers' Global CMO Growth Council, that is focused on:

• Brand purpose

• Sustainability

• Diversity, equity and inclusion

• Brand and consumer safety

This strategic overhaul will also require changes in education. University presidents must reframe the way they teach marketing’s role in business. They must work together with corporations to prepare students for rewarding careers that take a more holistic view of marketing as a tool to influence not just brand perception, but business operations. The goal must be to energize creative thinking and personal leadership that reflects the new era of business operations.

Fortune Media CEO Alan Murray recently summed up the changes taking place in business today. He noted that an analysis of the balance sheets of Fortune 500 companies in the 1970s reveals that around 80% of company value was in physical assets—buildings, equipment, assets, and inventory. The same analysis today reveals that more than 80% of the value is in intangibles, such as intellectual property, brand value, and consumer recognition—all things rooted in people.

Whether it was brought on by the pandemic or just clarified by it, there has been a fundamental change in the way businesses operate. Collaboration in the C-suite is now required for a company to be a force for good and a force for growth. By connecting the dots between marketing actions and business outcomes, CEOs and CMOs can work together to build a new future for their companies. They can make their brands B4H—or “Brands for Humans.” If they do, society will be better off—and so will their balance sheets.

Bob Liodice is CEO of the Association of National Advertisers.
